
Friendly neighbourhood Spiderman

Anime e Quadrinhos
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Peter Parker raised by a loving aunt, who embraced his intelligence sets out on the world with the powers of a spider. AN: this story will be used to save some characters with bad endings. I will also be experimenting with a slightly older and more independent Spiderman

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Year 1998

"Peter, we love you. Stay with your aunt and uncle, Be Strong and work hard in your schooling. We will be back so don't you worry!" the mother told her 4-year-old son


Year 2003

That Phrase was stated 5 years ago by Peters mother, right before her and his father were killed in a Plane crash. Peter had no idea on why they left in such a hurry but ever since he has been put with Uncle Ben and Aunt May, he has been staying true to his promise of being strong and studying hard. This taught him a lesson that good people lie and not just bad people.

With his pursuits of being a scholar this did wind up with him becoming an outcast of his school. When other children were reading books about Mythology, Peter was studying books on the world's elements. When kids were learning Basic Chemistry, Peter was reading theorems of science from professionals like Anthony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Kurt Connors. But in pursuit of the promise to his mother he found himself isolated. The one time he mustered up the courage to join in a conversation was the first and last time, since he received the silent treatment and someone messing with his food along with mocking from those same people. This lesson taught Peter that the nail that sticks out is not appreciated and will either be beaten till its flat or removed entirely.

When walking down the streets one day in February after school, he saw a homeless family of 4 huddled in an alley corner covered by trash bags and Cardboard to protect themselves from the Cold. Feeling sorry for them he went to a small café nearby and after many minutes convinced the owner to take his allowance of 50 dollars for the month to feed the family of 4. The agreement was that the owner would give 1 meal a day to the family and Peter would bring 50 dollars a month. This unfortunately would not allow the young man anything left for himself but he felt happy doing something nice like his uncle preached. 3 months after this event, Peter went into the Café for another payment but found that the Family was sitting in new clothes and smiling. Talking to the café owner he found that the two parents were able to get jobs, the father became a crane operator and the mother became a nurse at a retirement home. This lesson taught that sometimes a little kindness could change someone's life.

At the age of 10, Peters Uncle Ben was killed in the line of duty as a police officer. His aunt was a wreck. Life began to fall apart but with the aid of officers from Uncle Bens station and the support of her nephew, Aunt May was able to find a job at a restaurant and find stable footing to begin life anew. This lesson taught Peter that Bad things happen to good people, but you can still get up from the bad. Its only when your dead that you no longer need to keep marching forward.


AT 11 Peter joiNed Queens United Middle which was also when he first met his first two friends.

Ned Leeds and Harry Osbourne.

Peter first met Ned who was being bullied by some of the American Football kids during lunch. Standing up from his lonely spot in the corner Peter approached and stood between the two groups and warding them away with words of getting the teacher. The fatter boy Ned looked at him as if he were a hero, before Peter went back to eat alone. The two met again in World History where they were paired together on researching the War of 1812. Inviting the big boy to his home, Peter found out that they shared some similar hobbies such as Computers and Science fiction. Neds favourite show was Star Trek while Peters was Star Wars. Peter also discovered that Ned was advanced in Computer programming, slightly below Peters ability but still very impressive.

Ned, upon entering Middle school was expecting more of the same old bullying that he has received for being Fat and a Nerd. But he must have been some saint in his past life since he Finally met another nerd who wants to be his Friend! Though this new friend named Peter parker was a bigger nerd then himself. Ned always knew he was a Programming wizard. The script seemed to shape an image inside his own head, but Peter! Peter was making his own programming language. Though it was only in the very infancy of the language nonetheless it was simply unfathomable.

The next week when Peter and Ned were enjoying lunch and talking about the Star troopers movie, they heard loud cheering from the popular table which hosted Harry Osbourne who was in their classes. Harry was a rich boy whose father was the Founder and CEO of Osbourne IND. Paying closer attention they found that Harry promised the table a free night at a local arcade. Peter found it saddening, the only reason why these people wanted Harry was to leach off of his money. The two nerds soon turNed back to their conversation. In coming week, the two nerds soared in the Science grade rankings leaving an impression of the rest of the school. While Harry whose family business was science sat at the bottom close to last.

It was in the second year of middle school that Peter actually became friends with Harry. Peter had enough of watching the rich boy get used by others simply for his wallet, walking up to him he spoke "Harry, Ned and I are having a movie marathon at my place, there will be pizza. You want to come?" the surrounding people laughed that the Biggest Nerd of them all would ask The Harry Osbourne to a movie marathon. Surprisingly Harry agreed and there was a strange light underneath his eyes.

That Friday night the trio binged Stargate and played video games. Aunt May herself catered with pizza and Soda very grateful that her nephew Peter was finally making more friends instead of simply studying. From there the Friendship between the Three blossomed. Harry left the other Popular leaches and had lunches with the Nerds. This Led to Harry also taking classes a bit more seriously though he focused more on the Business side of things instead of science.

At the age of 13, Harry convinced Peter to join the Cross-Country team with him, the first few practices the two simply died out of exhaustion, since the only workout Peter did was turn a book and Harry had butler to drive him around everywhere. This realisation that they were very unfit led to them to rope in Ned also not only for cross country but to work out at a gym. At First Peter was worried of paying for a gym membership but was soon assuaged by the fact that Norman, Harry's father had a Personal gym that they could use.

It was in mid 2008 that the Trio were panicked.

