
Frome Earth to Panem (Hunger Games)

A medical student from earth is transmigrated to the world of Panem, and the Hunger Games. I don't want to spoil all the secrets, so why don't you give it a read. (I do not own anything but my own character. everything else belongs to the owners of the Hunger Games world.)

Man_Of_Earth · Filmes
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MC character sheet

Name- James Knight


Ethnicity- Caucasian

Hair- light brown

Eyes- green

Hight- 6'2

Build- runner


James was born in the bustling city jungle of New York city, to prominent doctor parents.

He has no siblings, and was often alone throughout his childhood.

As he grew older, his parents pressure, made him study hard in school then diverted him into the medical field, where he exceeded above many of his peers.

Graduating two year early from high-school, James was offered a scholarship to New Yorks premier medical school.

But before he could become a resident at a hospital, he was hit by a speeding drunk driver, ending his life.

James has a issue with crowds of people, and is very anti social, and would prefer to be alone more often then not.

(Most likely from his childhood, where he was alone)

In strides to get out of his shell, on the recommendation of his therapist, James has tried going out more with others of his class, but before he could get far in that, he was killed.


The MC dose not know much about the Hunger Games world.

He was a child who was never allowed much besides studying.

So never exactly got to see the Hunger Games movies, or read the books.


Also, in this world, Katniss is 18 at the start, instead of 16 like the books.