
Game of Thrones: The New Kingdom

A soul of a modern person finds itself in the body of a teen in Game of Thrones. Luckily, the soul gets the foundation of Valyrians and creates one of the strongest Kingdoms in the history of the whole Game of Thrones. ---------------------------------------------- 1) I do not like characters where one person destroys an army. So, Mc will be strong but not a Super Soldier King who slaughters on his own. 2) Mc will be king. In my opinion, kings can lead the army but kings should not battle. 3) No harem. Mc will marry only one person.

PelerinliKeltos · TV
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16 Chs

Forgetten History 1: The Long Night

Once upon a time, in the unnamed World, the world was in a constant state of balance between two mighty forces—Blue and Red. These powers embodied the eternal struggle between ice and fire, darkness and light, and day and night.

Tired of this balance, the two powers fought with all their might to determine the victor. Their immense energies clashed relentlessly, shaking the very foundations of the world and fracturing continents in their wake.

For years, Ice and Fire waged their cosmic battle, each vying for ultimate victory. Ice, with its frigid tendrils and crystalline dominance, sought to blanket the world in an eternal winter. Fire, with its fierce infernos and searing flames, aimed to engulf everything in an unending conflagration. Their cataclysmic clashes painted the sky with hues of sapphire and crimson, while the earth quaked beneath their mighty forces.

The land that once was was divided into many continents and islands.

Their battles involved mortals too. Some tried to gain powers from the North, and some from the South. Nobles killed their king, brothers murdered brothers. Peace was no longer an option for anyone. Two Supreme fought in the sky, mortal in the lands.

Some lucky ones earned the honor of being blessed. In the north, they gain control of ice, dark, and death. In the south, fire, light, and life magic blossomed.

Though the world suffered greatly under the strain of battle, it was the Red who eventually emerged triumphant. The Red shattered blue in the north of the world. The lands that witnessed its demise were cursed with eternal cold. The residual powers of the Blue scattered over those lands.

The Red, weakened, retired to the south. There it fell asleep for thousands of years. Its breathing caused the formation of 14 volcanic mountains.

Some life-blessed humans mutated and transformed into the Children of the Forest and the Giants. For thousands of years during the Dawn Age, the children and the giants shared the landmass that later became known as Westeros.

Eventually, between eight thousand and twelve thousand years ago, the children came in contact with the First Men, the first outsiders. Crossing the Arm of Dorne, the land bridge connecting Westeros and Essos, these invaders built permanent settlements and brought with them bronze weapons, great shields, the first horses, and their gods.

The children initially welcomed the newcomers, but they disliked the First Men's harvesting of trees from forests, such as rainwood.

Fearing that the children used heart trees for spying, the First Men burned and cut down the great weirwoods as they came, leading to war between the two races.

For thousands of years, the two races fought a desperate war for dominance. In a futile attempt to end the invasion, the children used the hammer of the waters to shatter the Arm of Dorne with the Breaking, creating the Broken Arm and the Stepstones.

Seeing that the invasion still had not ended with the sinking of the Arm of Dorne, the Children used First Mans to create a new race. The Others, the First Man called them. This was the move that would bring the end of the war. The Others are feared by both the First Man and the Children.

Eventually, the First Men and the children fought to a standstill. The two races agreed to peaceful coexistence and signed the Pact on the Isle of Faces, granting the open lands to humanity and the forests to the children, who had been greatly diminished. The Children taught the worship of the old gods to the First Men. The Others were sent to the North.

The Age of Heroes followed the Pact between the children and the First Men, four thousand years of relative peace between the races. Eventually, the enigmatic Others invaded from the uttermost north, bringing death and destruction to children and First Men, during an extended period of winter known as the Long Night.

The Others were more powerful, more scary. They were corrupted by remnants of the Blue Power. Its resentment passed on to them. The living creature disgusted them.

Feeling the remnants of the blue, the Sleeping Red decided to help the living. It blessed the heroic ones for their bravery against the Others. One of them was blessed more than the others. He would later be referred to as the Last Hero or Azor Ahai.

The children joined with the First Men, led by the Last Hero, to fight against the Others in the Battle for the Dawn. Eventually, the Others were driven back into the Lands of Always Winter.

Bran the Builder, the legendary founder of House Stark, built the Wall with the help of the Childen and the Giants. With the aim of eternally separating the Others from the living.

The Others were defeated, but not destroyed. Understanding this, the Red separated a small part of its will to watch over the mortals against the danger of the Others. It did not have contact with mortals or their futile strugglers.

Its sole purpose is to prepare mortals for the long night that will come again. So, it sent messages and prophecies through fire. This led to the spread of a new god worshiped among the people.

This chapter was in Volume 1, however, I got some feedback about how it ruins the immersion of the story. So I will write the Forgotten History chapters here.

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