
From Prisoner To Alpha's Mate

After years of being forced to fight for her life by vampires in a ring, she's thrown together with a boy who she builds a bond with while they share a cell. An opportunity comes up to allow her to finally escape with him and live her own life. After finding somewhere to live and remain away from the vampires with the boy, a wolf gets caught in one of her traps who just so happens to end up her soul mate and Alpha to the pack near to their hiding place. Will Mara accept him after what she has experienced? Will they finally be safe and happy? Or will she run from him when her past comes back to haunt her?

Emii_Knight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1

11 years later....

Cheers and snarls echoed through the halls of the castle, coming from the dungeons where a fighting pit had been created so they could watch as their entertainment unfolded. Vampires were around the ring, looking down and cheering at the fight below. Two wolves circled each other, trying to find the others weakness. The brown wolf was the newest of the two while the white wolf was the reigning champion of the ring. A scar could be seen over her left eyes and several other scars marked her body. Her red eyes watched him, waiting for any openings when suddenly they narrowed and she lunged forward, jaw clamping down on his neck. Pinning him to the ground, she growled as a warning for him to stay still. He tried to escape by kicking and thrashing about causing her to tighten her grip of his neck, her muzzle becoming red as his blood seeped out of his wounds. He began to gasp for breath and whimper, asking her telepathically to hurry and end his life. With a twist of her muzzle, she heard his neck snap and she let go of him, heading over to the gate that lead down to her cell. Taking herself inside, the cell down shut and locked behind her, leaving her to her thoughts. The cell was made with reinforced silver so she couldn't escape. For eleven year she had been entertainment to these sadistic bastards. She was their pet made to fight for her life whenever they decided they had a challenger for her.

Eleven years.... She had been made to grow up and turn her heart black before she had time to recover from the shock of her parents and packs slaughter. She had screamed and cried at first, but then she had learnt that silence and sarcasm was better. The innocence and love that had once been embedded in her soul, was ripped out and stomped on, leaving her hollow and bloodthirsty. Alas, she became the vampires champion in the ring, abandoned her fear of death and the mercy she harbored in her heart. Letting out a huff, she shifted into her human form and put on the clothes that sat to the side of the cell. Her body had many scars all over due to the thousands of fights and the torture she had been through when she had disobeyed them. Her white hair hung down her back, red splatters staining the white from the blood. Lying down on the dirt covered floor, she stared up at the ceiling for a little while before her eyes fluttered shut and she allowed herself to sleep.

A few hours passed when the sound of snarling and shouting caused her eyes to snap open. Vampires were carrying a muzzled young wolf down the hallway; the pup was putting up a fight by thrashing in their arms and trying to scratch at its captors. One opened the cell door to her left then threw him in, shut the door and locked it. They walked away laughing while the brown wolf almost half the size of her own wolf, began to try and bash against the cell door. She stayed silent, watching with one eye open as it tried again and again to bash it open. The smell coming from the pup showed he was male and that he was frantic to escape. It took a while before the pup realised it was useless and was too tired and sore from rushing at the cell door. He fell to the floor, whines escaping his muzzle as the harsh reality of the situation sunk in. Sitting up, the sound of dirt moving caught the pups attention and his head jerked up, green eyes instantly meeting her red ones. She moved closer to the bars and gestured with a crook of her finger for him to come closer. Warily the pup crawled forward so she reached through the bars and removed the muzzle.

"Shift." She commanded, watching as the pup shifted into his human form. Her eyes widened when she saw a young boy who looked to be ten years old. His hair was brunette and his green eyes were full of fear and panic. "What's your name?" She asked, flashes of when she was captured passing through her mind. The boy was silent for a moment, trying to figure out if the woman in front of him was a friend or foe.

"Kian." He informed her. "Where are we? What is this place? Who are you?"

"This is a vampire den that they use for entertainment. The source of entertainment is us. They put us against one another and we fight to the death. If you don't kill your opponent, you can either be killed instead or they'll torture you to teach you your place. The vampire who owns this place is called Victor. The names Mara, though its been forever since I've been called by that name. Here I'm known as the Silver Devil. My fur is white you see and due to my red eyes and how quickly and....sometimes gruesomely I kill..... I'm deemed as a devil." She explained, watching as his eyes grew wide in horror and his face paled as he heard about the deaths.

"Is there a way out of here?" He asked, his voice trembling as tears welled up in his eyes. Letting out a sigh she said nothing, only shaking her head as an answer. With that the boy began to shake, tears falling as he sobbed and curled up into a ball, hiding his face in his arms. Her hardened heart began to ache and more flashes of how she had felt after being thrown in a cell came back to her. The boy was a reminder of how she used to be. A reminder of what it meant to be weak.... Turning her back to him, she moved away from his cell and laid back down, hoping to get some sleep before the vampires put her up against another challenger.

Once again loud sounds caused Mara's eyes to snap open and she watched as the boy was dragged out of his cell, panicked eyes meeting hers as he cried for her to help him. Looking away, she knew exactly what was to happen. He would be taken to receive a brand that would be forever burned into his skin, and he would be beaten so that the vampires could break any willpower he had left before they rebuilt him into a killer. It was what they had done to her. Due to her sensitive hearing she could hear the screams and cries of the boy as he received the brand from the floor above the cells and fighting pit. She felt her heart ache once again and her wolf was howling at the thought of an innocent child of their kind being hurt. The cries and screams continued for what seemed like hours before it became silent. She listened out for any movement, wondering if the boy had passed out or if he was dead. Footsteps came down the steps towards the cells but instead of his cell that he had been thrown in before, they opened her own and threw him in. Confusion filled her as she watched the vampire minions smirking and laughing. What was the meaning of this? Why put him in her cell? They locked her cell without saying a word and left, leaving her to look after the boy. Noticing the brand on his chest and the bloody cuts on his body, she moved forward and ripped off parts of her top, using the strips to bandage the cuts. She couldn't clean the cuts but she knew that her kind healed a lot faster than normal so she wasn't too worried. They weren't deep enough to cause too much harm or risk infection so that was another positive. Pulling him closer to her, she saw his eyes were open and tears were spilling down his cheeks. Seeking comfort, he buried his face in her neck and curled up on her lap, crying into her shoulder. Her body froze at the contact, not having received any hugs or anything since she had been taken. She had been sexually harassed once she had become older and her body had developed, but she had never had anyone wanting comfort from her. This was something completely new to her and she was unsure of how to react. Though she was unsure, it seemed her body moved on instinct. Her arms wrapped around his body and she began to run her hand through his hair, holding him silently but tightly enough to let him know she was there. Soon he fell asleep, having cried himself to sleep so she decided to leave him be in her arms, resting her head against the wall behind her and closing her eyes. What would the next day bring?....