
Chapter 21

Auron and Bronn left the pub with a haul of coins in their bag. So far, this is the biggest earning Auron got since the day he started performing.

"Now, I don't have to worry about your ability to pay. It seems my gamble will soon come true. Hehehe."

"I appreciate your confidence but you thought that far ahead? What if something bad happens to.... us."

Then they noticed that they are surrounded by a group of thugs.

"Great, why do you have to say bad things after we had some fun. Look at us, we're surrounded and outnumbered."

"I can see that Bronn, do you think I want this? Sigh." Auron said helplessly.

"Hey stop chatting you two, give us all your gold."

"Only gold right? We keep the silver?" Auron asked playfully.

"Shut up smartpants! If I say gold that means all your money." The leader of the thug said.

"What does that even mean?"

"You're seriously engaging a conversation with them?" Bronn asked in exasperation.

Auron sighed and said, "Fine, let's get this over with."

Then he unsheathed his sword and Bronn did the same.

"It's the hardway then. Hehehehe, you are outnumbered."

"Hey Bronn, just disarm them. It seems that they weren't intending to kill."

"Why? We could just kill them."

"Well, killing them might add another trouble in our plate. We're visitors in the city. They might be connected to a wealthy master."

"Make sense."

Two to three thugs charged at Auron but they were sloppy and he easily knocked them down by the flat of his blade. Then Auron actively attacked the other thugs like a lion to a herd of sheep. They were frightened by his aura and confidence alone that they began to run.

Bronn on the other hand just finished taking down his two opponents. He didn't kill them and just knocked them unconscious.

"I wasn't informed that you're an excellent swordsman and a fighter. You're not in need of my protection, are you?"

"Well, it wasn't too late to know. At least, you have now. And no, I don't need your protection. But having an extra pair of hands will always be welcome. You're main task is to protect Marlena."

"You wanna spar during free time?"

"If you want to get abused that bad, why not?"

Then Auron walked up to the leader of the thug who was lying on the floor wincing in pain.

"Hey man, what's your name?"

The man gritted his teeth and answered him, "Baldy! What do you want?"

Auron looked at his shiny head and said, "Very shiny--I mean very catchy, I'm not even surprised. Look, I have a proposal for you that will benefit us both."


"Instead of robbing me, why not work for me instead. You see, I hate troublesome things especially those that bother me and we will surely come back in this area so I want to hire you."

"You want to hire us?"

"You don't want to? Maybe I'll just finish you all off, torture one of you to say the location of your hide out and just get rid all that is moving there so you won't bother me anymore."

"Wa-wait! I didn't say I didn't want to. Y-you can hire us, then we'll both benefit. Right? He-he-he.." Baldy nervously laugh as he thought to himself there is something wrong with this guy.

"Ah~very good, today is a nice day isn't it? That's a wise choice. Don't worry, your task is quite easy, all you have to do is escort us out of this street and scare those who have some designs against us like you did."

"O-okay, we will do it."

"It's a deal then. We should seal it with a handshake."

Auron held out his hand and Baldy clasp it seal the agreement.

"Let's go, Bronn! I am already quite tired I want to lay in a soft bed and sleep."

When Auron and Bronn were out of sight, one of the thugs said, "Boss, do we really have to.."

"Shut up! That Storyteller, he didn't even try. He was playing us like child and he could've killed us easily. We should do what we're told. At least we will be alive and we will get something out of it." Baldy said seriously and shivering.


Next day

Auron woke up late and it was already noon when he came down. He found Marlena and Bana cooking their lunch and they both greeted him the moment they saw him.

The group gathered at lunch and they ate on a single long table. It was enough to let them dine together.

After lunch, he called Marlena in his room and gave her the parchment containing the recipe and the steps for making a fine beer. Then he put the Brewmaster ring in her finger while put his left hand on her head like the last time.

After receiving the knowledge from Auron, or technically from the ring, Marlena stood up excitedly and said,

"I know what to do, Master. I will make your tavern famous throughout Westeros and Essos."

"Very good, don't fail me. You have my trust and confidence."

"Thanks for everything, Master. I will dedicate all my life for you."

"I know.." Auron smiled at her in satisfaction.


After addressing the issues concerning Marlena, Auron called for Bronn while he let Shera and Heman stay to keep an eye on the group just in case someone decides they wanted to mess with them. Melisandre mostly stayed inside the room while Marlena and Bana was taking care of the old lady.

Auron and Bronn went to the marketplace once again to buy a bird that will carry Auron's messages.