The Greatest inventor in the world was Kidnapped if not dead. As of that Morning Anthony Stark of Stark Industries was attacked while traveling with a military squad right after giving a demonstration of the Jericho missile. Harry was happy that this caused an increase of attention and deal that would be going to Oscorp while Ned was worried that his Idol was dead. Peter was stuck on a fence; Stark was very impressive in the science world but his character and the things created are not appealing to the young man. Peter understood from lessons from his uncle that one had to be strong to achieve piece. If one did not stand up for their rights then they would constantly lose those rights. But Peter did not approve of the willy nilly selling of Stark weapons to anybody that paid enough even if they were terrorists. This was simply not Peters way.

2 months later

The Middle High that the three attended were invited to a Tour at Oscorp Laboratories.

The Nerd trio along with the other students were very eager. Harry came here regularly but was very excited to show his family business to his friends.

"Welcome everyone to Oscorp Industries lab of Civilian Technologies. Here we focus inventing medicines and many other objects for Civilian use. If you look to our left, you will see Dr Kurt Connors who is currently developing a serum to regrow lost limbs." The Dr looked up at that introduction. "Welcome, I am Dr Kurtis Conners, I am the leading of Herpetology, like the patient with Parkinson's disease trapped in their body or macular degeneration I long to fix myself I want to create a world without weakness. If you want to become a scientist like myself and many others you will need to ask yourself that same question. How do you want to change the world." This got Peter thinking since he knew it was only a matter of time before he started patenting his inventions and he did not want to become a warmonger like Stark.

The tour then continued on passing by research of genetically modified plants, and even section on Radioactive genetically modified spiders. Now this was a very interesting exhibit in Peters mind. That silk was incredibly strong and those spiders simply looked beautiful. If only he could get his hands on one for research, he could easily ask Harry but did not want to abuse the power of friendship.

Unknown to the young boy. When the class walked by a strikingly blue and red spider with a sleek and sharp body jumped onto his Hoodie and slowly climbed upwards.

After another few hours of tours along with a small workshop of chemistry and medicine Peter soon made way for home. It was as he was taking his hoodie off that something bit his neck where it met his skull. Snapping his hand back he killed what bit him and when removing it he found an exotic looking spider that surely came from Oscorp. Before he could do anything, Peter passed out and crumpled on his nearby bed.

The Next morning, he woke up at the sound of a blaring alarm that was louder than he has ever put it. Snapping up in fright he Found himself hitting the Ceiling and falling back down on his bed. Reaching over he quickly pressed the off button only to crush the clock. Taking extra care, he stood up from the bed but still used to much power and flung himself into the wall. Taking a few breaths to center himself he began looking around his room and noticed that his vision was stronger than it should be. Touching his face, he noticed that he wore no Glasses but could see ten times better than before. It was as his eyes darted around the room that he noticed the dad spider on his bed from last night. Instinctively Peter knew that this spider was the cause. At first, he freaked worried that he was poisoNed before his mind caught up and he realised that poison shouldn't enhance your abilities like this, this was something else. After 10 minutes of struggling, he was Able to open his door without breaking it. Shuffling into the apartment Kitchen he saw his aunt May making breakfast, and put on the most miserable face he could. "Aunt May, I woke up with this killer headache. Could you call me in sick today?"

"Of course, dear, you are always working hard, a break should be good. Though I will be working today, so you will have the house alone. No parties you hear?" her voice echoed in his head and Peter could distinctly hear the noises of the appliances and noise from the outside. Nodding Peter had some breakfast before going back to his room.

Sitting still on his chair he found himself looking at a Fly that he was easily able to track and catch with his bare hands. This is insane! Did that spider give me super powers? The rest of the day Peter spent studying the spider's corpse along with the changes occurring to his DNA. He must say being friends with Harry was nice since he gave great gifts like the High-powered Scope that he was using. This thing must cost close to a million bucks and without it so many tasks would be impossible to do. Observing his Blood he soon found the reason why his body was aching and trembling earlier, the venom seems to destroy the original DNA but then reconstructs immediately after stronger than ever. Though he did find a high possibility that there were more abilities being gifted then just super strength and senses. Giving a small yawn while stretching his arms above his head He felt a pinch and then heard a Thwip hit the ceiling. Looking up he saw a strand of thread connecting between his wrist and the ceiling.

Pulling the arm and thread down he saw that it was reminiscent of Spider silk. Then looking at either wrist he noticed small holes and when put below the scope he could see small spinnerets that seemed to be developing. Flexing again he shot some webbing out and noticed that the thread was more substantial. Stronger. Putting this discovery to the side to let the Spinnerets develop more before being tested as sudden thought appeared in his head. How do I want to change the world" As a Kid Uncle Ben always preached about with Great power comes great responsibility, this tended to be when passing people in need. Uncle Ben always said if you have the ability to help people at no cost to yourself why not. Civilization can not exist without a little humanity and compassion. Peter Mulled over the bits of wisdom that many given him and he soon thought of the First hero "Captain America" this was a man with extraordinary powers that helped people. There are many beings called mutants with powers that get a bad wrap from the public but in his mind, they are just as human as everyone else.

Looking outside his Apartment a thought formed "neighbourhood Hero. I want to change the world starting from my neighbourhood." Peter knew from his uncle's old police buddies that the crime in Queens alone was at a record high of 2500 consisting of Violent, Murder, Thefts, Rape and other crimes and in New York state had a total of 7500 crimes in a year. With these powers he could help the regular person and live up to the lessons taught by his uncle. But first he needed help, Every Batman needs a robin or James Bond need a Q and Mother Penny. With this thought he prepared for next days school.


Next day after school

"So, Pete, what are we doing in this abandoNed subway? You going to commit murder?" asked Harry.

