

When you were at the peak of your dreams. You fell on your feet, And have to start all over again. How do you get up again? Accumulates energy and confidence to be able to stand, walking and running. * * * Najma was devastated. She achieved the dream with great difficulty, Now disappeared in an instant. In sorrow, she ran away to a far place. In a far place, Najma meets Sayyid. The fragility of Najma caught Sayyid attention. Until Sayyid helps her to gets up again. A moment the two are together, and other feelings grow. Sayyid was doubtful, but his feeling were stronger that he thought. Then when this leg is able to run farther, the single most precious thing is taken from her.

nromadhoniah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


The sedan turns and then enters the third gate. After going inside, the road she encountered was no longer paved but with rocky soil.

And an ancient house that is almost all of old wood becomes the end of Najma's journey.

Najma put the sedan into the courtyard of the ancient house, really spacious typical of a country house yard.

The yard are quite dark, only got the light from a low-power incandescent lamp hanging in the very center of the terrace.

The sound of the sedan engine made the owner of the house open the door.

An old woman hobbled to the front of the terrace.

Najma did not immediately get out of the sedan, she stretched her arms deep into the back seat, pulls a jumbo pillow and then takes a cellphone that is under it.

She turns it on for a moment, an expected there were a lot of messages in it. Everything is dominated by messages from her family.

She typed one short sentence, "I am fine, now i'm taking a walk in a beautiful place." Najma hopes, at least that sentence can reduce a little anxiety of those closest to her.

"Who's coming, mother?," asked a young girl standing behind the old woman.

Both looked nervous when the driver of the sedan did not appear immediately.

Najma came out after a few minutes later. With a small knit bag that hangs over the right shoulder, she turned her face while nodding her head to greet the two of them.

In the dim night, the old woman tried to recognize the young woman, whose steps were now getting closer.

But why, for a long time she could not recognize Najma. Until Najma introduced herself.

"Assalamu'alaikum," she said when she arrived in front of the two women.

"Wa'alaikumsalam," answered the two women together.

"I am Najma, do you remember me?,."

Mrs. Darmi takes a closer look. Not because she didn't believe it, this is due to the ability of her vision to decline the age.

"Yaa ALLAH, is it Miss Najma? Sorry, i thought who was," said Mrs. Darmi smilling happily then hugging Najma warmly.

Behind Mrs Darmi, the young girl was still gawking. She did not know Najma, neither did Najma.

"This is Yani, my daughter," said Mrs. Darmi introducing the young girl.

With a little smile, Najma reach out to introduce herself to Yani. Yani shook the hand too.

Mrs. Darmi looks behind Najma, thinking maybe someone else with her. But, of course not.

"Come on in, Miss Najma. It's cold outside."

"Even though if only been a year, but it feels like it's been a long time. Suddenly i miss Mr. Wildan and Mrs. Ranti. How are they all?," asked Mrs. Darmi opening the story of the past.

The question immediately brought back confusion in Najma's heart. She really didn't know how they were all at that time?.

Even though she believed they were all probably thinking of her suddenly missing.

A few seconds her mind drifted, she really thought by the condition of them all.

"Miss Najma, what's wrong?," asked Mrs. Darmi suddenly feeling worried.

Najma woke up, than shook her head.

"Alhamdulillah, they are all fine," Najma answered just giving an answer.

"Let's sit down, Miss," said Mrs. Darmi who less attention to Najma's gesture.

"Sorry, i came here at night," said Najma trying to be a polite.

"It's okay, Miss Najma, just like with other people. Miss Najma, what do you want to drink?."

"Sorry, i am a bother Mrs. Darmi."

"Miss Najma, don't say that. I just made a warm drink, perfect for a cold weather."

"Thanks, it's up to Mrs. Darmi."

"Mrs. Darmi, can you just call me Najma?," said Najma again, it seemed that she had been uncomfortable with the call.

"Ouch, it's hard, Miss."

Mrs. Darmi turned her face to the side, where Yani was.

"Yan, please make some warm tea for Miss Najma."

Yani said yes, then she stood up and disappeared from the living room.

