
Gamble of Fate

Li Yang grew up as an orphan, facing constant bullying and adversity. However, as time passed, he uncovered his innate talents which set him on a path of achievements. Using his intelligence and sheer determination, he climbed the corporate ladder and eventually secured the position of the CEO in a major company. Just when life seemed to have taken a turn for the better, Li Yang made a startling discovery that his family lineage still existed. This revelation thrust him into a tumultuous conflict between his newfound family and formidable adversaries. One of the most harrowing challenges he faced during this time was the kidnapping of his beloved wife. In this world, battles are not fought with traditional means; instead, participants use special cards to summon monstrous creatures as their champions in combat. As he delved deeper into these conflicts, Li Yang unearthed an alarming truth: the world stood on the brink of potential destruction.

welsoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
169 Chs

Chapter 61: Ice Against the Heavens

The arena, still tingling from the previous battles, was abuzz with anticipation for the next match. Prince An Aixinjueluo, a royal descendant from a prestigious clan, stood tall, his regal robes billowing, his demeanor that of utter confidence. Across from him, Lisa, a seemingly regular girl, yet with an aura of mystery, tightened her gloves in readiness.

The prince, with a smirk of overconfidence, declared, "Prepare yourself, Lisa. The might of the Celestial Dragon will bring me victory." His proclamation echoed throughout the arena, gaining nods of agreement from many in the audience familiar with the prowess of the Celestial Dragon.

Without further ado, Prince An Aixinjueluo summoned his chosen beast. From the skies above, a dragon descended, its scales gleaming like polished gold, its wings casting enormous shadows. The Celestial Dragon, a creature of legend, was a magnificent sight to behold. Its roar resonated, leaving many in the crowd in awe.

Lisa, unfazed by the spectacle, closed her eyes momentarily. And then, with a determined voice, she summoned, "Awaken, Millennium Ice Dragon!" From the ground, ice and frost began to form, taking shape into a majestic dragon, its scales shimmering with an ethereal blue hue, its eyes a deep, icy blue.

As the two dragons circled each other, a dance of fire and ice began. But in a shocking twist, Prince An Aixinjueluo commanded his Celestial Dragon to bypass the Millennium Ice Dragon and head straight for Lisa!

Reacting swiftly, Lisa directed her dragon to erect an "Ice Bastion." The Millennium Ice Dragon let out a roar, and a thick, towering wall of ice formed instantly, protecting Lisa from the Celestial Dragon's assault. The crowd gasped, the atmosphere tense.

Seeing his initial attack thwarted, Prince An Aixinjueluo grew irritated. He ordered his Celestial Dragon to summon "Golden Meteors," and the sky was immediately filled with blazing projectiles aiming for both Lisa and her dragon.

Lisa, showcasing her bond with her dragon, coordinated a counter. The Millennium Ice Dragon spiraled into the air, leaving behind an intricate trail of frost and snowflakes, which collided with the golden meteors. Steam and mist enveloped the battlefield as fire met ice.

Refusing to be deterred, the prince orchestrated a relentless barrage of attacks, from golden flames to celestial beams. Each attack was met with a calculated defense by Lisa, who used her dragon's icy breath and frosty wings to neutralize the onslaught.

In a desperate move, Prince An Aixinjueluo commanded the Celestial Dragon to use its ultimate move, "Heaven's Wrath." The dragon soared high, gathering energy, its form glowing with an intense brightness. The entire arena felt the impending doom.

Lisa, realizing the gravity of the situation, whispered something to her dragon. The Millennium Ice Dragon began to glow with a chilling aura, its scales radiating a bluish-white light.

As the Celestial Dragon unleashed its energy, aiming to obliterate Lisa and her dragon, the Millennium Ice Dragon summoned "Ice Mirror Reflection." A vast, mirror-like ice barrier appeared, reflecting the entirety of the Celestial Dragon's attack.

The beam of celestial energy, instead of hitting its intended target, was reflected back towards Prince An Aixinjueluo and his dragon. The prince, caught off guard and unable to react in time, was engulfed by his own attack.

Silence followed, broken only by the gentle hiss of steam. When the smoke cleared, Prince An Aixinjueluo was on the ground, visibly wounded, his Celestial Dragon fading into the ether. Lisa and her Millennium Ice Dragon stood victorious.

The audience erupted in astonishment. The underdog had turned the tables, using the prince's own power against him. Lisa, despite her victory, showed no sign of gloating. She bowed respectfully to her fallen opponent, teaching all present a lesson in humility and strategy.