"Hah, hah. That would be easier than what I am about to say. You two this can not leave this subway, if anybody finds out I will be locked up and studied and my aunt will be left alone." This sentence made the two friends sober up realising Peter was very serious before he continued "When we went to Oscorp a Spider hitched a ride in my hoodie and bit me when I got home. Yesterday I called in sick because now I have super strength, senses and can shoot webs out of my wrist."

"Cool! So, Harry can I get bitten too? I would like some super strength!"

Harry blood seemed to drain from his face. "One of the oscorp spiders' bit you!!!? no! Ned, you do not want to be bitten by those spiders. I remember spying on my dad one day who was watching a video of some Scientist bitten by those spiders! They died in horrible ways, so no Ned. Peter how are you alive? Are dying is that why you called us here? We should go to my dad for help."

"I was in pain yesterday but after studying the spider and my blood with that scope you gave me, I found that the venom destroys your DNA before rebuilding with tweeks and extra strength. I do not feel comfortable going to anyone else for help. But could you do me a huge favour and sneak any files you have on the spiders? That would be helpful." Harry nodded and approached before giving the Parker boy a hug "I am so glad; you are my best friend so I can easily do that for you."

"So, Peter, are you going to become a superhero like Captain America?" Peter laughed at Neds question "Yeah, I will be the Friendly Neighbourhood Hero." Harry grinNed I like that "Friendly neighbourhood hero Spiderman!" Peter tilted his head in confusion "Spiderman? Why."

"Well, you were bitten by a spider and then developed some spider powers. Anyway, have you figured if there is anything else to your powers beside the strength, senses and webbing? Maybe try climbing a wall like a spider."

Taking his shoes off Peter did so on the walls and everyone clapped in glee when he stood upside down from the roof, Peter then shot a String of webbing from one wall to the other and was able to tight rope across it.

Harry then spoke after a few minutes of silence "So if you are going to be a hero, not only will you need a base but funding for your suit along with supplies you might need."

"Why not just use this subway no comes here, so we could use an empty washroom and lock it up." Asked Ned. "We?!" asked Peter.

"You didn't think you could tell us this and do it on your own? Did you? we will help you become a hero, Ned would be good behind the computer guy and I could be your public front. We could even get you a job at Oscorp to funnel funds your way for suit development.

Peter smiled and got off his Webbing and gave the two a hug in thanks.

"Though what are you going to tell your aunt May?" asked Ned, and Harry interrupted "Maybe become a hero before telling her. Its better to ask for forgiveness and its better to show her the results before she says no." as much as Peter wanted to Argue he knew Harry was right and gave his agreement to wait.


For the next month, all three using a combiNed pool of allowances began forming a secret base that was hidden in the walls of the AbandoNed Subway. With Harry gathering the resources, Peter and Ned made a false wall door with a security lock which they put in place after hollowing out A large room using Peters Strength to chip away at the stone and cement. Using some solar panels that Peter put on top of the Subway they soon had an off-grid powered base, though currently they could only power 1 computer.

The most difficult part was skirting around their parents and having consistent cover stories. The Base would also have never worked if Norman paid the slightest attention to Harrys spending and the materials he gathered.

Peter on his free time Began practicing Swinging with his webs, parkour and Boxing mixed with Muay thai. This was only for his future hero life, and for his civilian life he began creating a Manual on the Programming Language he created called the PEKER language which increased the Processing power of the code by 10% and reduced power consumption of programs by 5%. Though this improvement did not seem like much, the PEKER language was still undergoing improvement daily. He also began proper studying and documentation of his abilities. Even though it's been over a few weeks the venom was still affecting his body in unknown ways. One new skill that was discovered accidentally was a Danger sense which was an ultra sensory 6th sense that warNed him of the Direction and potential of Harm that was Directed at Him or could affect him. His Metabolism also increased leading to a tripling of his regular portions which still left him hungry but did not want to break the bank. So, he then began creation of the Meal supplement pill, this was chemically produced and synthesized to be the size of a quarter but supply 1800 calories along with various minerals and vitamins that boosted his body and was required in web making. Each MS Pill was worth 75 bucks which was expensive but due to the light weight and small size he knew that it was important that he kept a few stored in his future Super suit.

Ned who loved all things Computer became a Wizz at making designs and blueprints, so he was in charge of drawing up the original designs of the First Spiderman suit. He decided to go with a Black and Blue theme to make it easier to stay hidden night. Using a Carbon Fiber and Peters silk weave not only was it strong but it also was breathable and flexible. The Mask and Telescopic lenses and a rebreather put in under the suggestion of Harry to fend of Chemical attacks and to prevent picking up diseases from criminals. under request from Peter some hip holsters were worked in to hold a pouch of 32 MS pills, another for a mini First aid kit which was basically a Large thick bandage which would help with blood staunching along with an EpiPen and Special Serum by Peter called the Blood stopper, this was a special Blood Coagulant that only solidified where it met the open air and removed potential of clots forming in the body like other Blood coagulants.

Harry learning of the Blood Stopper serum and the MS Pills convinced Peter to Patent them since he was not rich and everything in this world needed money. Upon receiving agreement from his spider-friend Harry with the aid of his Father put in all the paperwork which led to Norman Osbourne learning of the fascinating creations of his son's friend. This led to a meeting between May, Norman, Harry and Peter.


Well Peter, Harry has told me about your outstanding brain but I never quite understood how amazing you are. Here in my Hand, we have paperwork for your Patent which we will send in for you. But I was also hoping that you would consider interning with us. If so, I can guarantee you a generous sum of $25,000 a year until you exit Highschool along with paid Scholarship to a University of your choosing."

