

Lam sat slouched on the worn-out couch in his parents' living room, the glow of the television casting flickering shadows across his face. It had been years since he held a steady job, and as his 26th birthday approached, the weight of his aimless existence bore down heavily on him.

His parents, weary of his lack of ambition, had finally reached their breaking point.

"Lam," his mother's voice echoed from the kitchen, tinged with frustration, "come here, we need to talk."

Reluctantly, Lam dragged himself off the couch and shuffled into the cramped kitchen. His parents sat at the worn wooden table, expressions stern.

"We've had enough, Lam," his father began, his voice heavy with disappointment. ""It's necessary for you to take some responsibility. Look at our cat, even he know that he need to keep mouse out of the hose if he want to be feed."

Lam looked at the cat. Maybe it was just his imagination, but the cat seemed to be looking down at him. Lam braced himself for another lecture on motivation and hard work, but what came next caught him off guard.

"We've arranged for you to help your grandmother," his mother announced, her tone firm. "She needs assistance running her convenience store during the night shift. It's time you contributed to the family."

Lam's parents were determined to find him a job, despite his reluctance to work long hours at night.

 "I don't know how to manage the store, and it's deserted at night, no one will come." Lam protested, trying to maintain his peaceful life in his parents' house. 

"I have no tolerance for your nonsense. When I make a decision, you need to respect it. So, if I say you go, you go," his father said, his patience exhausted.

Feeling defeated and with a heavy heart, Lam reluctantly nodded in compliance with his parents' decision, his shoulders slumping.

"Fine," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do it."

His parents exchanged a glance. A mixture of relief and satisfaction was evident in their expressions. They had finally succeeded in pushing Lam out of his complacency, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures.

The next evening, Lam was standing outside his grandmother's convenience store. The dim light of the fluorescent bulbs cast eerie shadows on the empty street. As he unlocked the door and entered, a shiver ran down his spine.

As Lam walked into the quaint store, the sight of neatly arranged shelves caught Lam eye. The store, though small, was immaculately organized with an array of products ranging from snacks to household items. The shelves were lined with neatly stacked boxes of cereals, packs of chips, and cans of soup. 

The air carried a faint scent of old cardboard and dust, mingled with the faint aroma of stale coffee, which seemed to come from a tiny coffee machine tucked away in the corner. Despite the faint smell, the store was spotless, and the products looked fresh and inviting.

"Grandma, are you here?" Lam called out softly.

As he stood there, waiting for her to appear, his heart raced with anticipation. Suddenly, his grandmother emerged from behind the tall shelves, revealing herself to him. Despite the many wrinkles that adorned her face, her eyes twinkled with a warmth and familiarity that he had come to know so well over the years. It was as if her very presence filled him with a sense of comfort and safety, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life.

"Ah... my cute grandson, you have grown so much already!" exclaimed Grandma as she affectionately squeezed his cheek. "Look at you, you are now taller than your Grandma." Despite the desolate atmosphere of the store, Lam couldn't help but return his grandmother's smile, comforted by her warmth and affection.

"Grandma, why are you here so late?" Lam asked with concern in his voice.

His grandmother chuckled softly and replied, "Oh, you know me, dear. I need to tend to the store before I close for the day. Besides, this place holds many memories of your late grandpa."

As they talked, a woman in her thirties with a gentle smile and welcoming demeanor, emerged from the back of the store.

"Hi there, you must be Lam. My name is Linda," Linda greeted him, extending her hand. "Your grandma has told me all about you."

Lam shook her hand, feeling a bit surprised by Linda's friendly manner. "Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you, Linda."

"Hi there, you must be Lam," Linda greeted him, extending her hand. "Your grandma has told me all about you."

Lam shook her hand, feeling a bit taken aback by Linda's friendly demeanor. "Uh, yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you, Linda."

"Linda has been living with me for over two years now. She's a single mother with a five-year-old daughter who also lives with us," Grandma explained to Lam. 

"Grandma," Lam asked, "If Linda lives with you, then where am I going to stay?" He felt a sense of panic rising within him. Being in an unfamiliar small town, he barely remembered anyone here. While he didn't mind sharing a room with Linda, he was certain she would have an issue with it. 

"Grandma could sense Lam's unease and quickly reassured him. "Don't worry, dear. We've prepared the room next to the storage area for you. Linda has already cleaned it up," she said.

Linda nodded in agreement, her expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Lam. I know it's not ideal for you to stay here while I work at the store. I actually suggested to Grandma Carla that I stay here instead, but she refused because of my daughter," she explained.

"Okay, Linda, don't worry. I'll manage," Lam replied with a weak smile. "I'll try to make the best of it." However, he felt a twinge of sadness in his chest, knowing that the environment was not ideal for a child to grow up in.

Grandma nodded understandingly, noticing the exhaustion on Lam's face. "You should rest for today, Lam. There's no need to open the store tonight."

Lam felt grateful for his grandma's suggestion, feeling exhausted after the events of the day. "Thank you, grandma. I think I really need some rest," he said.

After bidding farewell to his grandma and Linda, Lam made his way to the room beside the storage area. Although the small space felt unfamiliar, it was strangely comforting. He sank onto the bed, feeling the weight of fatigue settle over him like a heavy blanket.

As Lam drifted off to sleep, Grandma and Linda locked up the store and made their way back to their house, leaving Lam to his much-needed rest. 

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