

Chapter 1

A feather fell as bombs dropped on the U.S. hundreds of millions loose there lives while only a few sustained life above ground and all the other survivors wealthy underground under steel. A few years later it's now 1956 a boy about 3,5 in feet and 5 years old walks out of the cave he's lived in his whole life his mother had just passed and he's never seen anything aside from dark cave walls and bugs he knew how to speak and his name but nothing else. He has black hair and black teared pants no shirt or shoes and black eyes. His name was Swayer he didn't know of his last name though.

Swayer- I wonder where I should go… Mom died she was just trying to make me food with the bugs…

He stood in the middle of a dessert a few miles away he could see a creator the size of which was miles and miles around

Swayer- what could've caused such a giant whole in the ground?..

Swayer walked and walked days went by he ate bugs and rested on the dusty desert a eventually stumbling upon a completely run down and destroyed city spray paint wrote on the side of the buildings "THE BOMBS ARE COMING" "THE END IS HERE" but Swayer could not read these signs he only knew how to talk not to read. Burnt American flags and propaganda hung around speaking of a "red menace" and posters read "is this tomorrow" with flames in the background Swayer understood not one thing burnt down old cars sat quietly and skeletons and even newer bodies laid still. He kept walking until he saw a giant dog the size of one of the cars looking at him completely green eyes and mouth dripping acids that burned when it hit the ground the dog stood there waiting for a fearful reaction but Swayer wasn't scared of it at all and walked right past it Swayer noticed the dead bodies around him the fresher ones at least were bitten and burnt he quickly connected the dots and realized it was the dog but for some reason still felt no fear. The reason Swayer felt no fear and never will is because he has brain damage resulting in a disorder that made him this way.

Swayer- Is there anyone left except me?

A building falls in the distance as Swayer continues to walk. He sees people with weapons dressed in metal scrap with pre war weapons.

Swayer- hey over here

Colten- Who the? A boy? Out here? In the waste?..

Dominic- he might be one of the raiders maybe a suicide bomber I'll make sure he doesn't get too close

Colten- wait he's not carrying a bomb look he's bear foot and has no shirt there's nothing in his hands ether

Dominic- you've got a point..

Swayer- finally some people I didn't think any people actually existed anymore

Colten- they do there everywhere you must've been somewhere no one usually is

Swayer- I was in a cave with my mother until she passed so I had to leave so I could survive

Dominic- I see Colt this kid look at his eyes even in the sun there's no color there completely black pupils

Colten- he's strange he shows no sign of fear and looks around 4 he knows how to communicate fluently

Dominic was a 5,9 man with leather and steel armor and a leather hat he wore a chain with a large tooth on it he had brown hair and blue eyes tall boots and a revolver on his side.

Colten was 6 feet and wore cloth snd steel he was blonde with green eyes and leather gloves he carried a rifle on his back.

Colten- You're coming with us to the vault kid you'll be fine under there

Swayer- Vault? Is it like a cave?

Dominic- yes allot like one actually

Swayer- than I don't wish to go there I don't want to be stuck inside anymore I want to stay outside

Colten- kid you'll see it and after you see it decide for yourself there okay?

Swayer- hmmmmmm.. Okay but only if there are bugs to eat

Dominic- there are other foods than bugs you know

Swayer- really?!

They started moving towards the vault a few hours of walking and talking had past and all of a sudden a giant creature turned a corner from behind a building it was completely steel no organic thing about it. It had sharp long fingers that were needles that pump fluids and long arms and legs complete with wires all over and a round head that had spray paint on it saying "Fuck you filthy road riders!".

Colten- this can't be good


All of the men start firing with there weapons but the metallic creature tanks most of the bullets and with one swipe kills 5 of them it's speed was unmatched and it's pace was insanely fast. Swayer seen a wire that connected to the chest where the battery lied as it ran around killing more and more he grabbed one of the fire arms off of one of the dead men and shot the wire with the revolver hitting the wire directly disabling the thing.

Colten- …Whatd you say your name was boy?

Swayer- Swayer

Dominic- well I guess you won't be going to the vault

Swayer- why not?

Colten- you learned how to use a weapon and aim it just by watching people shoot your very smart and your aim was beyond any normal experienced person.

Swayer- uhh thank you

Swayer was upset with not getting food but happy that he found people to help and in turn would help him

Dominic- ready to eat expired food for the hundredth time?

Colten- hell yeah Dom let me just finish knitting this boys shirt.. and there we go here you are Swayer

Swayer- this is for me?

Colten- yeah of course it is

It was a short sleeve white button up shirt completely knitted by Colten just for Swayer

Swayer- thanks Colt

Colten- here's some food too and uhh here's a revolver it's called the chained black I got it off of some leader of a cult a while back

Dominic- no way you're giving him Cohan's revolver that thing requires huge bullets and it haven't been fired since we took him down

Colten- I'll get the bullets for him it's a modded weapon so you have to use shotgun bullets for it got it Swayer

Swayer- got it