"I know Peter is very intelligent but that offer you are making is very generous. You mentioNed patents? If he became an intern how much of the Patent would belong to him and to you?" asked Aunt May

Norman smirked a little annoyed that the Restaurant worker Aunt caught on to his game "Since I am sure that Peter will show much impressiveness, I will give a contract that Guarantees him Full ownership of the Patent and 65% profit with the other 35% going to Oscorp. But as long as he supplies proof that a patent was Made off of Oscorp property and without our resources then all profits and ownership of those patents go to him."

Glancing at his aunt Peter smiled before looking to Harrys Father "Mr. Osbourne, I am grateful that you think so highly of me. I would gladly accept but could we make a stipulation were the internship is not just to one department but to many. You see I like learning and I don't want to be stopped at simply making pills and serums."

"You See Peter I am something of a scientist myself and I can completely understand what you are saying. Sign this Stack and you are ready to go, if we need anything else I am sure that Harry will get in contact with you.:

The Four stood up and shook hands before the Parkers left.


With Harry and Norman

"Harry. At first, I was disappointed in you not showing any skills in science be it Chemical or mechanical and Seeing the abilities of young Peter make me jealous that he is not my son. But after seeing your dedication to learning business skills and the firm friendship with Peter, I now know I am leaving this company in good hands. Keep Peter close to you and I am sure you will make Oscorp Prosper."

Harry clenched his fist in anger hearing his father was disappointed in him but felt relieved when it was Stated that his father changed from being disappointed







2 months later

Peter stood in a Black and blue onesie with Webbing etched all-around. Currently he was on top of a skyscraper.

"Ned, can you hear me?" he asked over the comms and got a reply "Yes, Peter, I read you. currently there are no police reports."

Taking deep breaths Peter ran and jumped off the Skyscraper. Plummeting to the ground he spread his arms out and using his natural spinnerets shot webbing out to the next building, swung and then shot another web.

It was barely 30 minutes before hunger began to ache at his stomach. He could only assume that this was due to the amount of webbing created. Swinging by a hotdog stand ran by a guy named frank he Bought 12 from the confused man and ate 1 MS pill.

Continuing on he saw an old lady who dropped her groceries while crossing the road. Swinging down he picked them up and helped her across the road before handing her the bag "thank you young man. You are very kind" Peter smiled and replied "NO worries, ma'am. I am your Friendly neighbourhood Spiderman" upon saying this he then swung away. The rest of the night continued along those lines of just helping people with small jobs until he got an alert from Ned who said there was a Car chase 2 streets over.

Zipping across alleys he soon saw a Ford Pickup truck speeding away from 3 police cruisers. Swinging to catch up he saw 3 Criminals holding bags full of money. At first, he webbed the front wheels but the speed it was going caused it to flip into the air. Spiderman was shocked but acted quickly shooting several strands of web to catch and hold the Truck to several buildings. Though the truck seemed to be too heavy for the web and after a few strenuous moments fell to the ground and Spiderman wasted no time in opening the door and pulling the thieves out. Webbing them to the Ground he turNed to face the approaching Police officers.

"Hello Officers! How are you tonight. I have caught the Bad guys!" but before Spiderman could continue the Police started shouting "Put your hands on your Head!" "Get On the Ground!"

"Wow! I make your job easier and this is what you do!" and before anything could escalate, he shot a web and swung off, narrowly missing a Fired bullet.


"This is Officer Corbin; we have a Masked guy that just caught the robbers of the 2nd Street Bank. He has since run off. What are your orders"

"This is Captain Stacey, let him go, there have been spotting's of him all night. We still need to decide future actions for this Spiderman."


"Wow Pete! Your very first Crime! Way to go!" Ned Exclaimed

Peter laughed and continued joking while swinging through the city.

Passing through a Sketchy Part of Queens he soon found himself landing heavily Infront of an alleyway.

Inside were 3 men with their pants down, holding a struggling woman.

"HEY! Put her down!" a Large White Man with a Protruding stomach turNed "what are you doing freak? You're interrupting my fun."

Without speaking more, the Spider hero shot a web and covered the Fat mans face before rushing in and slugging the stunNed would-be rapists in their exposed mid section. When they hunched over, he quickly pushed them to the ground and webbed them in place.

Turning towards the Still sobbing woman "miss, I am spiderman what's your name?" the Woman looked up through red eyes "I am Kate Cubs." Peter then talked to Ned and had him call the police to their location. "Alright Kate, I have contacted the police. Let's go sit at the front of the Alleyway to wait for them."

Surprisingly it was the Same Police officer From Earlier that arrived. His Partner took Kate to be looked over by an EMT and Get a statement when Officer Corbin approached the Masked Vigilante that still stood near the Alley.

"So, who are you? and what happeNed."

"I am Friendly Neighborhood spiderman. If you look in the alley here you will find 3 guys who attempted to rape Ms. Cubs over there. It was only by luck that I was passing by."

"Why are you doing this? You should leave it to the proper authorities."

"My uncle used to tell me that one action can change a person's life for better or worse. So Here I am our city is Plagued by crime and those in need of help so here I am." This brought a bit of pride to Officer Corbin. Not many people were kind these days. "Very well, I will arrest those three and thank you for helping us."

Spiderman than Approached Kate to make sure she was still okay before webbing away.

Continuing on the night he worked till 2am and made quite the impression. All in all, He stopped 1 car chase, 1 rape and 32 car thefts along with helping people cross the street.


