
GG "End": Day 1.0

The end of the former world I met at the university. We had a big change and we, as usual, played the trend game "Catch Up". You change your status to "ready" and the server determines that your opponent is not so far away and also has the status "ready."

Your task is to catch up with your opponent and litter him, getting points for it. Later, these points can be exchanged for items, performance points and the like to improve your avatar in the game.

If your opponent ran away and you didn't capture him for 36 hours, then you lose a lot of your points. If you have to run away and you are captured, then you also lose points, and if not, you get. The system was simple.

The state has always encouraged active games, so there were no bans on this game. The number of active users reached half a million every day, which could not help but shock. The whole planet has playing it.

I ran along the corridor, masterfully, as it seemed to me, dodging people coming to meet me. Yesterday I received a mission, so I only have 24 hours to capture an opponent. I have never failed or failed a mission, so I don't want to spoil the statistics.

Suddenly, I noticed a woman out of the corner that quickly left the university building and tried to go outside its territory. Here she is! It was Rosa, our school psychologist. This is not the Rose, about which I spoke earlier. I met her later.

I understood that if I didn't immediately find myself in the yard, I would lose my chance. Rosa will sit in the car and leave. Fortunately for me, there were no steep stairs here. I did not slow down, but just jumped down the stairs. It was dangerous, but worth it. Because of the fall, I hit a little, but it was not scary.

Having endured a passing pain, I rushed after her. Of course, the teacher could not compare in speed with a well-trained student. It took me half a minute to catch up with her. I was afraid to hit her hard, so I only lightly touched Rose's shoulder. If you overdo it, then I could be accused of beating university staff.


I only touched it slightly when it all began ...


Somewhere outside the school there was a strong explosion, frightening all students and teachers. The rose fell to the ground and began to bend strangely. At first I was stunned by the explosion, but when I saw the state of Rosa, I was shocked.

She was no longer the woman I remembered. Her skin slowly peeled off and was replaced by another, only gray. This alone could make a normal person lose consciousness, but I was stronger than others.

I felt bad when I saw her arms become elongated and her fingers look like blades-hooks. From her ribs grew some kind of strange stumps that inspired terror. Her neck began to grow together and, judging by the cries of Rose, it was very painful. The skin on the neck was wrinkled. Now her head was very similar to the head of a shark, but the mouth was exactly human.

Her legs stretched out and strangely mutated. Now, it seemed, she would be walking on socks. I didn't even see anything like it in horror movies. But, suddenly, a hump began to grow on her back. It increased and increased until it turned into a tumor, which with a characteristic cotton burst, sprinkling me with pus and blood. From the tumor began to stretch the same hands, hooks, as in the ribs. These four stumps, as if slandering in the morning, stretched out and folded behind Rosa. Apparently, these were legs like spiders.

Rose rose to her feet and looked at us with her lifeless eyes. It seemed that there were only survival instincts and not a drop of the beginnings of the mind. I remember that it scared me and my thoughts were a little dulled. I did not react as I should have.

* Whoosh *

I only managed to tilt my head slightly when Rosa, or who she is now, struck me with her left hand. I was stunned, and I lost consciousness. Fortunately, I was not seriously hurt, so I woke up after a couple of seconds.

My head was sore and spinning, and half my head was covered with some kind of cold sensation. I tried to get up and noticed how blood dripped on my arm. Apparently, I was injured.

A surge of pain knocked me to the side, and I out of the corner of my eye noticed that some gray object was moving toward my head. At that moment, time stopped for me. I understood that I had to dodge, otherwise I would die. Panic, fear, reluctance were visible in my eyes, but I could not dodge.

* Whoosh *

Right in front of my face, the monster's claw stuck into the ground. I was surprised by the behavior of this creature. Why didn't he hit me? Spared? There was no time to think.

I turned over with difficulty and began to rise. As I lay, the dizziness began to subside. Now I could at least stand. Now I noticed the difference between me and the monster. He was two heads taller than me, but very slim. It seemed like a pretty bat hit would break it in half.

* Dysch *

From somewhere on the side a large stone flew in and hit right over the head of the creature. Because of this, the monster lost his balance and began to fall, but his claws on his back, like hands, stretched out and did not allow him to fall.

- Lin! Lin! Run here!

I heard someone's voice. Turning my head, I saw Dorian. He was my friend. Since childhood, we helped each other. If you think about it, it was from his side that stones flew. I could already react and think normally, so I immediately ran in that direction.

My speed was very low. It seemed that I was exhausted and ran out of my last strength. The monster did not react to me and began to fend off the stones that Dorian had thrown. Having run a hundred meters like that, he picked me up and we ran into the building.

Flickering between the corridors, it seemed we had come off. Having run into some class, we began to wait. Silence. Apparently, we still broke away from the chase. Dorian leaned against the wall and sat down. He asked tiredly:

-What the hell is this? What was chasing us? Are these new types of pranks? Hey, wait, what's up with you? Are you hurt

I walked over to the dark glass cabinet and looked at my reflection. It was hard to see, but half of my face was covered in blood. Gently touching the right side of the skull, where the blow hit me, I felt a sharp pain and abruptly pulled my hand away.

I was not a doctor and did not know what happened to me. Was this a fracture? Maybe a bruise? Then why bled? Removing my shirt, I wiped the blood from my face. I still had a T-shirt, so I will not freeze.

I turned to Dorian and answered:

- Yes, but everything is fine, sort of. I do not know what it is now, but earlier it was our psychologist. This monster attached me.

Dorian seemed surprised at my words. He asked:

- Rose flower? Was it a rose? What happened to her?

- I do not know. She just fell and turned into it. Thank you for saving me! (I)

- Nothing, I just could not watch my friend die. (Dorian)

- Ok, now it is necessary ... (I)

I just wanted to suggest further actions, as I was interrupted by the sounds outside. These were women's voices and some other scream.

- Run, rather! Lisa, do not fall behind!

- It haunts us! Victoria, it is being chased!

- Girls, I do not want to die!

- Waaaaa!

- Vuuuuiii!

This scream at the end clearly did not belong to man. Dorian and I looked at each other and quickly grabbed the first "weapon" that we had, and then hid. We were in the anatomy class, so the bones were everywhere. As a weapon, I took the edge. Dorian uses the skull of a bull. He had horns on him, so he was a threat.

* Hush *

The door swung open and five girls ran into the audience. I was hiding behind the closet, and at the end of the classroom Dorian was sitting at the desk. The girls were not stupid either. They instantly hid under the desks, even without closing the door.

- Vuuuiiii!

Again there was a scream and this monster appeared in the door. It leaned and went into the audience. Without noticing anyone, he got up and began to look around, constantly making some shrill sounds. Drool flowed from his lips, which gave him ferocity and horror.

I held my breath and waited. If he does not leave, he will have to fight, which was not profitable. I'm injured right now and can't fight in full force. The monster began walking between the rows until it stopped.

My heart sank. This monster stood at arm's length away from me. Fortunately, due to the fact that he went to the wardrobe, he did not see me. I was afraid to even breathe. The monster squealed a little beside me and began to unfold. My heart sank.

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