
From Führer to Infant: Hitler's Unexpected Reincarnation

Adolf Hitler, one of history's most notorious villains, faces an unexpected fate after his death in Berlin 1945. Instead of eternal damnation, he is given a second chance at life in a medieval world. But the catch? He is reborn not as the powerful male monarch he had hoped for, but as a helpless baby girl. Follow Hitler's journey as he navigates this unfamiliar world, grappling with the challenges of being reborn as an infant, and struggling to come to terms with his unexpected second chance at life.

Emma_Flaig · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Hitler's Choice: Reincarnated in a Medieval World

Berlin, April 30th, 1945.

Adolf Hitler was alone in his bunker, surrounded by the deafening sound of explosions and the screams of his defeated army. The end of World War II was near, and he knew it. He had made his final decision, and now he was ready to face the consequences.

He picked up his gun and held it against his temple. His hand shook as he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. Everything went black.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in front of a dark figure. It was a voice that spoke to him, neither male nor female, neither human nor animal. The voice gave him two options: he could be sent to Hell for all eternity, or he could be reincarnated in a medieval world.

Hitler hesitated for a moment, considering his options. Hell would be a never-ending torment, but being reborn in a medieval world sounded intriguing. The voice told him he could be reborn as a monarch, but he would be kidnapped and sold as a slave. Or he could be reborn as a commoner in a peaceful kingdom.

Hitler chose the latter. He didn't want to risk being captured and sold as a slave. He preferred a peaceful life, far away from war and bloodshed. The voice nodded and disappeared, and Hitler felt his consciousness slipping away.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a different world. He was a baby, lying in a crib in a small, cozy cottage. His parents were standing over him, looking down with wonder and love.

"It's a girl," his mother said, with a smile on her face. Hitler was horrified. He had been expecting to be reborn as a powerful male monarch, not a helpless female infant.

As Hitler lay there in the crib, his mind raced with thoughts of confusion and anger. He couldn't believe that he had been reincarnated as a girl, a weak and helpless one at that. The thought of living his life as a female was unbearable, but he knew that he had no choice.

He looked up at his parents, who were gazing at him with loving eyes. They had no idea who he really was or what he was capable of. Hitler knew that he needed to keep his true identity a secret, at least until he was old enough to do something about it.

As he lay there, he thought about his options. He could rebel against his new life, fight against the fact that he was now a girl. But he knew that it would only make things worse for him. He had to bide his time and wait for the right opportunity to present itself.

He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. The gods may have decided his fate, but they couldn't control his actions. Hitler was determined to make something of himself, to rise above his current circumstances and become the powerful leader that he was always meant to be.

"The gods are stupid if they think they can decide for me," he muttered under his breath, as he drifted off to sleep.

Little did anyone know, the baby girl lying in the crib was not who she appeared to be. She was Adolf Hitler, reborn into a new body, but with the same burning desire for power and control. And as she slept, she dreamed of the day when she would rise to the top and claim her rightful place as the leader of the world.