The next morning when Peter woke up, he saw his aunt watching the news which was being reported by the Daily bugle ran By Jonah J Jameson. "Folks! Breaking news! Masked Crusader was found terrorising the Streets last night. He Assaulted 32 People before Police arrived."

May scoffed and looked to her nephew "this man is terrible; I heard from one of my friends that this Masked guy was actually helping people and stopping crime! Not assaulting people."

Peter only nodded mechanically not entirely sure how to handle this situation because he surely could not show anger at Jonahs words.


Getting to school Peter was soon greeted by Harry and Ned.

"Well, Petey, I must say you made one nice splash yesterday. The news can't get enough of you." whispered Harry. "Anyway, here is some paperwork that my father wants your aunt to sign for your internship. Also, I was wondering how skilled are you at mechanical engineering, could you Maybe teach me a bit?"

"Harry, are you turning into a nerd! I thought you were going into business" exclaimed Ned

Harry cuffed him on the shoulder "I am inspired by our buddy here, and since I don't have special powers, I am sure I could use tools, how about you? want to become a hero?" upon hearing Harry, Ned was quick to deny more than happy being in a protected room.

"Yeah, I can teach you, but what kid of tools are you wanting to make?"

"Well, my dad was working on a hoverboard which was denied from the military. I think using that as my main tool would be great and it would allow me to keep up with you."

"Yeah! A Hoverboard!! Get me the schematics and I will start teaching you the basics, though it might be a while before we can build the actual board since I will soon be busy with that internship."

"I can't believe it. We are only 13 and you already have a top-level internship! With Tony Stark gone you will surely rise to the top!" Peter laughed and could imagine himself sitting on a pile of cash while looking upon a futuristic city.

Attending the rest of the school day the trio soon Found themselves in the subway and after clearing a table Peter began the basic of mechanics starting with the simple gear before moving up to other components.

While this was Happening Ned himself was practicing with the PEKER coding language and without telling anybody was working on a secret project which he hoped would blow everyone's mind away.

Later Peter would go home and pretend to sleep before sneaking out to act as Spiderman, stopping various crimes such as Robberies, assault, murder and also rape.

This schedule Continued on for two weeks When the addition of 8 hours each Saturday which Peter would spend at oscorp learning began. This at first impacted his school grades but a little help from his friends taking notes really helped the new hero.

At his internship he began with Dr Curtis Connors who was a leading scientist on lizards and their DNA which he was hoping to use in cross species genetics to eradicate things like lost limbs, macular degeneration and Parkinsons. The Man was simply a genius, though Peter had to step in multiple times to slow the man down. The Drs brain was constantly moving so at times his stress would make it impossible for the Dr to move on from a scenario that failed. It was 3 months into the internship that the first success came. Gerry the lab rat with 3 legs regrew his leg but died 4 hours later instead of the immediate death that they usually achieved. This Led to Dr Connors to Bring a report of the impending success of the project, and unbeknownst to Peter the Board of directors placed a deadline on the project.


Life as Spiderman continued going strong, he now had a fan base and some of the Stalls that served food even gave him discounts due to his heroics. Also, at first some of the Police were grateful and friendly to his help but lately there has been some tension from the higher ups since Spider-mans success has brought plenty of Scrutiny to the NYPD. So, Spiderman met many officers from either side of the fence, some hate and some loved him


It was in the Second year of Being spiderman at the age of 14 when he conducted the biggest save in his career that put him from being a small-town vigilante to someone known through the whole state.

Tonight, Spiderman took a break with it being early spring it seemed like crime slowed down, so He decided to take his aunt out for dinner and movies with the money earNed from his internship, though he did wear the suit underneath his actual clothes. First, they watched a nice movie called the city of ember, which was about a town of People who survived the nuclear apocalypse ground but the city was dying and a little girl tried to escape to the surface. After the two went to a nice Italian restaurant and the two had some wonderful lasagna made from lamb.

The two then decided to go for a little stroll around town and wound up in a nice café. Going in Peter had a tea and Aunt May ordered a black coffee. It was while the two were sitting down that the tv broadcasted an emergency notice.

Attention all, we have breaking news coming live from Down town Queens.

As you see on the images three Apartment have caught fire.

It is unknown at this time if this was arson or an accident, we are receiving news that there are still people inside. May God protect those poor souls and the Firefighters who are there right now.

Peter immediately stood up and ran out from the café ignoring his aunt. Running into an alley he took his clothes off and put his mask on before tossing his loose clothes on a roof and webbed them down.

Sprinting across roof tops he then began swinging faster than he has before. Getting to the fire he saw dozens of Firetrucks and after talking to a Police officer blocking off entry, he learnt that there should still be 150 more people in the burning apartments.

Running on in the heat was terrible but the mask filters aided with breathing. Using enhanced hearing he found no one on the First 3 floors but on the 4 and 5th found Firefighters guiding half a dozen people out.

"Alright you guys work up I will head up to the top floor and make my way down!"

Before the firemen could stop the vigilante, spiderman zipped up the stairwell. Getting to the 45th Floor He saw that people were banging on the steel door that led to the Stairs. Looking at the Deadbolt he saw that someone locked it. This Caused Fear to shoot up his spine! Was this the only Floor that was locked?

