

I wake up at the sound of my annoying alarm. I groaned loudly, opening my eyes, and hearing the sound. The first thing I saw was the bright yellow painting of a sunflower. I made that last month because I was very bored.

While staring at the flower in confusion it dawned on me that it was officially the first day of school, and I groaned some more before I got off my bed, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. When I got back to my room I picked up my first day of school outfit. I am wearing a cropped tee shirt with a word on it and pink cargo joggers.

I decided to put my 3c natural hair in a cute rubber band hairstyle and went downstairs to see my older brother Shawn and my younger sister Kylie eating breakfast sitting on a stool for the kitchen island. My mom was standing in front of my siblings, behind the counter eating to face them.

"Good morning Wini!" My mom exclaimed way to happy. Both my siblings turned around to see me walk down the stairs hoping not to roll down and fall to my room again.

"Good morning, why are you so happy?" I asked with curiosity.

"That's what I thought, too." Shawn said, chomping his bacon.

"She is way happier than usual." Kylie said, picking up her cup of orange juice.

"I'm just happy to see my kids grow up and finally leave." She said accusingly. "Shawn is going into 11 grade, so college is so close. I just can't Wini is going into 8th, wearing a style I'm hoping she'll grow out of. And Kylie, my sweet little Kylie is going to 5th grade, middle school is coming so soon." She explained herself.

"College isn't that close yet." Shawn mumbled loud enough for us to hear.

Now it's silent.

"Awkward" Kylie sang.

"Ok, let me take a picture of you guys for Facebook!"

We all grumbled.

10000000000000000000 (no commas needed) pictures later my mom finally let us leave. I walk to school, while Kylie and Shawn take buses.


When I get to school I walk through the hallways looking for my locker number: 321. When I am walking through the hallway I see a girl intertwine arms with me. I've seen her and I know who she is, but we never really talk.

"Hi! You're Winifred Jones right? The girl with a white mom?"

How does she know me and how does she know my mom?????

"I don't see how that information is needed in this conver-"

"OH!" she turned to face me on the side of the hallway. "I don't mean to offend you, I just think it's cool to have parents that are the polar opposites, after all opposites attract!" Then we began walking again.

"Oh, ok yeah its ok. And I guess it can be cool..." More like an identity crisis.

We stopped at her locker. "Well, I'm Aliyah Smith and I am happy that we're friends. Also, I think it's a good idea if you audition for drama club, the play this year is Aladdin!

You guys have a monkey?

"I mostly do art, acting isn't really my thing but I'll think about it!" I walk away quickly and then scold myself for being that way. Why was I running from someone who wanted to be my friend? 

Once I got to my locker I unload my stuff quickly like everyone else. I was a top locker and my bottom locker buddy was a girl I've never seen. Her locker looks very organized-- like very organized from what I can see. But my locker is the least of my problems because I don't go here often. 

I quickly go to math although it doesn't really matter how late I am on the first day. Then, I run into Jackson Brown. Jackson is a boy I've had a bit of a crush on since last year. I heard he was a good singer but haven't heard him myself. But that just sounds soooo cute! I've never spoken to him and I'm not sure if he knows I exist, but this year is my chance. Let's just hope I get a class with him!

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