
Garden of Sins: Looney Bin

Anime e Quadrinhos
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Hey you! Are you familiar with Hecate the lewd, drippy fox Goddess? How about Mumei, the chaotic big muscle owl girl who can bench press planets? Artoria, the Dommy Mommy sis-con who'd kill you if you even looked at her sister wrong? Scrun-Fou, who likes to chuck swords at his problems until it dies horrifically? Raven, the Devil Mom whose favorite passtime is to murder gods? Well, if you know them and wanna know what they do in their downtime, check this shit out. [Snippets fic about our favorite planet-killing psychopaths. Not for the faint of heart]

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Chapter 1Time-Travel Shenanigans

"So, how've you been since you last lost your mind and wiped that cultivator universe out with me?" A black haired beauty (Who you may know as Raven) asked her sister.

Her sister, (Who you may know as Hecate or Neo) a beautiful, curvaceous yet short woman with pink, brown and white hair sat opposite of her. Her tails (The same color as her hair) lazily swaying as she took a sip of tea. She tapped her finger on the table they sat at, thinking back on all she'd been doing since the fight.

"Well.. Artoria, Tearwyn and I were hanging out recently. A few worthy souls were reincarnated, actually. Last one turned into a hot Godzilla lady with the handicap of always being nude." Hecate pursed her lips and tilted her head in thought.

"Or is that a buff..? All the strongest people are naked, after all. Just look at the guy who solo'd a Demigoddess a few thousand times. Guy only wears a loincloth and a jar on his head!" Raven stared at her sister as she exclaimed wisely.

"There's no way that's true." Raven shook her head ruefully.

"Don't you get stronger when you wear the Witchblade? Your ass, thighs and ninety percent of your tits are on display when you wear it. Nude power, Rae-Rae." The fox Goddess nodded sagely.

"That's not why I get a damn power boost.. But I feel like arguing this is only going to degrade my mental fortitude.." The devil woman sighed.

"Anyyyways.. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Artoria started spanking me because our fight obliterated that universe and Tearwyn's just kinda dealing with that. So that was a neat little gift for me.." Hecate trailed off, her cheeks reddening as she remembered.

"You and her are pervs of the highest calibur.." Raven shook her head with an amused smirk.

"Didn't you just have a three-way with Salem and Esdeath?" Hecate casually retorted, setting her cup down.


"Yeah, I thought so~" The fox Goddess' brows shot up and down suggestively.

"Aauh.. anything else?" Raven asked, looking off to the side.

"Well aside from hanging out with my friends and lovers? I did actually go to Fate Grand Order.." Hecate snickered to herself, giving Raven a strange feeling of foreboding.

"And...?" Raven pressed, seeing the mischeivous face of her sister.

"Well Gaia and Alaya tried to stop me. Not like they could, but it'd be annoying dealing with them. So I made a deal with Gaia to not blow her up. In return, I got to be summoned by the Gacha Gremlin." Hecate explained.

"There's more to this, isn't there? Something is definitely afoot here.." Raven mumbled distrustfully.

"Yeah you'd be right. Being a deity of Balance, I gotta express all of what that is. Good and Evil, Chaotic and Ordered.. I mainly have issues with the evil aspect. But I found an outlet in Grand Order for it." Hecate scratched her head, almost looking remorseful.

"So what did you do to those poor people?"

"Well.. I may or may not have overloaded the sole Master of Chaldea with salt. I rigged the gacha so she only ever got tofu, used socks and.. a Magi Mari figurine in an unbreakable jar filled with a suspicious white liquid.. Romani screamed for hours..~" There was an almost sick, sadistic tone in her voice that Raven convinced herself she was imagining.

"Then I sorta.. maybe.. unleashed an enraged Gudako into Uruk. Then I switched with an avatar and came back here." Hecate finished, looking at the incredulous expression Raven was giving her.

"That's twisted.. No. That's beyond twisted.." Raven muttered.

"Yeah well I gotta let it out or it'll accumulate. Hm...?" Hecate perked up, her left fox ear twitching.

"Someone's fuckin' with time. They're about to pop into my office.." Raven immediately stood up upon hearing this.

"Is it dangerous?" Hecate shook her head and grinned.