Rushing through the panicking he Double checked to see that each room was empty before moving down a floor. The next floor was also locked and when he entered, he found 3 older folk who could not leave their beds. Making slings with his webs he fasteNed the 3 seniors onto his body before rappelling down the stair well. Getting to the 5th floor he saw that the fire was getting worse and the Firemens water wasn't slowing it down. Rushing through he just hoped the seniors could withstand the smoke. Once out he immediately rushed the 3 to the ambulance before rushing back in. but this time on his way back to the 42nd floor he unlocked each levels door to let everyone out. The firemen were only at level 8. But now the people were streaming out and rushing out the building. Soon after the very first Apartment was empty of all people.

The second apartment was smaller with 80 people but the fire was worse there. Jumping across he broke through the top floors window and found the Floor filled with smoke and dozens of bodies slumped unconscious from affixation. Piling everyone on top of each other he bundled them with Webs but before he could continue her heard a small heart beat Sputtering two room over. Rushing in he saw a little girl approximately 2-year-old collapsed beside some dolls. Her pulse was weakening, immediately he scooped her up and the other 24 people before jumping from the building and used his webs to slowly lower everyone down. Once on the Ground he quickly gave the girl CPR before handing her to the EMTs. Before he could leave a Fireman approached "Spiderman I have more guys coming from the first apartment to here, we need you on the third one! My men can't go up anymore the Fire has destabilised the building. We just don't know who else is inside." Nodding in agreement Peter then rushed again but this time due to the Heat had to run up the stairs instead of webbing up to the top.

The Heat smoldered at his suit leaving bits to char into his skin, but with unknown determination Peter bore through the pain. It wasn't until the second last floor that he found any body. On the 12th floor he found a Family of three huddled in the corner from fear and in the middle of the room a giant hole form god knows what. "Ms.! I will get you out of here Don't you worry!" the mother sobbed while holding her two children. With a running start he jumped and attached to the wall. Reaching down he tried webbing the family in harness but found his body ran out of nutrients to make webs. Looking in his MS pill pouch he took the last 3 and after a few moments could make Webs again and securely attached the three to him. The run down the building was terrifying, hearing the children choke from the smoke and the mother yelp when her skin touched some flames leaping from the walls. But surely, they got out. Turning for one last Run 2 Firemen stopped him "Spider! You can't go back in there! Look at you half your body is burnt and that building is about to collapse any minute!" Spiderman Brushed past "I can't stop now! I have one more Floor! I can do it!"

The pain got to him on the way up. More skin was burnt than ever before and he could no longer web up the Stairwells or else he could not harness more people. Coming to the last floor he only found a college aged girl passed out in the kitchen. Feeling for a pulse he felt one so weak that immediately he had to give CPR and put his Spiderman mask on her to allow some fresh air. Almost immediately his own lungs screamed in pain but the girl thankfully awoke. Picking her up in a bridal carry he took long loping runs down the stairs. All around him the building creaked and groaNed. Many steps gaveway before Spiderman could put his full weight down. On the first floor as he ran the ceiling behind him collapsed. It was at the last 10 feet that he had to throw the girl out side the building. Right before the building collapsed right on top of him.


The crowd watching the Burning buildings held their breathe as the Masked Spider ran into the last building which was fully engulfed by fire now. All heard the Firemen say it was about to collapse. After many moments of bated breath some could see the silhouettes of the Hero running down the main hallway. At that very moment A crash was heard and Everyone began shouting in Terror as the building fell, and to everyone's shock Spiderman threw a body that was wearing his mask but in doing so he was buried under the rubble.

The Firemen who were now all gathered near by lowered their heads in shame. Spiderman was not a fireman but someone who went through such terror with them deserved to be treated as one of their own even in death. The EMT rushed to help the Girl that just left the building. But the girl sat there in tears and took off Spiderman's mask while staring at the rubble with everyone else.

10 minutes later Just as everyone was about to turn away, the rubble shifted and a Blistering and Burnt Hand Reached out and under the bated breath of onlookers the Burnt and Battered body of the Hero burst out. EMTs and Firefighters rushed to help. The onlookers and Press took pictures until the saddeNed police who worked with spiderman stopped them to protect the man's dignity.

The Emergency workers tried to pull Spiderman into the ambulance for aid but He shrugged them off and staggered to the girl with his mask. And without preamble staggered away and using the last of his webbing shot off onto the roofs.


Many were shocked at this sight. Someone so injured should be going to the hospital not running away. One onlooker could not but shudder in grief. She knew that face. She saw them everyday. Turning around in a panic she rushed home.


Peter staggered into the subway station moving for the labs. Upon entry he was greeted by terrified Harry and Ned who rushed to help. "Peter! You should have gone to the hospital!" shouted Ned

Peter rasped in pain "No, if people knew who I was then there would be many problems. This is just a Flesh wound. Harry bring me the Kit labelled Testing final."

Harry reluctantly did so but when he passed the kit to Peter, he received a call looking at the number he grimaced and moved out of the room. With the kit Peter moved to the bench and ate 17 MS Pills and injected a serum that he was testing that theoretically should boost healing speeds but required so much nutrients that regular people would just die since their metabolism would not function fast enough. But Peter would not face that problem. After a few moments he groaNed and passed out on the bench.


"Harry is Peter with you? he ran of earlier." Came Aunt Mays voice over the phone.

"Yes, aunt May we have been playing video games the whole night." Lied Harry not knowing that his friend was originally with his aunt that night.

"Do not lie to me! Peter was with me before news of the fire Broke out! I know I recognised that Face! Where are you! how is Peter!"

Feeling frighteNed and not sure of the proper steps, he gave May the address for the subway but made her promise not to bring anyone else.

15 minutes later a frantic May was greeted by a nervous Harry. The two then entered the secret base.

