

Tamitha settled herself in at the middle part of the bleachers of their track field. She sighed, contemplating her decisions. She knew all too well that if she stayed longer in there, she'll start caring for Pollux more. She'll end up having feelings for him once again. Well, as if her feelings suddenly went away. She just doesn't want to entertain that feeling right now. She knew that having feelings for someone she just met couple months ago seemed too soon but there's just this feeling inside of her saying that she knows him all too well like they had this special bond before they even met. She's kind of believing it's some sort of reincarnation, given with her dreams.

She shook it off and just enjoyed the fresh air. "I hope I did the right thing." She puffed. She closed her eyes, stretched her feet, and laid her arms at the bleachers relaxing, and tried taking off her thoughts about Pollux when she felt something move or rather someone sat beside her.

"Hey, you good?" She immediately opened her eyes and shifted her gaze to that person. Her forehead creased when she saw who it was.

"Castor? What are you doing here?" She fixed her position to get a proper view of Castor. She's now facing towards him. "I got worried. Are you all right?" She gave him a small smile before nodding. But the lad gave him an intense look, making Tamitha kind of awkward. Castor's not on his usual self. As if all the positive energy Tamitha first felt to him was all gone.

"Hey, C. You good?" She tried to break the ice by asking him a question. Castor shook off his entire body before responding. "I'm sorry. I just realized something." He tried to get back from his senses, but he's staring were still fixed to Tamitha.

Her forehead creased, not understanding what's happening to Castor. "What's that?"

"You looked exactly like the girl I always dreamed of." Her eyes widen and made Tamitha sprung to her seat because of what she just heard from Castor.

"What?!" She squinted her eyes, looking if Castor's really telling the truth. "Are you for real?" But the lad kept a straight face and looked directly to her before slowly nodding.

Tamitha suddenly questioned what she's believing all this time. She thought the person in her dreams was Pollux given the feelings she felt whenever he's around her, but now, knowing that Castor was having the same dreams as she made her doubt those feelings.

She started pacing back and forth with her hands on her head, trying to analyze what she just discovered. She covered her mouth, still trying to process it. She then sat right back and faced Castor, which was just sitting properly on the bleacher waiting for Tamitha to settle.

"Are you—" Tamitha can't put words into her mouth right now. She can't believe that Castor was just saying this thing now, when in fact he knew about her dreams too. But then she knew that she wasn't able to really give him enough information about her dreams too.

She sighed deeply before asking, "C, can you tell me more about your dreams?"

Castor then gave him a mischievous smile, making Tamitha all creeped out. "Castor?" She backed away a bit when Castor started coming close to her. "Castor, what's happening with you? You're creeping me out."

Tamitha got more nervous when a distinct voice came out from Castor. She's freaking out now and close to crying when Castor caressed her cheeks, making her shivered out of fear. "Castor, please. You're scaring me?" She cried, but the lad let out an evil laugh, making Tamitha close her eyes. "Come on, princess, let's have some fun." She just cried, hoping someone would save her from this person. She doesn't know what to believe anymore.

"Tamitha." A cold voice spoke. She was aware who's voice was it making her somehow feel relieved. She opened her eyes and looked at the person with her pleading eyes. "Get up. We're going." He ordered still with a stern look on his face looking directly at Tamitha. When she tried to get up, Castor immediately stopped her. "Oh no, princess you are not going anywhere." He tightens his grip to Tamitha's arms. She then tried to set herself free because it's hurting her.

Tears kept running down her face. "Please let me go" She begged. But the lad looked at her with a bloodshot eye. In a blink of an eye, the person who's holding Tamitha suddenly turned into a horrible creature. Tamitha suddenly can't feel anything. She got stoned with what she's seeing.

And in a fraction of a second, she's suddenly in the arms of Pollux. Trying to run away from that horrible creature disguised as Castor. "Run back to the stadium. Pearl's in there with Castor. I'll catch up." Pollux commanded before returning to the field where they left that creature. "W-What? No! You can't go back there!" Tamitha cried. "Don't worry about me. Go!" Pollux left after kissing Tamitha on the forehead. She grasped his arms and said, "Please be careful."

When she arrived at the stadium, her best friend immediately approached her along with the real Castor. "What happened?" Pearl asked, but instead of answering, she just hugged her best friend and cried. She then suddenly felt tired. She felt her lids slowly closing and right before she knew it she's completely blacked out. Making her two friends panicked. They tried to wake her up, but she's completely knocked out, possibly because of shock.


Tamitha felt exhausted, but the surrounding noises woke her up. She got no idea what was behind it. She tried to open her eyes but immediately close because of the light welcoming her sight. She tried to adjust it for a bit before slowly opening it again. She's shocked to see that she in her room. What she remembered was that she was hugging her best friend before completely passing out. She tried to sit on her bed when she noticed that she's not alone in her room.

"W-What are you doing here?" Fear was evident in her eyes when she saw who's with her best friend. "Tamitha, relax. That's really Castor this time, I promise you." Pollux went near her and convinced her with a soothing voice, making Tamitha calm a little.

"What do you mean by that, Pollux?" Pearl asked. "What happened back there." She even added.

Pollux took a long time to respond, contemplating whether he should tell them the truth or fabricate things. But he knew too well that if he tells them anything, they'll get dragged unto this chaos. "All you need to know is that your life's at stake. Those creatures are very dangerous, you wouldn't want to mess with them."

Tamitha creased her forehead, not following any words Pollux stated. "What are they? And what do they want from me? I-I don't understand, I did nothing."

Pollux sighed. "They're called the Flicker, they're shapeshifters, they can change themselves into something they want in a flash. Which is why you need to be very careful."

"Why are they after Tamitha? And why did that thing disguised as me?" It was now Castor's turn to ask questions to his brother. Tamitha sat up straight and anticipated Pollux's answer. Pollux took a deep breath and said, "Honestly, I don't have an idea." Everyone's disappointed with his answer and scaring the girls for their life.

"But I'll sort this out. But for now, all of you, be cautious with your surroundings and as much as possible be with each other, alright?" Pollux tried to cheer the group up, making Tamitha feel somehow relieved. Even if she said that she should not easily give her trust to Pollux, but now she got no other choice anymore since Pollux knows more about what's happening to her.

"For now, try to rest. Let's worry about this tomorrow." Pollux suggested.

"You're just going to leave us here? What if something happened?" Pearl panicked. The brothers looked at each other as if thinking about what they should do. "You can stay at Pearl's place while Pearl and I would sleep here." Tamitha proposed. The lads once again looked at each other before agreeing.

"Alright, we'll just get our things and we'll be right back, close the doors, and don't let anybody in, okay? I'll message you when we're at your door." Castor bid before going out to get some clothes.

The ladies then locked themselves into Tamitha's room, scared that something might appear out of the blue.

This is going to be a long night for them.

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