
Fruit of Grisia: Twilight Dream

Autor: Feign_Frey
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 8.9K Modos de exibição
  • 6 Chs
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What is Fruit of Grisia: Twilight Dream

Leia o romance Fruit of Grisia: Twilight Dream escrito pelo autor Feign_Frey publicado no WebNovel. Yuuji kazami is a young man who has lived a completely different life from social norms. But somewhere down the road he lost sight of his goals. On a journey without a destination he encounters four g...


Yuuji kazami is a young man who has lived a completely different life from social norms. But somewhere down the road he lost sight of his goals. On a journey without a destination he encounters four girls, who are trying to survive in a hell out of reach of any civilization with their own miseries. How will he save these fruits from rotting who have fallen too far off from their social tree. Would he be able to find his calling? or will he continue on his mindless journey like he always has. What will be the end of this twilight dream. Disclaimer: I do not own Fruit of grisia nor its characters. These belong to eiji narumi. I do not own anything. *sad noises

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Forbidden Love Story (BL)

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ArionWriter · Fantasia
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Shameless author of this fiction here. I had to give a review because nobody else is writing something here. This book is by no means a masterpiece. I did try my best to make it at least enjoyable but so far no one has given a review or written a comment to tell me about it so I don't know if I did a good job or not.


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