
The Tiny Ninja


The wood stump cries against the force of the axe, the firewood piling itself over the existing mound and echoing in the woods

*tap tap tap

I can hear these cute footsteps, behind me, they began fast and then suddenly stopped. Turning around to look for the source, I was greeted by nothing but the sound of the cicadas.

Turning back and putring the other log over the stump


*tap tap tap tap tap

I can feel the corners of my mouth rising slowly, growing into a grin I cannot control anymore. I put the next log on top.

*thunk-tap tap tap tap


I can feel the weight of a head above mine and the lovingly chubby arms of my stalker.

With the sternest voice I could muster, I reprimand my catcher "Aerin. . .haven't I told you not to sneak behind me when I'm cutting wood?"

*sniff sniff

". . ."

*sniff sniff

"What are you doing?"

"I like how your hair smells Papa"

"It smells greasy- that's how it smells"

". . .I like how your hair smells Papa"

She continues to smell my hair in a way that reminded me much like a dog, sniffing fast and short only to stop for a moment, breathing once to sniff again.

She then jumps down from my back and puts herself in front of me, as tall as my legs with hair obsidian as the night that flows down her back, with the same big black eyes as back then. I crouch in front of her and pull a red ribbon from one of my pockets.

"Stay still"

She stands on the tips of her toes, making a small "O" with her mouth and lowering her head for me. I quickly tie a ponytail, letting her hair flow.

"How come you like ponytails so much, Dad?"

"They are easy to move and they look nice. What is not to like"

She squinted her eyes and pressed her lips into a single line, "That so?"

"Hey, are you doubting your old man?"

She turns around on her heels and places her hands behind her "No- I would never do that. . ."

I can imagine her smirking and opening one eye my way. I sigh "Okay smartass" I swing one final time against the log-less stump and made sure the axe was stuck. "Let's go"

She turns around again "Go? Where?"

I cock an eyebrow and continue "Don't you remember? I told you we're going to go with Bertrand to give you the Forest's blessing "

She tilts her head in confusion. Seriously, this girl.

". . .I'll get you some chocolate if you come"

"Aaaaah, so we are going with Bertrand, you should have said so sooner." She lifts her arm to the heavens and dramatically points it to the horizon. "Let's go!" Then she starts marching like a soldier in that direction

Crossing my arms and staring at her awkward marching for a moment before I call her out "Bertrand's house is the other way"

She does a one-eighty on her heels and continues with the same march. This girl is too much for me.

Resigning myself, I start walking at her side.

I then feel the warmness of five little digits pressing against my hand.

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The next couple of chapters will be focused on "the other child"

Acorotocreators' thoughts