
Bear and Tiger

The next day, the Silver Sparrow started their individual task. Nicholas hired miners while Dubanov talked to the people he wanted to recruit. Cris asked assistance with Old Samuel in getting his people specially those who will help with managing the finances. Alfred went to the village to talk to his uncle while Draxus went to the commoner's town to look for people with potentials.

Meanwhile, Naga is waiting for someone in their manor's garden.

"My Lord." A woman bowed deeply at Naga.

"How are you?" He looked at the woman and asked.

"All of my injuries are now healed. The House of Iron Crow is good to me as well. Thank you, My Lord." The woman said smiling.

Naga nodded and smiled. He thought for a bit before asking, "What's your name?"

"My name is Eryn, My Lord. I... I am a royal guard of the Overlord Mountain." The woman said with a low voice.

She felt ashamed since she failed her duty as a royal guard. It was their priest who asked her to escape.

"You live and was given a chance. Be firm." Naga said.

"Yes, My Lord!" Eryn responded with vigor.

"What's your plan?" He looked at Eryn and asked.

"I want to follow you, My Lord." Eryn said with a serious tone.

"How about your revenge?" He looked at Eryn and asked smiling.

"At first, my plan is to ask your help. However, my mind is now clear and this is not yet the right time." Eryn responded and bowed.

"Good. We will pay them back but yes, now is not the time for that." Naga was satisfied with Eryn's answer.

He continued, "You will be part of our House Of Iron Crow. You will work with Bill. Old Samuel will explain everything to you.

"As you wish, My Lord." Eryn bowed and said before leaving.

Naga left the garden after that. He asked a guard to get him a carriage. He planned to visit someone.

"Young sir, the carriage is ready." The guard said respectfully.

"Thank you." Naga said and smiled before entering the carrriage.

In the southern village, a lot of changes are happening. Mercenaries are guarding it, constructions are everywhere and there are mining equipments being delivered too.

"Is he the Boss?" A mercenary asked. He is looking at Alfred.

"No, I heard that he is the right-hand man." Someone answered.

"Just the right-hand?!" The mercenaries were shocked and looked at Alfred again.

Alfred's aura is different compared to before. He has a firm and powerful presence now because of his pure dragon mana and harsh training with Draxus.

"Our employer is powerful that's for sure. I heard that the elf mage earlier will manage the mine." The vice leader said.

"Who among the nobles and powerful families is our employer?" A mercenary asked curiously.

They are being paid a lot by just guarding a small village. At first, they were surprised when Cris visited their leader and offered the task. Some people are really good at showing off their wealth.

"Boss, what if we accept their offer to join them as the official guards of this place?" The vice leader asked.

He continued, "Cris said that they will let us live here and retire as mercenaries. We will be guards and residents here. Their village head is your friend too, right?"

The mercenaries are looking at their leader and hoping for him to agree. They are doing this work for more than a decade now and wanted to retire. The group believed that this is the right time for it since they can bring their families here too.

"I am thinking of it." The leader said and smiled.

The leader is a huge bearded man with sharp eyes. He has huge scar on his chest and right arm. But even with this physical traits, he is a just and kind man.

"Yes!" "Haha!" The mercenaries were happy that their leader is thinking about retiring here too.

"We should do our best in guarding the village and the mine." The leader said and looked at his vice leader.

The vice leader nodded and said with vigor to the group, "Be vigilant! Let's show our great employer that we are reliable!"

"Yes!" The mercenaries answered at the same time.

After that, the mercenary leader went to the village head's house with a cask of ale.

"Idiot bear, what's your plan now?" The village head asked smiling.

The village head is a tall man with a long tied up black hair and a mustache. He is wearing commoner's clothes but he has a presence of a veteran soldier.

"You are right with what you said before, stupid tiger. I will retire here." The leader said.

"Hahaha!" The village head laughed and slapped the table.

He continued, "Many years before, we left this village to join the army but you don't like our captain so you punched him really hard. It was a fun event."

"Tsk. That bastard is a general now." The leader said with great contempt.

"Well, he is a cunning bastard after all. But what I didn't expect is that you became a mercenary." The village head commented before drinking. 'Gulp.'

"I am not good at farming." The leader said.

"Because you are an idiot bear." The village head responded.

"Hahaha!" Both of them laughed out loud before drinking.

"Aaahhh. This ale is great!" The leader commented.

He continued, "You became a captain but did not get any promotion after that. You are really a stupid tiger after all."

"Bad luck... Probably." The village head said and smiled.

"Tsk. That bastard received all the credits!" The leader exclaimed.

The village head smiled but did not give any response. Their captain is now a general. That man grabbed a lot of credits and recognition.

He thought for a bit before asking, "Will you join them?"

"Yes. My men wanted it too." The leader answered.

He continued after drinking, "Alfred, grew up kind and strong. I hope that big brother is here to see him."

"Yes, you're right. Their boss is extraordinary. He's the reason why Alfred became that powerful in a short period of time." The village head commented.

The two of them are hoping that this time, their village will get glory and fame. They will do their best to help and protect the village.

"I see. Then perhaps, joining them is the right choice. I have this feeling that our village is going to be great. It will be a place that everyone will respect and awe." The leader said and smiled after drinking ale.

When they were younger, they left and join the army to bring glory and fame to their village. However, life didn't go easy on them. The two were assigned to a captain, an evil man, who will do everything to be promoted. One of them stayed as a soldier but did not get enough glory while the other one became a mercenary without great fame.

Currently busy at work. :(

Yowazzaapcreators' thoughts
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