

Letting the morning sun warm me up, I got out of bed and started changing into my day clothes.

Of course, none of this was done by hand. If Yashamaru were to come here... Or anyone for that matter, their jaws would probably be on the floor.

A cloud of sand was hovering around the room, doing everything. From holding my toothbrush to clothing me. I didn't have to move a muscle.

Not only was this very enjoyable, but it was awesome training! I could feel my skills increase as I practiced.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I was stuck in a small daze. I'm Gaara.

I looked exactly like the original, only the forehead symbol was missing.

"Oh yeah! Today I'll enter the academy!"

Thinking out loud, I snapped back to reality.

Feeling my blood boil with excitement, I started to think of all the ways that I would suppress the opposition, becoming an unrivaled tyrant in school.

Friends? Who needs friends. I already know how people can be... I don't trust 'friends'.

With that thought, I slowly made my way to the living room. There, Yashamaru was waiting with a soft smile on his face.

"Gaara-kun, shall we?"

He then extended his hand outward as his eyes shaped into crescent moons.

"Sure... let's go, Yashamaru!"

With a small smile, I grabbed hold of his hand out of respect. I'd rather not have to walk around holding someone else's hand but I know he only has good intentions.

As we were going down the stairs, an all too familiar voice sounded in my head. A headache then hit me like a train.

"Kill him... He will betray you... Kill..."


Putting my hands on my head and breathing deeply, I quickly managed to cool myself down. Yashamaru was staring at me with worry apparent in his eyes.

"Don't worry, Yashamaru... I get these headaches every now and then. It's okay. See, I'm fine!"

Extending my hands and showing a smile, I managed to calm him down. He still looked suspicious though and shot glances at me every chance he got.

Nice, now I'll have him on my as* for the rest of the day... That's the last thing I needed. Curse those headaches.

We soon reached the exit of our building, and Yashamaru smiled, reaching for the door.

I will finally get to experience the outside world! Gone are the days of being restricted to looking out the window!

Yashamaru could see me fidgeting, my breaths accelerating. The corners of his mouth curled up once again, and with one swift motion, he unsealed my cage.

As the light struck my eyes, I was temporarily blinded. Not wasting any time, I ran out and gaped at my surroundings.

The floor and buildings were all made of yellow-ish clay... There were countless stands and shops covering the street. It looked like an Arabic town from back on earth.

( AN: http://bit.ly/2Xteaj2 )

The cries of the Hawks, the smell of the spices and the gentle feel of the desert breeze on my cheek... It was enough for me to fall in love with Suna.

I opened my eyes and looked at everything around me with passion, scared that I would miss a single detail. I even went as far as using the system to record this memory.

The feeling of actually being in the Naruto world... Was indescribable. I feel happy, content, and more importantly... Alive.

Yashamaru was behind me, resting on the doorframe. Although he was smiling, his eyes contained a tinge of sorrow and pity.

Ahem... I let the weeb inside of me come out for a second there.

Although we still had to go to the academy, he just watched as I enjoyed my freedom for the first time. He really was considerate.

"Okay... I'm ready. Let's head there, Yashamaru!"

Tucking away my excitement, I motioned for him to lead. We thus left for the academy.

On the way, I made sure to walk extra slowly in order to appreciate the beauty of my surroundings. It's not every day that you can witness Sunagakure in all of its glory. Especially for an earthling like me.

One thing I noticed though, after careful observation, was that the people didn't look right. Most of them had bags under their eyes, and baggy clothes. Clear signs of malnourishment.

Yashamaru seemed to notice too and looked a bit depressed. It seems like the economic situation hasn't really gotten better over time.

I made a mental note to fix this issue when I get the power to necessary. I already have some plans in my head... Those five years of thinking hadn't been wasted at all.

After a while, we finally made it. The academy was huge. On top of the entrance, there was a massive sign, with the kanji symbol for wind engraved on it.

In front of the main door, people were socializing. They seemed to be the parents of the children that were already inside, doing the exam.

When they saw me arrive, most of them got scared. But then they saw Yashamaru and acted as if nothing had happened. Ignoring them, I said goodbye to Yashamaru and walked towards the entrance.

On my way, I could hear whispers behind my back.

"Isn't that Gaara? I heard that lord Kazekage sealed that... That thing inside of him..."

"Shh! Yashamaru-sama is here... If he hears you you're dead."

"I wished that thing would just disappear. I'm scared for my kid, having to enroll with it..."

Although they were whispering, I could hear them perfectly. Yashamaru too.

He frowned and looked at me. His eyes carried that sorrow from earlier, this time more pronounced by the shadow in his eyes.

I smiled reassuringly at him and headed for the academy once again, disappearing from sight. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.


Shortly after I made my way in, I was greeted by the sight of a bunch of kids lining up. There were three different lines, each leading to a separate room.

Yashamaru had told me on the way here that the academy conducted the tests in separate areas to make the process faster. In other words, any line was fine.

Scanning for the shortest line, I made my way to the middle. There, I silently stood behind the last kid.

A while after I joined, he looked behind and jumped in fright. I must have scared him... Since I'm so quiet. Even when I run, I have the habit of not making much noise.

Most of my training is done in silence after all. I can't have people know about my secrets.

"Damn! You scared me! Who are... y-you..."

Mid-way through his sentence, he seemed to realize something and gulped down aggressively.

"S-sorry. My mistake..."

With fear apparent in his eyes, he walked over to the line on the right. Great, one less to go. The fewer people, the faster I can start studying.

"Hey, that's the fourth's... That's the monster my dad told me about..."

"Yeah... He matches the description perfectly..."

I don't know what's wrong with people in this village, but they suck at whispering. It must be some sort of common problem. I mean, if they don't want me to hear them, they're doing a terrible job.

Snorting, I ignored them. The original Gaara killed and injured people by accident, but I won't. Although I don't care if people hate me, I rather they don't because I'll eventually be Kazekage.

I'm just making my life easier. Then again, rumors are bound to spread... But it doesn't matter.

I'm still myself, and rumors are just that, rumors. As long as there's no proof that I committed any crimes, no one can do anything to me. Even my father.

Alright, this chapter marks the start of volume two. I haven’t come up with a name for it, but I will eventually. This is when the plot officially starts.

Some of you have noticed that there has been an issue with powerstones, and it is being fixed by the admins as we speak. Thank you for reading.

Have a good day!


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