
The beginning (sort of...)

"King Richard,Princess Lizzy please just one photo". Richard and I stood and put on our best smiles for the paparazzi.

Oh shoot I forgot the introduction...My name is Lizzy Hangington and I grew up from a low class background. I used to go to a normal school where my dad and I would walk to every morning.

I used to wish I had money like the rest of the students but... If wishes were horses beggers would ride...or so I thought.

It was a cold morning that day when I met him.And our Principal announced that the Prince will be arriving at our school. Every one was really excited especially Mika the mean girl. She is a miss know it all and always wants everyone to worship her.

The school was preapared for the Prince but to our surprise he didnt arrive that day. We were all disappointed especially me because I really wanted to see a Prince for the first time in my life. After the bell rang I walked home as I usually do every day. I passed the normal route I did so as to pick up milk for my mother. As I passed the bakery I bumped into a tall,lightskinned man. He had blue eyes that shone in the light and had a very attractive face.

"Pardon me Madame,"he said. "I am so sorry I bumped into you sir",I said feeling very embarrassed.

"I am Rich...I am Ricky, whats your name?" I looked at him in shock as no one had ever asked a low life girl like me my name before. "I am Lizzy..Lizzy Hangington. "

We talked for hours and he told me that he was actually 2 years older than me,how he moved here and was just walking home when we bumped into each other.

He told me how he loved our city already and that he had to miss and important meeting as he had to runaway so as to get the freedom he needs. I was very confused as to why he would need freedom but I just brushed of the idea that he could be an important person like maybe the ...Prince? But he is called Ricky right? So he cant be the Prince because the prince is called Prince Richard Paddington.