"I like to think of myself of a walking accident waiting to happen. I'm like the human version of a sitcom character, always in the wrong place at the wrong time and still always managing to make things more hilariously awkward, as it already is." Daisy Thompson has always embraced her inner dork, navigating the social labyrinth of high school with a mix of awkward charm and a talent for finding trouble. but when she decides to spend the holidays going on adventures, only one awaits her. the massive adventure of love. Their first meeting is nothing short of disastrous-think flying coffee cups and a runaway squirrel with a pack of lunch. Daisy's convinced she'll never live it down, especially when she discovers Justin is not just any model but the face of the latest global ad campaign that everyone, including her new classmates, and best friend seems obsessed with. But fate has a funny way of bringing people together. From accidental photo shoots to mistaken identities at a posh party, Daisy and Justin's paths keep crossing in the most unexpected (and hilarious) ways. Despite their differences, they find themselves drawn to each other, discovering a connection that's both heartwarming and uproariously funny. As Daisy tries to navigate school, endure unending bullying and a massive wave of high school gossip and avoid embarrassing herself in front of the most popular boy in town ( a plan that DOESN'T work), she realizes that there's more to Justin than his perfect smile and model good looks. And Justin, amidst the chaos of his high-flying career, finds solace in Daisy's authenticity and humor. Join Daisy and Justin on a rollercoaster ride of teenage romance, where every mishap is a new adventure and love might just be the craziest thing they've encountered yet.
And I don't know that because I have a world facts book.
Or an encyclopedia.
Or both.
Thing is, staring at myself and watching myself stare back at me through the mirror's got me re-thinking life.
Like why I can't reach at least the top of the mirror so I can literally see lots of my ceiling more than myself even when dad's re-attached it a bit lower.
Or why I don't have a single bone of fashion in my blood. Call it genes but life's definitely cheated me out on fashion.
That's because I'm wearing my puke green cargo pants with more patches than fabric, a multi-colored shirt with geek scribbled across the back and a denim jacket to cover my shame with even more shame.
And that's not because they're the only clean things I could salvage from my laundry basket. I practically use my laundry basket as my wardrobe cause most of my clothes are almost always there. I just have a motto. I mean, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow- which is why my laundry has been in the to-do pile for two weeks.
Right now, I'm beginning to realize that I've got the wrongest motto ever.
I'm just waiting and DREADING taking a walk out of my room in this. It'll be like the epic 'alien dork lands planet earth' moment.
Just hoping tori still remembers me even then.
So, lets get this straight down cause speaking to you like some phantom of the opera ghost's creeping me out. I'm daisy. Daisy Thompson. And I'm a geek. Ok... hold on, scratch that. That came out sounding like a line from geek girl, not that I've re-read the entire series ten times and know the word count of every single chapter and can quote Harriet manners word for word. That was a pretty bad start at introducing myself. I can do better right?
Ok. I'm Daisy Thompson and ignore the fact that I'm named after a flower. Dad calls it a sudden wave of 'inspiration' I just think he was too cranked up to think of something that he just went to our flower garden and picked out the first flower he could spot. Thank cookie crumbles it hadn't been a chrysanthemums. Good luck trying to binge-say that.
So this is me, the plain Jane Daisy. All skin and bones and don't even get me started on my hair, something that dad likes to call a 'hybrid' between strawberry blonde, ginger and auburn. So when people ask, I like to call myself a strawberry burned ginger. Creative hunh? Plus, I've got freckles like stars and considering the fact that there are approximately 100-400 billion stars on our galaxy alone, that's saying a whole lot. The only thing nice and surprisingly normal about me are my eyes. They're, thankfully a sharp emerald green with a tint of grey. If there's anything my mom's done for me, its my eyes. Just take a look at my dad's and you'll know why.
On a normal un-about-to-freak-out day, I usually don't bother on how I look cause I never do. My fashion radar's practically non-existent. But then this is SUPER important to Tori, my best friend on the entire planet and fashion queen/model expert. Yeah, fashion queen. This is the case where the opposites attract theory's proven hands down. Tori and I are total opposites. She's popular, beautiful-eternally beautiful- funny and outgoing, all of which I'm obviously the opposite of. But that doesn't change a thing. Considering the fact that she stills hangs out with me and has never called me a geek yet.
But looking at myself, that is definitely going to change.
" Daisy! Daisy are you ready?!" Yikes! Its Tori already? She's never early to anything. Never. She likes to say being late is an essential streak of every A-list fashionista.
Just great universe. The best time to make Tori re-think HER own motto.
