
Game Developer In Marvel

Our MC reincarnates in the MCU with the Game Creator System. His task is to popularize many video games from his home Universe into the MCU. His system can also modify reality but it comes with a catch. He needs to use popularity points. So our MC goes on to create the first virtual reality game in MCU and shock the world. Many heroes and Villains get pulled into his games as games like God of War, Titanfall, Halo, Elden Ring, Minecraft were released by him. Will he be able to reach the peak of the Omniverse with his games? Let's find out.

Lord_Serenity · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

May Parker

While the players were in the game, they didn't know that many people were visiting the site because of the same ads they saw.

Their disappearance also alerted many people.


New York City

15th Street, Queens

May Parker came home after a long day at work.

Recently losing her husband, she had been hit hard but thankfully she had Peter, her nephew, to support her through her tough time. (Yes, this is the MCU May Parker. Simps Assemble)

She and her husband Ben Parker adopted their young and orphaned nephew, Peter Parker after his parents died in a plane crash. The three lived in Queens as Peter grew up. Eventually, her husband died this year, resulting in May having to take care of Peter on her own.

Thankfully Peter was a good natured and mature boy, so she was supported by him during this tough time for her. He could take care of himself so she could work to earn with at least some peace mind.

Like always she came home this evening.


She opened the door and took her overcoat off of her to hang it in the hanger near the door.

"Peter, I am back. I have your favourite Thai Larb. Come quickly otherwise I will eat it myself.", May said while hanging her overcoat.

Usually she bought some food that Peter likes every weekend and announces it after coming home so that Peter can be very happy. Whenever she announced like this Peter came running to her. However this time it was different. Peter didn't come running to her.

Hmmm... Why is Peter not coming? Is the boy sleeping in his room? Must be so.

Thought May.

So after hanging up her overcoat on the hanger and taking off her shoes, May put the bag food of food in the dining table and decided to go look for Peter in his room.

"Peter, if you don't come out I will eat all of today's delicious larb on my own. Then there will be nothing left for you.", May said loudly hoping that Peter might listen and come to her.

Yet when Peter didn't come for her, she got a little nervous but thought that Peter was probably asleep as it was already night time. So she decided to go look for Peter in his room.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"


With the creaking sound of the door ominously spreading in the background, May opened the door and looked inside.

She saw Peter in a chair with his back turned to the door, the dark room being illuminated by the light from Peter's computer which was previously her husband Ben's.

"Peter, wake up. Your Aunt May has bought your favourite Larb for you.", May said while going to the chair to wake Peter up as she thought that Peter had fallen asleep while using his computer.

She walked up to the chair with Peter on it and saw that Peter was sitting on the chair motionlessly. She then turned the chair around to face her and a shriek escaped her mouth at what she saw.

Peter was motionless, sitting on top the chair and even the rotation of the chair couldn't move his motionless posture.

But what truly scared her was that his eyes were wide open with darkness filling the insides of his eye sockets to the brim.

"Peter! Peter! What has happened to you? Peter, wake up! Wake up!", May started panicking.

She couldn't lose Peter. Peter is all she has left.

She really started panicking.

The ominous red glow from the computer didn't help with her anxiety as she started rapidly shaking Peter's body in hope of getting him back from whatever it is that happened to him.

Suddenly static filled the computer display and then the screen changed from it's ominous red background with the word Minecraft written in the background to a screen where there was a video playing on most of the screen and a window to input messages into on the side of the screen.

The sudden changed startled May.

She looked at the screen.

Inside the screen, there were a few men and women made out of cuboidal blocks in a world that was made out of such cubes. They were clearly near a forest as there were trees somewhat behind them.

What truly caught her attention was the cube man that was standing at the forefront of the screen. That cube man was wearing the same clothes as Peter is currently wearing. Not only that but he was looking like a cuboidal version of Peter.

Just as she was perplexed, voices came out from the computer.

"So has everyone started Streaming?", a girl with red hair among the group said.

"Yes.", everyone echoed.

And among everyone's voices, there was a voice she would never mistake for someone else's. It was Peter.

She then saw the man at the forefront of the screen open his mouth to talk.

"I wonder how much time has passed since we entered here? Aunt May said that she would come early tonight. I don't want to worry her.", said the man.

And with that May understood that the man standing in the forefront of the screen was her nephew Peter Parker.

She was relieved a little bit as Peter wasn't in any danger at least for now. But she was still worried as Peter was in an unknown environment.

Suddenly, she remembered about that see through text box. So, she quickly went in front of the computer, clicked the text box, typed a message and pressed enter to send it. She then saw her message appearing on the text box along with her name "May Parker".

May Parker: Peter is that you? Why are you in the computer?

With the appearance of that message, Peter was visibly excited as he practically screamed, " Aunt May is home and she responded in my stream."

Just as this picked some people's attention, two cube men close to each other suddenly screamed out aloud," Father!", while a cube girl said calmly, "Greetings to The All Father."

And the tranquility of the scene was disturbed as everyone screamed out aloud, "What? Odin's here?"


Hello author here. Sorry for the lack of update. I was in a very busy period of time. Thankfully it has calmed down somewhat but there's no knowing when I'm gonna have to jump into the hustle and bustle of my student life. Still I'll try to upload chapters more often.

Alright, the next game has been decided by me.

I will not spoil it now but it's related to Loki.

I will however give some hints for you to guess.

The game will have Ice, Giant, Magic, Brute Strength, Various Armors.

Comment down your guesses.

Once again, I repeat. I will not drop this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lord_Serenitycreators' thoughts