
Game Developer In Marvel

Our MC reincarnates in the MCU with the Game Creator System. His task is to popularize many video games from his home Universe into the MCU. His system can also modify reality but it comes with a catch. He needs to use popularity points. So our MC goes on to create the first virtual reality game in MCU and shock the world. Many heroes and Villains get pulled into his games as games like God of War, Titanfall, Halo, Elden Ring, Minecraft were released by him. Will he be able to reach the peak of the Omniverse with his games? Let's find out.

Lord_Serenity · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Players are advised to try the Streaming option from their menu, they may get some unexpected surprises.

Also, Night is coming soon. Explore, gather materials, make tools and weapons, make a shelter or secure the perimeter in an area to make it into a shelter and find foods either from plants or from animals. You will need them when night comes. Trust me a lot of unfriendly creatures venture out at night in search of food or just potential victims, you wouldn't want to face a horde of monsters unprepared.

Instructions ended.", said the mysterious ball of light while hovering in the air.

A lot of information had been given to the players, so some were still trying to fully process what the ball of light or Closs ,as it called itself, informed them.

The few smarter ones among the players were the first to snap out of their shock and enter a new a state of curiosity towards this "Game" called Minecraft after they understood their current situation.

Loki was the first to snap out of his stupor when he realized that Closs who was clearly in charge here made a mistake with his name.

"Mr. Closs as you call yourself, I would like to point out that you are clearly not adequate for being in charge of this place.", said Loki in a clearly arrogant tone.

"Oh! Please do provide why you believe that I'm inadequate for this job that I have been tasked with 'Player' Loki Laufeyson.", Closs said in an emotionless voice.

"There. That's the problem. You call me Loki Laufeyson when I am Loki Odinson, the second son of Odin Bolson, King of Asgard, and the God of Mischief. You clearly can't even remember my name correctly and yet you have been tasked with 'managing' us players or so you said. Your inability makes me doubt if you truly are adequate for this role that has been given to you by the creator of this place.", answered Loki.

Thor also snapped out and realized that Closs was insulting his father.

"My brother is an Asgardian like me, Closs. Don't insult my father by calling my brother a child of Laufey. You can't afford to offend my Father.", Thor said angrily.

The other players became shocked as the situation deteriorated in a very short span of time.

"I see. Is that why you brothers are aggressive towards me? Well It seems that you brothers truly haven't matured yet. I will forgive your transgressions this time. Yet I must ask you, Loki. Have you truly not wondered why you have an affinity towards the Ice cube of Laufey while all other Asgardians who come in contact with it only feel a bitter coldness?", the ball of light glowed a bit strongly while asking Loki the question.

Loki became quiet after hearing this question. Thor didn't want to live his brother in this uncomfortable silence so decided to come to his rescue.

"That's because Loki has affinity for Ice Magic. Don't underestimate the best mage in the 9 realms.", said Thor in a tone that indicated his pride for his brother.

Loki seemed to have regained his usual mentality as he said, "Also the greatest assassin in the 9 realms. Thor don't tell me that you forgot all the times I caught you off guard."

Thor became embarrassed as he fumbled to say, "That's because I was caught off guard... Yeah! That's because I was caught off guard. Hidden attacks are only from the weak. you only were successful in your attacks because, you were my brother and I didn't want to hurt you."

"For each their own. You may believe whatever beliefs that may give you reassurance. My work here is done. I shall see you in case of more achievements or in the case of a chapter clearance. Till then explore around, the surprises awaiting in this world are still left to be discovered after all.", said Closs.

"Wait how do we clear this chapter?", asked Bruce.

"You will need to defeat a special mob. You'll know what to do and what that mob is when the time comes. Till then, don't wither away.", said Closs before disappearing into nothingness.

"Well, that just happened.", said Ned.

"Yeah, does that mean that there are people with superpowers here? Mister Bruce, do you really have that superpower called 'Hulk'?", Peter asked while shaking with excitement.

"Uh... I wouldn't really call it a superpower. It's more like a curse for me....", Bruce seemed to remember some bad memories.

"Bruce, are you okay?", asked Logan after realizing that Bruce had zoned out.


"You seemed to have zoned out for a bit."

"Did I? Well, nevermind that."

"If you say so."

"Well let's all address the elephant in the room. Thor, Loki and Sif are you guys really the Thor and Loki?", asked Jean shifting everyone's attention to Thor, Loki and Sif and getting Bruce out of a tough spot.

"Depends on who are Thor, Sif and I in your mind.", replied Loki.

"Thor the God of Thunder and son of Odin, Loki the God of Mischief and brother of Odin and Sif the Warrior goddess?", said Ned.

"It seems like our history is true while Loki's has deviated, Thor", said Sif.

"Hahaha. Loki the brother of Odin. I must inform this to father when we meet, Loki.", laughed Thor.

"It may be that they didn't get to see too much of my deeds and so their knowledge of me became corrupted, Thor. Speaking of which, which planet are you guys from?", asked Loki.

"Earth", replied Logan.

"Earth?", asked Thor.

"It's what people of Midgard calls their place, Thor.", said Loki.

" Ah, Midgard! Then you people are under the protection of our father.", said Thor in a sudden realization.

"Under your father's protection?", asked Shuri.

" Yes. Midgard along with all other planets of the nine realms are ruled By Asgard. My father Odin Borson is the king of Asgard and I am the crown prince. We even fought the Ice Giants about a thousand years ago on Earth.", said Thor with pride in his voice.

"That may explain why there are legends of Asgardians on Earth. You guys's fight against the Ice Giants may have been seen by humans then and then the Nordic mythology was fabricated.", Theorized Bruce.

"Wait then are other myths also based on real beings? Was Olympus real?", asked Felicia.

"Olympus? Of course it was real.", said Thor.

"What?", asked everyone in shock except for Loki and Sif who also knew about this matter.