" Daisy are you done yet?" Her feet pounded its way through the stairs till I could hear her knocking on my door. I stared at the window and my cloth rope, wondering which'd be the fastest and easiest way to die. Maybe both.
" Daisy? Come on daisy we're going to be late"
" Coming!" I yelled or rather squeaked. I stared back at the mirror and smoothed a consistent lock of my bangs that's been upright since I was born.
" Why the hell is your door locked?" Her voice grew low and sly " What's going on in there Daisy? Don't tell you somehow synthesized a dress out of a plastic bag and flowers?"
i tugged on my jacket sleeve, wishing I'd taken that option " Ok Tori I did NOT. And besides that happened like three years ago"
" Yeah. At the prom"
" It wasn't really a plastic bag. Just a poly-prothene material and a few ginger leaves. The theme of the dance was to look generic"
" Yeah" tori scoffed " generic not alien-who-just-landed-saturn"
" Considering the fact that Saturn is literally a floating ball of gas and rocks that would be humanly impossible..."
" Enough of the facts Daisy just get out of there!" Yeah I know I'm exhausting. and tori is so cool. I wonder why she hangs out with me. I still wonder why I hang out with ME.
i took in the deepest breath I could muster and smoothed out the wrinkles in my hair. Deep breathes daisy. You're going to walk out that door, looking as stupid as you always look and try to ignore the fact that Tori will gape at you.
Then scream at you.
Then storm off in a heavy rant
Then storm back and scream all over again.
Cause Tori literally FREAKS out at what she calls 'fashion abuse'. And considering the fact that she hangs out with me, that's still saying lots.
So I walked out through the door, feeling her eyes judge and scrutinize me like it does each time I come to school dressed in a comic shirt and pants filled with a thousand colors.
" Ok let me get this straight Daisy Thompson" I groaned. And she went on in that hard stiff voice of hers " did you fall out of bed this morning"
" No. That's practically impossible considering the fact that my bed is guarded by two wooden posts and I sleep razor straight each night" Tori shot me a look that clearly stated out that she wasn't interested in hearing any new fact I hadn't repeated over a thousand times to her so I snapped my lips back shut.
" What the hell are you wearing daisy? Its the Bascar event! Like a thousand models and top notch fashion designers are going to be there" She let out a dreamy sigh " Justin Hayes is going to be there. And I can't get acquainted with him having you dressed like Elvis's lost kid"
" To be fair on me Tori this was the only thing I could find in my laundry"
" Laundry?" She frowned " isn't that supposed to be your wardrobe..." she let out a gasp " daisy is it what I'm thinking"
" Considering the fact that we've got two different brains with mine slightly bigger and..."
" You don't have any other neat thing to change into? Daisy!"
" Its not my fault. I've been busy with... stuff" yeah. Like arranging dad's library alphabetically and then re-arranging the clothes in your wardrobe by color gradient. Get a life daisy Thompson!
" What stuff? What stuff should stop you from washing your stuff? What is wrong with you Daisy?"
I stared at her hot red face and lowered my eyes " I'm sorry Tori. You can go without me if you like. I'll just go in and self-reflect"
tori rolled her eyes " Self what? I could have gotten you new clothes but we're running late as it is so here. We'll be late for the bus damn it" she slipped out of her extreme high fashion green sequin jacket and draped it over my shoulder. I looked down at it. Luckily it doesn't look too out of place with my cargo pants. Oh banana peels! Who wears cargo pants to a Bascar event? I'm not even sure I know what that means but it sounds big.
Especially because Tori's sweating like I do when I have to play dodgeball in PE and forget to wear a shoe. Believe me that happens all the time. She's been massively in love with Justin Hayes, supermodel and most popular teen model since she was like in first grade. She's got a huge poster of him in her room and literally stalks him on his page 24/7/365 ( You do understand that I'm being SUPER figurative don't you? I mean considering the fact that she has to eat, bath, sleep and... stop talking Daisy!) She knows literally everything about him, even things I'm sure HE never knew about HIMSELF. She's been dreaming of meeting him and working along with him as a model, her next big dream after Justin Hayes becoming her boyfriend. And with the way Tori's built, I'd bet she'd have no problems with that. For one, she's really tall and lanky and plus, she's the blonde. That's the literally the trademark of every model. Not strawberry burned ginger ( whatever that is... Ok you made that up Daisy!)
All in all, the Bascar is totally important to Tori and I'm not going to ruin it with my geeky antics.
So one day of trying NOT to be a geek. I could do that.