Rushing over to her unconscious nephew she was shocked to see the slowly healing skin that should have taken weeks took minutes, and his breathing was becoming more even the longer she listeNed.

Turning to her nephew friends she spoke sternly "now you two! You will tell me what's been happening. I definitely di not know Peter had a Secret lab, let alone that he was spiderman!" Ned was the first to collapse from nerves "I am sorry Mrs. Parker! But Peter gaiNed these powers and wanted to become a hero! We wanted to help. I am so sorry!"

The aunt snapped in anger "Well I draw the line! No more hero work! Look at him! And how is he healing so quickly." These words seemed to draw Peter from the realm of sleep "No! I am not stopping Spiderman. I am him and he is me. We have done so much for this City and will continue it. I have boosted my healing with a test serum and with its success I hopefully will not die easily."

"Do you understand how worried you made me?"

"Yes, and I am sorry, but that does not mean I will stop! Only that I will aim to be better. First thing to that is a suit that is Fire proof and some webs that don't burn up."

"Mrs. Parker, I understand that you are worried but We will stand beside Peter. We can't promise that he won't be hurt. But we can promise we will give him all the tools to succeed. Please don't stop him! Look at all he has done for our city in such a short amount of time." Begged Harry

May paused and actually thought of all the news she learnt of Spiderman, people seemed kinder than they were before his appearance. "Very well, Peter will continue being Spiderman but he will first take a weeklong break. I don't care if you are already healed your body needs a rest after experiencing such trauma." Peter seeing this was his only way to succeed agreed "Sounds good aunt May, I will use this time to improve my gear, I found that the pills that gave me energy for webs was not enough so I will need to work on that."

Ned spoke "why don't you also make some sort of synthetic web with different properties and some shooter so that way you won't run out easily and gives your body a chance to recharge in emergencies like tonight." This gave an idea to Peter who immediately grabbed a notebook and began sketching his idea. By creating a wrist mounted dispenser, he would then create a rotating Carriage loader which would change the type of Webbing available. The Future webs could be Fire retardant, Extra strong and cement like to reinforce weak buildings and something Biodegradable to work in wounds for emergency first aid.


During this week Peter spent it leisurely between his internship and making web shooters along with webbing. So far, the first iteration was bulky and he could not fit a lot webbing inside the cartridges. The Building Web was cement like and Quick drying strength of 800 pounds and the cartridge could only hold 2 kilometers of webbing. Next was the Fire-retardant web which had no tensile strength but had 3 kilometers of webbing and could smother Fires below 1200 Celsius, and finally a spare regular web which was also biodegradable and had Strength of 900 pounds this would be for wounds and for swinging around, this should be 4 kilometers of webbing in the canisters.

Next for improvement were the Meal supplement pills which originally contaiNed 1700 calories along with other nutrients. After a bit of testing, he found that being empty of webs Peter would need 7000 calories and the rest of his body would still be under strain from lack of energy. So, after experimentation and many wasted pills he created a new MS pill which supplied 8200 calories. A biproduct of this improvement was the MS sap which was a liquid thick like molasses which was friendly to regular humans. This Sap was slow acting but one teaspoon would give the regular joe enough calories and energy for 2 days. this would be great for Coma patients and IVs along with those who needed to travel light like the military or just plain old hikers.

It was on the last day of his break that Peter discovered that the spider Venom made more changes to his body.


During the week of Spiderman's break

For days on end the 3 Apartment fires aired on the news with cameras zoomed on every action made by Spiderman. Many thought he Died and those like Jonah Jamison Claimed that the BurNed hero was the one who set the fires, though they had to retract that statement after receiving threats of suing or death from many walks of life.

One young woman who was saved by Spiderman became more active in her community instead of being the hermit she was before the fire; she even began classes to become an EMT to help people like her hero.

During the Week Many Young children were inspired and changed their dreams to be Firemen.

A Few kilometers away in an institute Children with many powers smiled at the help a Mutant gave to regular people.

In a remote location a Black one-eyed man ordered agents to track down this masked man and find out all his abilities.


Peter found himself standing in the abandoNed railway of the Subway. Flexing his feet and arms he saw two spikes sprout from his feet 8 inches long. The Spikes on the feet seemed to release a paralytic venom. This should come in handy if He was ever facing something bigger and more dangerous than everyday people, Maybe mutants who knows. Next, he found that he now had a healing factor which seemed to mimic what his experimental Serum did, so Peter assumed that the Venom found the serum beneficial thus replicating its abilities. Next, he found was his skin was tougher not like Leather but twice the density of regular skin. Along with these upgrades his Webbing storage seemed to have increased in size and the webs themselves were slightly stronger having a strength of 1100 pounds.


1 week after the fires

Donning his new suit which now was Black Blue and Red. The Red he put onto symbolise the Fire. Taking a deep breath, he returNed to the streets swinging around and greeting the people who were relieved to see their hero still okay. Which was nice feeling for Peter since he has only been on the job slightly over a year.

But today there seemed to be less regular crime and more Gang violence. He had to break up two turf wars which were surprisingly close to the Queens United Middle high. When Ned called the Police, the officers all gave spiderman a clap on the back and a doughnut in thanks of his work.

All in all, he was feeling pretty good about this hero gig.


It was swinging back to the subway that his danger sense began pinging lightly. Taking in the information he knew it was not life ending but seemed like he was being watched and followed. Taking a few Detours, he had Ned hack into the surrounding Cameras to spot if there was anyone paying attention to him.