"Not to us. You know nobody can really bust through our defenses. She slipped in because she was allowed in. Wanna go say hi?" The fox Goddess excitedly stood up.

"I guess so..?" Raven replied, both disappearing from the grassy hill they were enjoying tea on.

Reappearing back in Hecate's Mayoral-looking office, they saw Tearwyn inside, looking at a small rift in space behind Hecate's desk expectantly.

"Hello sisters~ I may have accidentally dropped an interesting looking relic in the void. It may have also accidentally appeared in the past~" Tearwyn greeted, telling-yet not telling the two exactly what happened.

"You little trouble maker.." Raven pet her golden furred ears with a small smile.

"I already know who's comin' but.. Is this okay to do? We're gonna have to erase her memories. Unless this is a timeline kinda thing like Dragon Ball.." Hecate mused, holding her hand out and catching the pink, white and brown blur that appeared through the rift.

She spun around with the blur, getting into a rather suggestive position, her hand firmly grabbing the girl's butt while her other hand tilted her chin up. In her arms, yet another Neo. But this one was far more familiar in the way she was dressed. She also had a sheathed devil sword in her right hand and was staring into pink and white eyes in total confusion.

"What the..? WHAT HAPPENED!?" Neo looked around at the unfamiliar office before gasping.

The foxy mirror image of herself was groping her while nodding proudly to herself.

"Umu.. I indeed have a fantastic ass even before I evolved.." Hecate nodded to herself proudly.

"Now with this Neo, we have.. Hmm.. Six? Yes, six Neo's in our Garden~" Tearwyn exclaimed, counting her fingers.

"I do have a nice ass.. But can you tell me what's going on, sexy Fox Me?" Neo asked, not minding the enthusiastic groping her older self was doing to her.

"Oh sure~! Let's see.. Oh, you're from back when I cucked Cultivator Jaune. Well, you see.."

-Several minutes later-

The office door opened once more. Artoria walking into the office, hand in hand with Barghest, and they both stop in the doorway looking on at the current situation. With a bit of amusement in her voice Artoria asks, "Do I even want to know?"

"Tearwyn is being her adorably mischievous self, of course. Hm.. Yes, I now understand why you spanked me earlier. I have a fantastic- Is that Barghest? Did you get a girlfriend!?" Hecate happily sprung up, cradling her past self in her tails.

Neo was content with using the fluff as a hammock and watched the three sisters in amusement.

"Damn.. Wish I had popcorn." Neo clicked her tongue.

Artoria smiled widely and said, "Indeed. But I aim to court her and make her my wife one day." This also caused Barghest to blush lightly and nod.

Artoria then turned to Tearwyn and opened her arms wide and cooed, "Tearwyn~!"


Raven released the little ball of fluff on her head as she dove into Artoria's arms and nodded her head in approval as she looked at the couple. "You two are cute together. It's.. unexpectedly wholesome."

"Artoria and wholesome? There's two words that feel bizarre together. Though I must admit.. Good tastes! Barghest is very pretty. And hot damn.. You could stack two of me and still be shorter!" Hecate laughed, tempted to do just that.

An amused huff escaped Artoria as she said, "I can be wholesome." Then a mumble that nearly everyone still heard, "It's just only towards those I care for though..."

Tearwyn giggled a bit as she gave some head pats to Artoria, "Awe! I love you too!"

Tearwyn then turned too Barghest, threw her hands up excitedly and said, "Pretty! I can tell, you're going to be a great wife for Artoria!" She then jumped out of Artoria's arms and onto Barghest's head and snuggled into her hair.

With a smile and a gentle chuckle Barghest gave the smoll fox some headpats and said, "Thank you, Tearwyn. That means a lot coming from you."

Artoria quickly wiped the small droplets of blood emerging from her nose in an effort to hide her reaction.

"Aww.. I approve of the cuteness. I don't know exactly what's happening but it's cute!" Neo nodded to herself, high-fiving Hecate.

"Indeed, past-me.." But then the comfortable silence was broken by Hecate, when she folded her hands.

"Rae.. I told you she was as lewd as me.." Hecate smirked.

Raven rolled her eyes before responding, "And how is that? Do you have lewd senses or something?"

