106 its been a while...

I've been avoiding this moment for a while now, and i only realized why just a moment before i found the courage to write this.

i was afraid.

mainly due to the fact i did the one thing i said i wasn't going to do: disappear without notice.

afraid of what would await me the moment i found the ability to begin writing once again.

i stopped before due to me finding out that i lost the proverbial 'spark' that gave me all the ideas i had, and it took me a while to realize the fact, which leads me to the next statement:

I am ashamed at the fact that i pretty much abandoned this project, and i WILL RETURN soon.

this time i hope that i don't leave you all without any idea of when i will return, or if i ever will.

i recently had a house fore that had me and my parents living in a hotel for a month while our home was refurbished, and the lack of a computer has left me with a lot of time to reflect on my past actions.

i will return, and the next time i go on a 'long hiatus' I will tell you.

thank you for reading this, and once again

I am sorry for the actions of past me, although present me is most likely just as stupid as past me.

as we all know: the present is always doomed to repeat the past.

but hey, its not like the past was that bad compared to nowadays! we're living like it's 1346, and that's very much not okay with me, even if its the most restricted freedom I've had in years...

and that folks, is how you go from writing an apology to joking about deadly diseases.

...and this is how i shall end this apology (and complaint?): with a single conversation.

"God I feel like I've been in this crypt for years... Does this place ever end?" I asked in exasperation, sick of seeing the same dull walls wherever I go.

{We shall not deign you with any information on how this place is laid out, but we will say one thing.}

"Which is?" I asked, half expecting some sound advice.

{Everything has an end, but sometimes the question is not where, and instead when.}

I paused for a moment, contemplating sentence.

"That's great and all, but do you have anything to say other than some philosophical bullshit that leaves more questions than answers?" I asked flatly.


I sighed. "I... thought as much." I regathered my thoughts. "Can you hand me a note that says where the crypt ends?"

{That would make us contradict ourselves, so no.}

"But that's the thing about giving me a note! It isn't saying anything." I counter.

I hear the Gods groan, and i take it as a sing of victory.

And so I grabbed a note from the air and read it aloud.

"There... was never a crypt?" I read aloud. "The fuck?"

And suddenly I was somewhere else.

And I hated the fact as much as I enjoyed my newfound freedom.

"Of course I'm in the dungeon." I groaned. "When am I not in the dungeon?"

{Five seconds ago.}

"That was a fucking rhetorical question." I seethed, before cooling my head once more.

"Well, I guess we are going to our regularly scheduled broadcast!" I said in false cheerfulness, before quietly adding a single line.

"I hate this channel."

{Well too bad, since we're the one with the remote.} The Gods said cheerfully. {And we say the show goes on!}

"I really hate this channel." I repeated in a louder voice.

~You should get used to this then, as it is a fool's errand to convince an idiot that they are wrong.~

"{Wait, which one of us is the idiot?}" We said at the same time.

~It appears that the both of you are on the same wavelength.~

"{Goddamn idiot. Cant even leave me out of us out of their brand of stupidity.}"

I widened my eyes in surprise before lowering them into a deadpan stare, accompanied by a deep frown.

"Screw this." I said with a final tone. "I quit."

And so I walked away.

{Wait, come back!} The Gods said in alarm. {We have a show to run here! I cant lose the starring role!} They said in a panicked tone. {We know! How about we triple your salary?}

"I don't even get paid anything." I said in annoyance. "This is unpaid labor."

{Is your continued existence not enough of a payment? We saved you from death, you know.} The Gods said quickly.

I narrowed my eyes. "I was in an empty stairwell. Only an idiot would die in an empty stairwell."

My eyes widened.

{We are sorry to inform you of the unfortunate news.} The Gods said in a plain tone. {But you are not an idiot.}

I released a breath in relief.

{For you are actually an imbecile!}

And immediately choked on that breath.

"God fucking damn it."

{Due to that, you died via spontaneous combustion, not falling down some stairs.} The Gods explained.

I narrowed my eyes. "I assume there's a second part."

{Caused by divine intervention.} The Gods explained. {We shall leave you to speculate which great deity caused such a thing.}

My face had never been so deadpan.

~I know what you are thinking, and you are correct.~

I sighed, before a smile came upon my face.

"Its good to be back."


And that's that for that little omake or whatever. I hope you enjoyed that chaotic mess of a conversation I thought up on the fly.

So once more, i bid the adieu.

Próximo capítulo