
From Prisoner To Alpha's Mate

After years of being forced to fight for her life by vampires in a ring, she's thrown together with a boy who she builds a bond with while they share a cell. An opportunity comes up to allow her to finally escape with him and live her own life. After finding somewhere to live and remain away from the vampires with the boy, a wolf gets caught in one of her traps who just so happens to end up her soul mate and Alpha to the pack near to their hiding place. Will Mara accept him after what she has experienced? Will they finally be safe and happy? Or will she run from him when her past comes back to haunt her?

Emii_Knight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Within the quiet village of Oakheart, a pack of werewolves lived out their days peacefully. They were a small pack that respected and valued one another. The Alpha's family lived up on the hill where his wife was hanging up her washing while their daughter played. Her white hair was tied up atop her head as she ran and played, her red eyes alight with happiness. Her mother finished the washing the called the young girl over to her. She skipped over to her mother with a grin, her red eyes meeting blue.

"Mara, go and fetch the basket, we need to go shopping." Her mother, Kyra, instructed. She rushed off to do as she was told and returned shortly with the basket, handing it to her mother and taking her hand. The two called goodbye to George who was handling some Alpha business inside, knowing he could hear them, then they hopped into the carriage, instructing their driver Clinton on where to go.

It took thirty minutes to reach the town and the noise easily contrasted to how quiet the village was. Clinton directed the horses round to a side street and pulled on the reins, bringing the carriage to a stop. Jumping out of the carriage, Mara rushed off towards the market with her mother following behind. The voices and smells flooded her senses, causing her to become excited. She loved how busy the market was and how it was always full of life. Walking round with her mother, they picked out all the foods they were going to use for their meals. They both talked with the people they knew and Mara had fun playing with the other children. They were both pleasantly merry until Mara noticed her mother become tense, her eyes frantically scanning the market. Becoming uneasy, she huddled closer to her mother.

"Mama, what's wrong?" She asked in her soft and young voice. She had recently turned five and so was still naive to the world, but she understood that when her mother reacted like that then it meant something was wrong.

"We need to go home. Now." She informed her, taking her hand and pulling her hurriedly along back to the carriage. Sending her husband a telepathic message that only werewolves could do, she warned him of the enemy. Giving Curtis a pointed look that he understood immediately, she rushed inside the carriage with her basket and daughter, and Curtis urged the horses into a gallop home.

They were close to the village before they sensed the enemy gaining on them and gunshots being fired at them. Curtis tried to urge the horses faster but the enemy caught up, shooting both horses and causing the carriage to tip over. Curtis and Kyra shifted into their wolf forms, going for an attack on their enemy. They managed to kill a few of the wretched vampires before Kyra heard a scream that made her heart drop. Twisting round she saw Mara being pinned to the floor, a silver knife pierced through her right leg.

"That's enough killing my men I think." The vampire standing to the right of Mara smirked, his green eyes filled with sick amusement. "Either you shift back or we kill the girl." Seeing Curtis shift back into his human form, Kyra reluctantly followed his lead. As humans they were more vulnerable and they knew it. Keeping her eyes on her daughter, she ignored the lustful stares on her naked body.

"Let her go." She demanded, seeing Mara crying as they pain of the silver coursed through her.

"Mama!" She cried out, causing Kyra's heart to clench in her chest.

"Oh this is perfect. We have your daughter so kneel down. Both of you." The man laughed, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Mara. They both did as instructed before they heard more gunshots and pain filled yelps echo through the air from the direction of the village. "Did I forget to mention that you're outnumbered?" Letting out a growl of anger, Curtis lunged forward to try to get to Mara. The man's eyes lit up at this and he fired a shot at him, getting him in the stomach, and then grabbing him around the throat and sinking his fangs into his shoulder. He then ripped out a chunk of flesh from where he'd bitten. Using the direction he had created, Kyra flew forward, throwing off the two holding down her daughter. Picking up Mara, she took off in a sprint to the right through the woods.

Unfortunately, she didn't get far when a gunshot rang out and she fell to the floor with a yelp. The bullet had hit her leg. Taking out the knife from Mara's leg, she ordered for her to run and hide. Breaking down into sobs, she refused to leave her mother.

"Go and hide Mara. It'll be alright. Mama loves you. Now go!" She exclaimed. With a whimper, she turned and limped off further into the woods. A vampire came out from behind a tree and with a chuckle, caught Mara by the hair and injected her with a drug. Kyra tried to lunge at him as she watched her daughter's eyes close before she fell unconscious to the floor, but a floor struck the back of her head. She hit the floor again and turned to glare up at the vampire with green eyes.

"We'll make good use of your daughter." He chuckled, aiming the gun at her head. "Enjoy watching from above as we make her a killer." With that he grabbed her neck and squeezed, watching the life fade from her eyes as she died. The fight she had put up had not been enough, and now her daughter was in the hands of the enemy, never to be the same again....