
Gamer in TBATE

With wide-eyed eyes I watched the scene as the man tried to steal some booze in a test tube. But that wasn't the most surprising thing. The vendor, noticing the theft, jumped up from his seat and raised his wand to send a fireball at the hapless thief. My expression became even more puzzled when he saw it. I fell to my knees, struggling to contain my hysteria over the absurdity of what was happening. "What am I going to do... I'm going to die at the first poke..." But suddenly the expression on my face slowly became normal, even enthusiastic. All because of the voice in my head, which was my salvation. [The system welcomes you. Do you want to make a contract?]

Felegranco · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 18

"Welcome. Please come in," Arthur put on a gentlemanly smile and greeted me.

- Hey, you look good in a suit.

- Thanks, and so do you.

I was wearing a plain navy blue suit.

- I'm going to go inside, I won't disturb you.

The Helsti Manor ballroom was lavishly decorated with colorful silk curtains and decorations on the tables and stage. Glowing orbs on the chandelier created an atmosphere of serenity for guests coming through the large doors.

Since the hall was located in the opposite wing, Ellie sat in her room and had no idea of the party being prepared.

I gave my gift to the servants so they could give it to the birthday girl later.

I looked around at all the guests, and seeing no familiar faces, I went to the food table I had spotted. Occasionally, I watched for Elijah, who had already been blown away for the third time by a girl. Arthur finished greeting the guests, and stepped inside, joining me.

"Stand by, here come Lady Alice and Eleanor!" - shouted the maid and extinguished all the lights.

-... Mother, I thought we were going to dinner. Where are we...


The chandelier glittered and a multitude of colorful lights came out of it, lighting up Ellie's face first with surprise and then with joy. She opened her mouth in surprise and covered it with her hands.

Arthur and I were soon joined by Elijah, and we began talking about rare mana Beasts.

Arthur started dancing with his sister, and I just ate, what else was there to do at events like this?

As I went outside to get some fresh air, my gaze caught on a silver-haired girl.

"Weird ears... Really?!" - Instantly, I was right in front of her, with an excited expression on my face.

- An elven girl!

My appearance made her stiffen, backing up slightly.

- How old are you? 40, 100, or maybe 1000?

- Um, I'm twelve.

- Are you Thessia? - Returning my calm look I asked.

- Ah yes? Do we know each other?

- No, Arthur's told me a lot about you. - I saw the package in her hands. - So you're here for Ellie's birthday party, let's go then.

- Y-yes, I mean, no!

I didn't listen to her excuses and muttering, so I dragged her inside.

- Hey, Arthur, your girlfriend's here to see you!

- What? Tess? - He took quick steps toward us, embarrassing the elfish girl.

- ...I'm, uh, here for your sister's birthday! - Showing the bundle, she exclaimed.

- What a pretty girl," Alice emerged from behind Tessia, and with a strange smile she dragged the elfish girl somewhere.

- How did she end up here?

- I found her at the door, and now if you'll excuse me, I have to try something..." When I saw the desserts being brought in, I walked toward the table.


When I walked into the living room, I saw Henry sitting on the couch.

- How was the celebration?

- Good, I was full... oh no - I froze, feeling a familiar sense of danger.

- My dear apprentice," a drop of sweat ran down my forehead. - I hear that you are retired, and that instead of training hard, you lead an idle life.

I realized who he'd heard it from, and then I turned my gaze to Henry, who was looking at the picture on the wall with particular eagerness.

- The academy doesn't start for a few months, so I'll take you to training.

- Okay, old man, I'll just get my stuff together.

"Now the main thing is to escape from the mansion, and then, I'll live together with the dwarves. Digging mines, drinking ale from morning till night, it's a fairy tale..."

- No need, I know you always have everything with you, we go out immediately.

- ...


- Four months later -

- Look man, don't I look cool?

- The Xyrus Academy uniforms have already arrived, which means you'll be leaving tomorrow.

Ignoring me, Harold threw a dagger at me, which froze before it reached me.

- You didn't think you could catch me that easily," I said with a smirk, catching the second dagger, thrown after the first.

- Your perception, your reaction, your gravitational control, you're too good to worry about getting hit from under your arm.

- Also, I can keep my core defense active all the time now.

- That's nice," he walked over and mussed my long hair. - You could use a haircut.

- You're right, this long hair is such a hassle," I removed a few strands that were covering my face. - I don't know how Arthur does it.

The next morning, I changed into my uniform, and after saying goodbye to the old man, I headed for the Helsti mansion.

- Big Brother Aaron! - Before I could get there, Ellie ran up to me and hung around my neck. And behind her, the little puppy I'd given her came yapping at me. - Did you take your mask off?

- Hey, Ellie, yeah, the wounds have healed. Is your brother packed?

- Yeah, they're waiting for you!

I said hello to the Levi's and we started to get in the carriage.

- Oh yes," I took out a kernel of beast mana from my "inside pocket". - It's for you, Ray.

- Hmm," he looked at me in surprise as he caught the core. - I can't take...

- No need," I interrupted him. - I recently sold most of my accumulated kernels, and I only have a few A+ ranked beast mana kernels left, and I'm giving one to you. It's an A-rank Fire Salamander Core.

- You may call me Uncle, no Father! - He cried and cried, a grateful look on his face.

- Yeah, see you later. - I waved goodbye and got into the carriage.

- Thank you, father can get stronger.

- I have enough money now, and I hardly spend any of it. - I waved him off. - And today is a big day, because we're becoming students!

"Again," Aaron and Arthur's heads flashed as the carriage moved.


Name: Aaron.

Race: Human.

Age: 12 years old.

Level: 4.

Mana Core Stage: Dark Yellow.

Skill Level: 6

Skills: Mana Core, Manipulation of Mana, Elemental Particle Perception, Spellcaster, Fire and Earth Manipulation, Silent Magic, Gravity Manipulation, Lightning Manipulation.


Active: Fireball Ur.9, Earth Slug Ur.8, Earth Spikes Ur.7, Phoenix Cloak Ur.5, Stone Armor Ur.5, Elemental Barrier Ur.3, Lightning Strike Ur.3, Telekinesis Ur.3

Passive: Perception Pv.7, Advanced Regeneration Pv.3, Fire Resistance Pv.5, Acrobat MAX, Stealth Pv.6, Pain Resistance Pv.5.