"Mrs. Darmi, i want to stay at Mrs. Darmi's house. It will probably be for a few or up to a week," Najma conveyed the purpose of her arrival.

Mrs. Darmi gave a big smile, no need for more thought to make a decision.

She immediately invited Najma happily.

"With pleasure, Miss. But i'm sorry, the bed is not like at miss Najma's home."

Then Yani appeared with two glasses of warm tea.

"Please drink it, Miss. But slowly drink it because it's still hot."

"Thank you," Najma is really grateful for everything.

Then Mrs. Darmi drank the tea water little by little, followed by Najma.

That night the two did not talk much, just asking each other the news like people who have not seen for a long time.

Yani has sat back on her chair. She didn't say much, just be a good listener between the chat of her mother and Najma.

The one who was the most excited in the chat was Mrs. Darmi. She share many nostalgic stories in the past, when she was still working at Mrs. Ranti's house, the older sister of Najma's mother.

But Najma, instead she is similar to what Yani did. All this time she spoke only a word or two, often followed by a faint smile.

"Ouch, sorry for chatting a lot. Miss Najma should rest immediately, after a long journey," said Mrs. Darmi seemed very relieving Najma, her body was struggling wanting to rest.

Then Yani accompanied Najma to her room, a simple room with an as-is bed.

In the room, there is an old wooden divan, a mattress that is not soft at all, and finally a small wooden wardrobe with many peeling parts.

"Sorry, it's just like this," said Yani looking very uncomfortable.

"Oh, yes. There is a blanket, Miss. From night to dawn, the weather here is very cold," added Yani, almost forgetting.

"Thank you, Yan. All this is more than enough."

"Eeeh, can i know where the bathroom is? I haven't prayed," added Najma before Yani went away.

* * *

Finally, the tired body can lie down too. Yani blanket wraps around Najma's body from chin to toe.

Najma closed her eyes, she hopes to fall asleep as soon as possible.

A tired body should be able to easily close both eyes. But that night did not apply to Najma.

Even two hours, she has roll on the divan. Her eyes were still wide open.

Najma was getting restless, she thought of finding a way out. Of course, she really didn't want to be like that until morning.

Than the idea came to her mind. Najma comes out of the room, walked quickly towards the very back of the house.

She intends to take ablution water.

Based on Najma's own experience, ablution water is often a panacea for her to bring calm, as if Someone fortifies her feelings from bad thoughts that bother her.

* * *

The night that seemed very long and terrible passed, be a morning that promises new hope.

Come out of the kitchen, Mrs. Darmi brings banana leaves containing pieces of boiled cassava. White smoke evaporated above it, the smell had been wafted from many meters away.

She looked into Najma's room which was slightly open, theres was no Najma there. Continued into the living room, there was no one there either.

Mrs. Darmi was confused, then where the guest is?. A final attempt, she turned her head to the yard.

Thank goodness, Najma was there.

She was standing in the middle of the yard, looking straight ahead, toward the rays of the sun.

"Please taste the boiled cassava, Miss," said Mrs. Darmi from the terrace.

Najm turned around, stepped slowly toward the terrace.

Then both of them sat side by side on wooden chairs in front of the terrace.

"Please, Miss. Sorry, only boiled cassava."

"This is also delicious, Mrs. Darmi."

They took turns taking the pieces of cassava. Mrs. Darmi eat it with gusto.

"After this i'll take a walk, have a look at the sights."

"Oh, sorry, Miss. Me and Yani cannot accompany. I am going to the fields, Yani also works."

"No problem, Mrs. Darmi. I can walk alone."

"Miss, beside there is a bicycle. It's bad, but it can still be used properly. It's nice to get around while riding a bicycle."

"Good idea," Najma showed interest.

"Yani, can you come over here?."

Yani running, the sound of her stomping was heard loudly.

Not long ago Yani appeared in front of the terrace.

"Yan, please show your bike beside the house to Miss Najma," said Mrs. Darmi to Yani.

Yani nods.

Without waiting for the sun to rise, Mrs. Darmi went to the fields. Followed by Najma dan Yani, they go on their bikes.

* * *