
Gemini (Twilight Fanfiction)

What if Bella had a twin sister? Read to find out what happens...

Auroraa_ · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Blaize POV:

After Bella leaves on Saturday, I quickly grab my raincoat (just in case) and slip on my hiking boots. I jump into my Jeep and drive to Mike's house. Tyler's fixed van is parked outside his drive, and I pull up behind it. I ring the doorbell, finger hovering over the button. Mike opens the door and greets me enthusiastically. 'Hey Blaize! You're just in time! We're about to set off now - we're taking Tyler's van.' As soon as the words leave his mouth, a stream of people rush through the doorway to the van. We all pile into the van like a sack of beanbags.

Somehow, I end up perched weirdly on Mike's lap. I ask him, 'Who's coming and how the hell are there so many people here?'

He looks up at me and grins. 'Well, there's Tyler, me, Eric..' I nod, vaguely interested. And then finally the stream of names stop.

I look at him. 'I lost you after Eric.'

Mike grins again. 'No worries. We'll probably split off into smaller groups once we're there.'

I perk up, interested. 'What are you guys planning to do?'

'Hiking, and for the less enthusiastic, just beach strolling,' Mike replies. 'The weather today looks great.'

'Cool.' I crane my head to look out of the window. The green trees rush by like a leafy waterfall.

After a few minutes of my ears being blasted with chatter, Tyler stops the van, and we all hop out. My legs had stiffened from the ride, so I stumble as I climb out of the van. A strong hand catches my arm, and hauls me upright. 'Hey, Blaize.' I recognise the husky voice of none other than Jacob Black.

'Jacob!' He grins at me. 'How did you know I'd be here?'

He chortles. 'Blaize, I live in this area. I was taking a walk and I heard you noisy bunch. Thought I'd come over to say hello.'

'Well, I'm glad you did,' I say, squeezing him lightly. 'At least there's another familiar face here.'

Mike pops up from behind my shoulder. 'Hey Blaize...' His voice trails off at the sight of Jacob. I detect a slight trace of jealousy behind his words. I roll my eyes in my head. Boys. 'Is that your boyfriend?' Jacob murmurs into my ear.

I give an almost imperceptible shake of my head. 'Hey, Mike,' I say brightly. 'Just ran into an old friend here. Do you mind if we just chat a bit?'

Mike looks relieved. 'Of course not. Cya soon.'

'So...' Jacob starts the moment he turns away, 'Has the old truck been getting along with Bella?'

'Yep,' I reply.

'Has she tried running it past sixty yet?'


'Good. Don't.' We both grin, and start walking at a leisurely pace along the shore.

'So, you build vehicles in your spare time?' I ask, curious.

Jacob nods. 'Yup. By the way, do you happen to have a spare master cylinder for a 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit?'

'No, but I'll keep my eyes peeled,' I say, widening my eyes in a comical way. Jacob chuckles. 'I'm presuming we're good friends enough so that I can call you Jake?'

He smiles, wide and easy. 'Sure.'

We walk in comfortable silence along the beach for a few seconds and then Jacob speaks up again. 'You wanna hear some spooky stories?'

I glance up at him, interested. ''kay.'

'You ever heard of the Quileute Legends?'

I shake my head.

'Right.' Jacob takes a deep breath, and begins the tale. 'Well, there are loads of legends about our being and our heritage, and well, one of them claims that we descended from wolves. The wolves are our brothers. It is forbidden to kill them.' I nod, interested. 'And then there are the stories about the cold ones.' His hand waves in front of me, and his voice quietens.

'The cold ones?'

'Yep. They are the one and only enemies of the wolf. Well, men who turn into wolves.

'Werewolves?' I ask.

Jacob nods. 'According to legend, my great grandfather knew some of the cold ones. He was the one who made the treaty to keep them off our land. It was to keep the peace - if they promised to stay off out land, we wouldn't expose them to humans.'

My curiosity perks, and I launch myself straight into the deep end. 'Do the Cullens relate to this in any way?'

Jacob smiled darkly. 'The Cullens, are, in fact, the same ones who made the truce.' My eyes widen. 'The cold ones are blood drinkers. Your people call them vampires.' Jacob's voice sends chills down my spine. He laughs, suddenly, voice becoming his usual warm, throaty chuckle. 'You have goosebumps,' he says, delighted.

I remember the neglected raincoat in my hands and throw it on. 'You tell great stories.'

Jacob chuckles again.

I lean into Jacob for warmth. And then pull away quickly. 'Jeez, Jake, you're hot!'

He grins and flips his hair. 'I know.'

I punch him lightly in the arm. He felt like an open blaze. Unexpectedly, Jacob drops to one knee. There's the sound of sand grinding together and he says, 'Close your eyes.' A round, lightweight object drops into my palm. I open my eyes to see Jacob standing beside me. A rose pink, fluorescent pearl sits in the palm of my hand. Jacob's smile is huge and dazzling. 'For you, my lady.'

My cheeks blush as pink as the pearl and I say in my best royal voice, 'Why, thank you.'

Suddenly, we hear hurried footsteps and Jacob and I spin round simultaneously to find Mike running towards us. He stops a few metres away, hands on his knees, panting heavily. 'There...you are...I...thought...I lost...you for...a...minute...Barbecue...starts...now.'

Jacob and I grin at the sight of Mike. I look at Jacob and beckon him to follow us. He shakes his head and begins to turn away. See you soon, then, I mouth. Jake blows a fake kiss, but somehow it still brings a blush to my cheeks.

'Come on, you potato,' I tease as I half-drag Mike.


Back home, I see Dad sprawled on the couch, eyes glued on the telly. 'Hey,' I say as I walk past. He grunts in reply. I spring onto the computer, which currently resides in Bella's room. Feeling a little foolish and silly, I type in the word vampire. To my surprise, it comes up in the search history bar. I become suspicious and press enter. Rows of nonsense links pop up, and I scroll down. Eventually, I find a website coloured purple. Bella forgot to search incognito. I click on the link, and wait for the screen to load.