
chapter 3 final part 2

Within the shadows of modern day society, in a room who almost no light can touch, two figures lay within the darkness, one wreathed by the black fog of malice and the other marred by death.

"Hah… Hah…" Kurogiri wheezed, his breaths heavy, standing on his hands and knees before a specific stout, facele

ss figure, his energy depleted after his third trial with the trigger drug injected in his veins.

"Your control over your empowered Quirk had not improved in the slightest, Kurogiri." The man sitting in his chair 'looked' at the man prostrating before him with a tone of undeniable disappointment.

"Forgive me… Sensei." The black mist man prostrated before the faceless man with utmost reverence.

"I do not hold you in any account, Kurogiri. Remember that I never expected this experiment to succeed in the first place. There was no loss in your failure, rest assured. Just try harder next time. For the League of Villain's sake."