"Well.. I mean.. Artoria's not a virgin anymore?" Hecate smiled proudly.

"..C-Congratulations.. sister..?" Raven coughed to herself and looked off to the side, finding the wall particularly interesting.

Raising an eyebrow Artoria said, "To not bed your Love, is to disrespect them, Sister."

By now, Barghest was several shades of red as she blushed a bit deeper. In an , failed, effort to change the subject she asked, "What was this about spanking her?"

To this, Hecate nodded emphatically, along with Neo. Though she gave Raven a particularly meaningful snicker, knowing what she did with Salem and Esdeath just yesterday.

"Ahem! Hecate told me earlier, but in our fight, we destroyed three universes. Tearwyn and her are dealing with the souls." Raven informed, ignoring the knowing smile on Hecate's face.

"Yeah so Artoria **Punished** me when she found out. Then Blake..... urgh... actually punished me. Forced me to watch cringe My Hero Academia Tik-Toks for eight hours straight.." Neo flinched in horror.

"Moving onto less traumatic experiences! Are you gonna spank Rae? Oooh..~ In the Witchblade suit? Wait has Artoria even seen it yet..?" Hecate asked, seeing Raven glare at her.

The look of abjuct horror on Tearwyn's face caused Artoria to laugh, "I should have thought of that. I keep forgetting your basically Sex on legs." Barghest turned to her and asked, "Your first thought was to spank her?"

Artoria just shrugged and said, "What would you do to a naughty child?"

Artoria raised an eyebrow and asked, "Witchblade? As in those skimpy stripper outfits? Hmm.. knowing Rae, that alone might actually be punishment enough. But, I'll take a cue from Blake, and actually tell Salem to punish her properly."

"Well.. whose first thought wouldn't be to spank me?" Hecate shrugged as Raven put her hand up.

"I wouldn't."


"No, I really wouldn't-"

"You did it.. DURING OUR FIGHT.." Hecate and Neo both laughed at Raven, who fought down a blush.

Barghest laughed along with Tearwyn and said, "I understand what you mean about your family being unique and beautiful, Artoria my love."

But then she gained a glint in her eyes and added, "But if you're going to spank another woman again for any reason, I better be there."

"APPROVED! Barghest, welcome to the Pantheon!" Hecate immediately clasped her hand around hers, dapping her up.

Artoria nodded her head and said, "Done."

"Oh is this what my relationship with Esdeath and Salem is like from the outside.." Raven muttered to herself.

It was Tearwyn's turn to gain a glint in her eye before she leaned down to whisper something into Barghest's ear. Seconds later, Barghest shrugged and then flexed her right arm. Tearwyn jumped down from her spot, and laid down across the taught muscle. She then summoned a grape and said, "Paint me like one of your French girls."

Artoria's eyes bugged out before she turned to Hecate with a smile that was devoid of any warmth and asked, "Sister. What have you been teaching my pure Tearwyn...."

"CULTURE! She's getting more and more cultured by the day, Sister.." Hecate's eyes lit up in pride as she gave Tearwyn a thumbs up.

"This is my future? I kind of love it..?" Neo snickered.

With narrow eyes, Artoria said, "Culture, is it? I see. I understand now. Excuse me, I need to have a conversation with Blake." She then turned to Barghest and Tearwyn, giving them both a warm smile and said, "Do you want to come with or do you want to talk some more with them, My Barghest?"

Hecate's eyes lost their color as she imagined Blake returning. Threats of Caillou, UnderTail fanart, MHA Tik-Toks and more unspeakable Eldritch tortures flashed through her mind.

Barghest, while still flexing for Tearwyn, answered, "I would like to stay and chat some more. Tearwyn?" Tearwyn snickered as she moved back atop of Barghest's head and said, "I'll stay as well. Come back soon, Artoria!"

Giving a nod to the both, she then sank into her own shadow and was gone before Hecate could say otherwise. An evil laugh began to escape Raven's throat as she watched her sister's face change to horror.

Tearwyn giggled and said, "Someone's in trouble~."

"F in chat for future me.." Neo clasped her hands together in prayer.

"I've been betrayed by my adorable Tearwyn.." Hecate mumbled in horror.

[A/N: Special thanks to Lil for contributing! <3]< p>

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