After browsing for an hour, Auron finally decided on a Snow Owl. Which obviously without any difficulty named Hedwig. Fortunately, he will have no problem with its food as the vendor said they can hunt on their own.

He decided for a Snow Owl because this species can endure longer flights, they have excellent vision at night and they fly silently. Perfect for scouting and delivering messages.

Then Bronn asked, "Why owl? You could've go for a regular Raven. How will you even teach it like the Ravens do?"

"Well, for one I have my ways. Secondly, those Ravens are giving me creeps. They looked at me like I'm a walking corn. It's really creepy."

"They look the same to me."

"Let's get out of here, I'm already satisfied with my snow owl."

Auron and Bronn hurriedly left the marketplace for animals.

Unbeknownst to him, a Raven with an eyepatch emerged from the shadows as it looked at the back of Auron.

"This motherfucker don't miss, aacckkkk!!!"

Then a flock of ravens flew away in the skies of Tyrosh.

A/N: Credits to great author CORNBRINGER who originally created the legendary corn ravens. I don't own any of his raven characters. I just wanted to have a little crossover cameo using one of his ravens to add some elements of fun. It's a one time thing cause I don't have any intention to plagiarize his work. If you haven't read his creation yet, you are missing a lot. I'm his fan. I'll post the link here and his patreon. Please support him: http://wbnv.in/a/d2iN7Vq | www.patreón.com/cornbringer


The sun was still up when Auron and Bronn left the market but it's beginning to come down. Aaron decided to spend the rest of the the time in the pub waiting for nightfall but Bronn said he needed to do something so he need to leave. He said he will just catch up and will arrive at the pub before it's time for his performance.

At this time, he came to a different pub. The owner recognized him due to his iconic black cloak and hood carrying a lute. He smiled excitedly when he saw him.

"You're quite early, are you going to perform here tonight?"

"Aye, got nothing better to do so I decided just to spend the rest of my time waiting here until nightfall."

"Anything you like while waiting?"

"Just a mug of ale and a table near the window. I figured it'd be nice to appreciate the view outside. Mind if I open the window?"

"Not at all, hold on! I'll go get you your ale."

Then Auron went to the table near the window as fresh air came in. He sat down and playing a tune in his lute while appreciating a painting like scenery in front of him.


In the streets of Tyrosh, two cloak individuals are running outside. One was a man and another was woman around ten years of age.

They both have striking features such as silvery white hair and purple eyes. Even though they were running, their moves has some kind regal air into it.

The man looked behind them and said, "I think we lost them. If not for you, a big piece of burden, I would've escape them long ago. You are useless! I had to go beg for our food and a place to stay while you do nothing. Stay here, I'll go demand some food from these peasants."

The young girl was hurt but she held it in. Even though his brother treated him badly, she have to rely on him to survive.

While waiting in the alley, she heard a sound so sweet and calming, and at the same time, full of power. The tune was slow and for some reason, it feels like it's calling her.

Instinctively, she followed the sound and it lead her to a pub. Before she came near, she heard a voice of a young man singing to the tune she was listening, it was so soothing and pleasing to the ears like he was whispering in the wind and compelling her to fall sleep. For some reason, it calms her weary soul.


"Our hero, our hero claims a warrior's heart..

I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes."


Daenerys followed the voice and thought it came from inside the pub. With strong curiosity, she was carefully tracing where the voice is coming from. She saw the open window of the pub and she hurriedly peeked in.

There she saw a man, around fifteen years old wearing a black cloak having it's hood cover half of his face. His feet were at the table looking rather relaxed while playing the lute in his arms. She just stood there, mesmerized by the picture of the young man and she couldn't help but stare at him.


"With a voice wielding power of the ancient nord arts...

Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes

It's an end to the evil of all living man's foes

Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes

For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows

You'll know, you'll know, the Dragonborns comes."


As the song ended and the tuned stopped. The young man slowly looked up from his lute noticing her presence and he was stunned silly looking at her when he saw her ethereal beauty. Then she finally saw his face. A handsome young man with the air of a prince. His long jet black hair that reached up to his jaw compliments his thick eyebrows. And his eyes, those eyes was like hers. Purple and deep.

Suddenly the man smiled at her and said something enigmatic.

"I'm glad to see you this early but it's not yet time for us to meet, my queen. Wait for me..."

Then she heard her brother calling out to her so she looked back for a second but when she returned her gaze inside the pub, the young man was already gone.

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