
Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

In a dark world full of demons and magic, Damian ventures fearfully. With a book as his only ally to master magic, he is dragged into an endless war against the forces of evil. The presence of death and a blood moon in the sky heightens the sense of loneliness and danger. Damian will face an uncertain fate, not knowing if he will survive to see the end of the battle. Will Damian make it to the end of the journey?

SrCuervo · Livros e literatura
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146 Chs

A Fierce Being

The earth trembled as the Divine General was unleashed, and everyone felt the air shatter as Damian's summoning appeared before Lars, attacking him with a powerful punch in the blink of an eye.


Lars only had time to raise his hands, but his expression changed as the devastating force pushed him backward like a meteorite crashing into the earth.

The mountain where Lars impacted was split in two by the Divine General, and Damian felt his magic draining at a terrifying speed, but knowing all the reserves he had, he did not stop.

The battle had shifted at this point; Lars couldn't even defend himself against the Divine General's attacks, and soon he was covered in blood.

"What kind of magic is this?" Lars looked as all the cuts he had made on the Divine General healed at an impressive speed, so he looked to Damian for answers.

Damian, who had his eyes blindfolded, smiled. He looked at all the demons around, who seemed to be waiting for his response, and said, "The world has a balance, a beginning, and an end... My Divine General of the Eight Divergent Leaves, better known as the Demon Mahoraga, is unique in its appearance and took me more than three years to create."

To give life to his creation, Damian used Brian's soul, who now controlled his Divine General, and, to be more precise, his will to kill demons was what gave life to its movements.

"You would need an immense amount of mana to keep it in battle; are you suppressing your mana?" Lars looked at Damian with horror, as if he had discovered something.

Damian smiled, snapped his fingers, and his Divine General appeared beside Lars, forcefully attacking his head.

Feeling that brute force, Lars, who wanted to do something, felt powerless as he watched those enormous fists crush him completely. "Incredible creation, a human made an artificial demon..."



In just a few moments, Lars had been completely defeated; his head was torn from his body, and the Divine Demon once again killed him, walking toward Damian, awaiting further instructions.

Once Lars died, the orc soldiers finally lost the will to fight.

"What are you waiting for? Kill them all!" Damian shouted as he watched the demons flee in different ways.

The Divine General disappeared, killing hundreds of orcs and demons in just a few minutes.

Only a few powerful orcs killed the soldiers blocking the way and fled to the mountains, where they were later killed.

Taking advantage of the panic and the retreat of the orcs, Damian walked toward Lars to take that escape route that seemed to be made of better material.

"Help the wounded; don't just stand there!" Damian shouted as he saw everyone standing still.

Everyone froze upon seeing that monster over three meters tall, with wings on the sides of its face that were practically its eyes to many, and a long tail behind its head. Additionally, the thing floating above its head moved a few times when it was fighting the demon.

Luke shivered upon seeing Damian's summoning; now he understood many things when Dom said that the best student he had wasn't him. "No matter what I do, you're always one step ahead."

When all the demons were exterminated in the vicinity, Damian returned his Divine General to his shadow so that everyone could concentrate.

He didn't know if these were the actions Baron Harden wanted to take, but now that they had eliminated a high-level demon in combat, things had become very complicated to continue advancing.

"It seems that this demon was the one we needed to eliminate, so our mission is finished, but now we will station ourselves and recover." Damian walked toward Luther and was surprised to see him in bad shape.

"Don't look at me like that; every day I'm in worse condition." Luther had been healed by the priests, and he stood up to talk to Damian.

The battlefield was now very active; the wounded were being treated, and those who could move were cutting the heads off all the demons lying dead on the ground. Everyone knew that sometimes there were certain demons who pretended to be dead to attack distracted humans cleaning the battlefield.

The demon heads were being cut off, and the corpses were being stacked to be burned later. The enemy had no right to a dignified burial; they were pigs that needed to be eliminated.

Damian felt Luther's gaze, so he asked, "Do you have something to say?"

"That demon..."

"It's not a demon; symbolically, it's a demon, but it's just a monster made with the magic my master taught me. It took me more than three years to shape it, mainly comprising all my qualities maximized to be lethal against powerful enemies." Damian didn't want to say much about his Divine General.

This, too, Luther understood.

"Sir, we have the resources that were moving these demons."

Even the materials seized had not had time to be burned by the demons, and they all fell into Damian's hands.

The baggage escorted by the demons was very rich, including not only food and iron items but also a large amount of fabric and gold coins.

There were many soldiers, which meant many eyes, so Damian only took a quick look over them. "Take the coins, food, and fabric. I will keep the magical materials, books, and other things that only mages can use."

This war has lasted more than two months, and the soldiers have suffered numerous losses. This was the least that could be done for them, and Damian was more than willing.

Now that he had found this opportunity for an unexpected gain, Damian naturally didn't want to keep it all to himself. As long as everyone exercised discretion, Damian was willing to help them so that the soldiers could gain a little.

"This is what everyone left for you." Luther grabbed a handful of gold coins, about twenty, and handed them to Damian.

Damian had given a lot for this battle; practically, everyone here was still alive because of him, so they wouldn't be so brazen as to only leave him with the books.

More than twenty gold coins equate to a year's salary at the magic tower.

After seeing the gold coins, Damian naturally felt tempted.

However, his desire for money is relatively small; he has been undergoing rigorous training and living in a closed environment all this time since coming to this world.

"Take the money; divide it among those who can't fight anymore." Damian gave the coins to Luther to handle.

Seeing that only magical things were left, Damian threw them all into his shadow and ordered a retreat after seeing that they weren't as bad as he initially thought.


Late at night, after the soldiers fell asleep, Damian quietly walked along the walls of this fortress.

Only a few guards remained who occasionally greeted him; Damian returned the greeting and walked to a secluded area.

Damian would leave after a few more weeks; he had been here for a long time, so he would only stay a few more days before embarking on his own adventure.

"I won't win this war if I only kill the Demon King; those who cause more havoc are the demons scattered all over the world, so we should first exterminate all of them." Damian thought as he looked at the stars in the cloudy sky.

You can read 20 extra chapters in my P@treon: SrCuervo

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