
Who is love?Enter Cupid...

Hello my name is Bella Dove, and I'm known as Cupid the ambassador of love. Yep, this job is pretty sweet, I even have a holiday dedicated just to me.... yet as much as I am believed in and as much as I work... I feel an emptiness every time I see the couple I've helped become happy. It makes no sense, and that's what confuses me.

I sighed heavily as I twirled a lock of my long rosy pink hair. my skin is pale and my eyes are a beautiful emerald color. I wear the uniform that man in moon gave me when I first became cupid... a pale rose colored sun dress with a red ribbon holding my hair back. I'm obviously good with a bow and arrow as thats how I spread the love but for some reason I always feel so alone. my angelic like wings shiver as a cold wind blows where I am sitting on top of a roof... and for some reason, I hear someone's laughter.

I turn my head in the direction of the laughter and see a barefooted teen in a blue hoodie, with white hair and a weird looking stick. He was playing with some kids near a frozen pond... and lets just say I was very curious about this young man.

I gently fluttered down and peak out from behind a tree, {Who is this guy? It looks like he's throwing snow balls out of thin air...}

"G'day mate," I whirled around to come face to face with none other than the Ester Bunny, "Haven't seen you for three hundred years now... you ain't trying to avoid me now are ya?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I tried to walk away but the dang rabbit grabbed my arm, "hold on Dove...listen I-"

"Listen Bunny, I don't know what you think we have but let me make my self clear...." I shook my arm free of his grasp and whirled around and drew my bow on him, "I am not going to be dating a nervous rabbit who bullies others... understand!"

"Hey, Bunny, who is your friend there?" I glanced in the direction of the voice to see it was the white haired boy and I lowered my bow.

"Jack meet Bella Dove, she's the ambassador of love and as of three hundred years ago... she became the guardian of kindness." Bunny explained.

So this is the infamous Jack Frost... Guardian of Fun. He's actually quite handsome, and as he looked at me I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"well.... tell tooth I said hi... ok Bunny!" I practically forced the words out since I felt I made a bad first impression in front of Jack, "I must be going..."

"Hey, Bella," I stopped in my tracks and turn around slowly, "Wanna go for a fly?"