
The Challenge

After ran away from that loli, i then hunt few monster around the forest. With the result i think i can cover some expense. I then flying while humming toward the city. After got some distance i came down and walked toward the gate.

While sightseeing inside the city, i just walk leisurely toward the center of the city. After some time i'm arrive at the Adventurer Guild. I then go toward guild receptionist.

????: Welcome to adventurer guild of city of beginner. Are you wish to became aeventurer or post a request?

Akira: I want to register to adventurer guild but i don't had any money, in exchange i bring some material wity me here.

????: Umm actually you can't do that but... i'm curious with the material you had.

Akira: Some wolf pelt, meat, intestines. Some big frog. and the last few snake skin, meat and galbladder.

????: What!!!!

Her scream make the other people at the bar looking at her.

????: I'm sorry but can you follow me?

Akira: okay

I then following her to the room that looked like a warehouse that had a low temperature.

Akira: Ice magic huh?

????: Can you put it out? You had space magic inventory right?

I then taking out everything i got from the forest this few days. I exclude few thing that i personaly need. The receptionist had a really interesting look. She then start the assesment with a few people.

????: Everything is about 5.000.000 Eris because the condition really at the top. So your space can stop the time too huh? Now we'll need to register you to the guild.

We then back to the room before.

????: The thing you need is put your hand at the orb.

I then follow what she said.

????: I won't get shocked anymore. Your status really high. so you can became either Magic Knight or Archmage.

Akira: Make me Magic Knight.

????: Good with this you are new highest job at the country. Congratulation Akira...

After she said that the people are clamoring but there one girl staring at me with a angry look. It looks like she really frustated her precious magic got sealed. She then trying to pull me.

Megumin: You come here.

Akira: nope, i'm still had a lot if thing to do. Like taking bath.. And looking for some inn.

She sneer hearing that.. damn i had a bad premonition

Megumin: You.. Please give it back... my most precious thing. You take it with force.

Everyone eyes are suffocating me. Damn i forgot she is in drama family (chuuni). I'll play along with your drama.

Akira: Give it up. You already lose it, there's no way i can give it back to you. That was really good memories. Your despair....

Why i feel like a villain..

????: Young man.. you really vile. To think in this world there scum like you.. It'll be better for her if you say you'll take the responsibility.

Hearing that Megumin face became red like an apple and the old man bringing out his axe out of nowhere and the other are put out their weapon. Are there some misunderstanding somewhere?

Akira: Hey oldman, are there misunderstanding somewhere? We are talking about Megumin here.

????: Chaz, calm down. what he do is just seal Megumin magic.

Chaz: Romeo huh? So why he doing that?

Romeo: Because Megumin exploding the place that he are taking rest.

Hearing that Megumin face becone more redder.

Akira: Ah it's you. Are your wife gave a safety birth?

Hearing what i said everyone are laughing and the one called Romeo face became red because of shame.

Megumin: You.. Unseal my magic.. please.... i can't live without the magic

the fis has taken the bait.

Akira: How about this. You try to master other magic. In a month if you can beat me i'll unseal your magic. If you lose you must follow one instruction of mine, do you dare, Little girl.

Megumin: Don't you dare to call me Little girl. I'll make you suffer kukuku. I'm a genius from Red eyed demon race. I accept your chalenge.

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