
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

[11] Offer

The morning after the celebration, the village was still buzzing with a sense of achievement, when an envoy from Eldham arrived. Dressed in formal attire, she carried an air of officialdom that momentarily shifted the jovial atmosphere to one of curiosity and tension.

Elara greeted the envoy with a polite nod as we gathered around. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

The envoy, maintaining a diplomatic poise, addressed Elara directly. "I come with an offer from Eldham. In recognition of your leadership and Lyrinthia's rapid growth, Eldham proposes to elevate you to the status of 'Countess,' integrating Lyrinthia as a formal territory under Eldham's domain."

The offer hung in the air, weighty and significant. I glanced at Elara, trying to gauge her reaction.

Elara's response was measured, her face betraying nothing of the turmoil that might be brewing beneath. "That's a generous offer. I am honored by Eldham's recognition of our efforts here in Lyrinthia."

The envoy smiled, pleased with the response. "We believe this will be a mutually beneficial arrangement. Eldham's protection and resources, combined with Lyrinthia's potential, could be a formidable alliance."

Elara nodded. "I will discuss it with my council and give you our decision soon. Thank you for bringing this offer to us."

As the envoy departed, Elara's composed demeanor crumbled, replaced by a flash of anger. "Those manipulative bastards!" she exploded once we were out of earshot. "Elevating me to 'Countess' as a fking ploy to absorb Lyrinthia into Eldham? That's a raw deal wrapped in pretty paper!"

I had never seen Elara so visibly upset. "It's a power grab, pure and simple," she continued, pacing. "They see us growing, see our potential, and now they want to leash us, control us under the guise of 'protection' and fancy titles."

Her fists were clenched, her eyes blazing with indignation. "I'll be damned if I let Eldham turn us into a puppet state. We've worked too hard, built too much to just roll over and play dead for those power-hungry assholes."

I stepped forward, concern etched on my face. "What are you going to do?"

Elara stopped pacing, her gaze steeling. "I'm going to tell them to shove their 'Countess' title up their ass. Lyrinthia is not for sale, not for any title or promise of protection. We're our own people, and we'll chart our own course."

Her determination was palpable, a fierce resolve that had undoubtedly been a driving force behind Lyrinthia's growth.

I nodded in agreement. "We stand behind you, Elara. Lyrinthia's independence isn't negotiable."

Elara looked around at the gathered members of her council, each nodding their support. "We'll send a message back to Eldham. Lyrinthia appreciates their... 'offer,' but we'll remain independent. We're not just a territory to be annexed; we're a community, a family. And we'll fight to keep it that way."


The following day, Elara and I, along with a few key members of Lyrinthia's council, met with the envoy from Eldham to deliver our response. The air was tense, charged with the weight of the decision we were about to communicate.

Elara faced the envoy, her posture upright, exuding a quiet strength. "Thank you for your patience. After careful consideration and discussion with my council, we have decided to kindly decline Eldham's offer. We are grateful for the recognition, but Lyrinthia values its independence highly and wishes to continue on its current path."

The envoy's expression, previously cordial, shifted slightly, her diplomatic mask slipping to reveal a flicker of annoyance. "That's a... surprising decision, Countess Elara," she began, the honorary title dripping with a touch of sarcasm. "Eldham's protection and resources are not extended lightly. Rejecting this offer could be seen as a slight against Eldham's goodwill."

Elara's response was firm, yet polite. "It's not our intention to slight Eldham. We have the utmost respect for your city-state. However, Lyrinthia's independence is paramount to us. We hope Eldham will respect our decision and continue our friendly relations."

The envoy's smile was thin, her eyes cold. "I hope you understand the risks of your... independence. The world of 'Game of Kings' is not kind to those who stand alone. Eldham's protection is a valuable shield that you are now choosing to forego."

Elara met the envoy's gaze unflinchingly. "We understand the risks. But we also believe in our ability to navigate them. Lyrinthia has grown and will continue to grow on its own terms."

The envoy let out a soft, almost mocking laugh. "Very well, Elara. I will relay your decision to Eldham. But remember, the landscape of power in 'Game of Kings' shifts quickly. Today's friends can be tomorrow's enemies. I would hate to see Lyrinthia learn this the hard way."

The threat was clear, barely concealed beneath the veneer of diplomatic speak. Elara's jaw tightened, but her voice remained calm. "Thank you for your concern. We'll take our chances. Lyrinthia has always been about facing challenges head-on."

As the envoy left, the tension in the air slowly dissipated, but the gravity of the situation lingered. We had just refused a powerful city-state, and the implications of that decision were not lost on any of us.

Elara turned to the council, her expression now showing a hint of concern. "We need to be prepared. Eldham might not take this rejection lightly. We have to be vigilant and ready for any repercussions."

I nodded, understanding the precarious position we were now in. "We stand with you, Elara. Lyrinthia is more than just a settlement in a game; it's our home, and we'll defend it."

"Damn right we will." Elara said with a wicked grin. "Let's show those Eldham bastard, we might be small like a porcupine, but we will stick it right up their ass if they step on us."

Q: Would you take Eldham's offer in this situation?