
Issue #27

Quentin flew back into the temple in his psionic form.

"That kinda hurt. Now I'm gonna kick your ass!" Quentin declared before summoning an entire, modern fleet. The constructs were so large that they could not fit inside the temple.

Quentin commanded the ships of open fired which unleashed a full salvo of psionic ammo onto the temple where the trio was inside.

Jack looked at his rebellious student's attack and smirked.

'Fine. I could use the practice. I have been slacking a bit when it comes to my psionic powers. No one better to practice them on than this little brat.'

Jack began to beat up his arrogant student over the next hour. Whatever Quentin did, Jack matched it but with a superior version. And even if he couldn't surpass it at first, Jack was able to study was Quentin was doing, copy it, and improve on it. No matter what the young mutant did, he was never able to truly lay a finger on Jack.

"Alright, enough," Jack declared before sealing Quentin in a sphere of psionic energy. The teen tried to blast his way out by unleashing a massive wave of energy but he was unable to cause a scratch on the orb that contained him.

Sighing, Quentin powered down and admitted his defeat. Seeing his student so obedient, Jack released the young man.

"Good job, Quentin. You tried your best," Laura comforted her teammate like Jack and Melody had taught her before quickly turning to Jack, "Of course, Father did even better."

Jack smiled and rubbed the girl's head. In his eyes, she resembled a cat looking to be rewarded when she said that about him.

"Thanks. Let's get back and see how Field Day is progressing."

Instead of bringing them to the portal, Jack simply teleported them back to the institute. The trio appeared atop the mansion before Jack lifted them with his telekinesis and brought them to the ground.

The trio decided to walk the rest of the way to meet up with the other Inquisitors. Halfway there, they had coincidentally run into their squadmates as well as Emma and Stella's squads as well.

Jack looked over and saw that while Stella had gotten two new members, Emma didn't. He then looked at his squad and saw that they had only brought a single additional person with them.

Seein' the questions in his eyes, Melody hurried to explain.

"Hello, Mr. Frost. The tournament ended about 20 minutes ago but we made sure to watch all the matches so we could find the person or people that would seem to best suit our team. Of all the new students, we only found this one."

Melody pulled on the young woman's hand and brought her in front of herself. Melody was using the girl as a shield in case she accidentally angered Jack by only recruiting a single member or one not to his liking. He had seen how he dealt with Quentin.

Jack didn't respond but studied the girl. She had very distinct pictures. Both of her eyes were different colors while the right side of her head had black hair and the left side had white hair. Jack would have thought she was a really weird anime girl if she wasn't at a school full of mutants.

'Korean? And she looks very familiar. I know that I have not had her in my office but where have I seen her before?'

Seeing that Jack was not reprimanding her or saying anything, Melody continued to introduce the new girl.

"Her name is Seol Hee. You've probably seen her before. She is a famous idol back in Korea but decided to take a half-year break to finish high school. Her powers revolve around using a special type of ice that can heal others. She can also fire shards of black ice to hurt others."

Hee walked forward and outstretched her hand to introduce herself to Jack.

"Hello, Mr. Frost. My stage name is Luna Snow so I was thinking of using that as my codename. I was actually inspired by you to take on that stage name. Frost and Snow haha. Anyway, I'm a fan of yours from when you were in the Avengers. You are such an inspiration!" Hee immediately started fan-girling over Jack such as asking for his autograph and wanting pictures for him.

The others were surprised that someone was so eager to meet Jack. Many of them had forgotten that Jack was actually pretty popular among the 'human' community because they saw him so often.

Jack smiled and responded to the eager young woman. He could tell that Melody had recruited her not just because of her powers but also her personality. Their squad could use a more 'peppy' member.

After signing the 15th piece of paper she had passed to him, Jack hurried to get himself out of that situation.

"Let's all head out to dinner to celebrate us dominating the other squads! Frost Family rules!"

"Frost Family rules!"

"Frost Family rules!"

"Frost Family rules!"

The others cheered along with Jack's words. Each of them was very happy to be a part of the winning teams and they thought it was no coincidence that they had all been led by a Frost.

While they were waiting for their limo, many of the students began to whisper about Jack and the rest of his family.

"They are all so amazing. Emma is one of the top 3 telepaths, Jack is the best cryokinetic, and Stella can copy the powers of other Omega-Level mutants. Having so much power in one family is unfair."

"The Cuckoos are also wild. Their offensive telepathic powers may be weaker than Emma but when they work together, not even Emma could pierce their shield."

"And then there is the daughter-in-law. She is also a powerful telepath. It's like anyone who is a part of their family is in the top .0001% of mutant powers."

"They are also filthy rich. Frost International makes them even wealthier than Stark Industries."

"Do you think they are looking for any sons-in-law?"

"Haha, no way. But I am curious what the next big thing they will do."

In the hearts of many students, the Frost Family had become the new Magneto. They were the charismatic leader that promoted mutants living their best lives but without all the bad rumors that came with Magneto. If they were to start their own nation like the master of magnetism did, at least half the population of Genosha would leave for them.

While the students were talking about what the Frost Family would do next, Jack was getting Emma's permission to adopt Laura. Although he knew that Emma would not mind it, he still wanted to be respectful.

{Huh? Oh, sure. Laura would fit right in with our other daughters.} Emma replied without thinking too much about it. And with that, the number of daughters they had but did not give birth to went from 7 to 8. (including their daughter in law)

{Anyway... what are you up to? I know you too well to assume that you are fine with just teaching and helping me out occasionally.} Emma questioned him. Okkara had pretty much been settled and there were no projects on Jack's plate. But he was like her and was a workaholic. Emma would never believe that Jack would just sit around.

Jack smirked at his fiancee when she asked him that.

{There are talks of a Superhuman Registration Act because of the unstable situation in the nation. The Hulk rampaging around Las Vegas did not help.

If that goes through, mutants will be in trouble during the time that we stay here. Anyone with the means can hack into the servers and find out where young mutants lived, their powers, and their weaknesses.

In order to prevent that act, someone needs to take the lead and organize heroes. To show that we are able to work on our own as parts of teams.

The Avengers is the biggest team that shows how stable it is but it also has had so many traitors and made mistakes. So I plan to start a team of heroes that will be the model.} Jack explained his plans. Even if he was not going to stay on the planet after about 2 and a half years, he had to make sure nothing unexpected would happen.

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