Unfortunately, there was no sight but just as Spiderman TurNed down another street, he Spotted a hooded man hopping across Apartment Buildings while holding a bow. Spiderman quickly went low and circled around the building before climbing up to the top and saw the Hooded Man Frantically talking into his ear while looking in the horizon

"Hey Buddy, you seem a little lost?" the hooded man turNed around and drew his bow but before he could act Spiderman Webbed him up and took away his bow and through the arrows from the quiver onto the next building.

"Hey hero! I mean no harm simply a fan!

"Oh, really how about you say that voice in your ear I can hear them. I am not a threat unless you make me one. Now tell me why you are following me or I will web you up and hang you naked from this Building for everyone to mock you and Birds to shit on you." Spiderman said Seriously.

The Man stayed silent until he received a positive answer from the comms in his ear.

"I am Hawkeye of Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. We operate in protecting this world and I was sent to find out if you are a threat."

"No, I am no threat, but your organization name is long enough to threaten my health. As I said before I am Friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. I will protect my city and am no threat but if you step over the line, I will not be held accountable." Saying this Spiderman webbed Hawkeye face before leaving quickly and after doubling checking for tails returNed to the Subway and changed into his Civvy clothes. After Making sure Ned got home safely, he too returNed only to find his Aunt Passed out on the couch with the News rolling which currently was doing an article on his hero persona. Picking up his only family member he tucked her in her bed before he too turNed in for the night.

The next day at breakfast

"Aunt May, you don't have to wait up for me at night. I will come back to you always, just not early."

"How would I know that? You could get burnt and be lying in a ditch somewhere dead and I would have no Idea!"

"Auntie, if you want, I could make secure phone where Ned will give you Hourly updates on my health. The only thing you have to promise me is that this device will not leave the house. I do not want some stranger getting updates on me."

His aunt Smiled and hugged him in agreement. Before serving some toast and eggs. One thing that Peter noticed that with the Help of a second income like his internship their diets have greatly improved. Before it was usually potatoes and other fillers with little bits of Protein and vegetables but now, they could buy quality ingredients and have more variety. Internally he made a promise to work hard and provide a good life for his aunt and any other future family.


2 months pass it is now early 2009.

Today the New went crazy. Tony Stark was found alive and rescued. It was discovered that he was kidnapped by the Taliban and the First thing he did upon returning was Stop all weapon manufacturing at STARK IND. Stock Prices went crazy many sold Stark Stocks and Purchased other Weapon dealers such as Oscorp and Hammer industries.

This ended up putting a strain on Norman and slightly on Harry who had to deal with his stressed father. The Weapons Department had to receive more funding, in order to meet demands of the Board of directors. Peter wanting to make extra dough and help his friends company introduced the MS Sap to Norman. At first the man wasn't too sure but after being told of the Possibilities for healthcare and meal substitution in the Field the older man was eager to provide a bonus knowing this would create a lucrative Deal with the American military since the Sap was liquid it also reduced amount of waste produced making it optimal for pilots on long flights or those who had to stay hidden.

This Deal alone cemented Oscorps new position and provided Peter with 1000-dollar bonus along with 25,000 profits from his patent and was promised much more. After Much discussion with his aunt, it was agreed that the two would buy an older 12 floor apartment worth 200,000 with a down payment of 50,000. Which came from Peters recent earnings and Insurance from Uncle Ben and savings. Over time it would Be renovated to have a house for them along with A lab for Peter. Under recommendation from Harry, it was also planNed to have 3 other apartments on the First floor to rent out. May who wanted neighbours was more than pleased with this idea and soon went about planning designs for her new home.

Peter Along with his Friends Stepped into the newly purchase Apartment complex. Marking down the layout and checking the walls it was decided to gut the whole thing and rewire, re-pipe and remove many walls to make an open concept living area and a nice large Laboratory. "Hey Pete. I have been working something for a while that I want to give you as a present." Stated Ned before holding out a small ring box.

Opening it Peter saw a small processing chip. "What is this?"

Smiling Proudly the boy exclaimed "this is a Self Learning VI which currently is dumber than a Brick but as long as you work with it and teach it. This little Guy could be smarter than Tony Stark! I want you to have him and install him in your home. I plan on using this design to make a better version for myself and Harry." Peter teared up slightly and gave the bigger boy a hug "wow, I don't know what to say! All I can do is promise that I will raise your computer son to be the best!" at he words computer son Ned blushed in embarrassment.

Slipping the Box into his Pouch the Three continued making designs for the Remodelling of the whole building.

The First two floors would be merged into 1 and act as a Large Ground floor workshop and Garage with an industrial elevator that led directly to the 8 and 9th floors which contaiNed his labs. The third floor would contain 3 Large apartments for rent. Floors 4 and 5 would be turNed into personal living quarters a kitchen living room and recreation areas for May and himself. Floor 6 was a personal gym. 7 and 8 were the labs, 9 would be designated to being slowly developed into a high-tech computer lab that would also house the VI chip that Ned made. Finally floors 10 to 12 were kept for future use and storage.

Much of the Foundation was rotted along with many supports, so using contractors from oscorp who specialised in this type of construction they were able to repour the foundation that was a special mixture made by Peter, this had trace amounts of Lead and various metal to act a Faraday cage if electricity was passed through but also increase the strength and durability. When the walls were redone and some removed to increase the space lots of insulation was added to stop the spread of sound through the levels and large cable wiring was installed for 250 kV usage. This was well above over kill but Peter had plans to make his own power unit but first needed time and money to create it.

Elevators were improved for extra weight and speed, and a nice balcony patio was put on the 5th floor so he and his aunt could enjoy their breakfast while looking at the sunrise. All in all, this Project when done would cost 2.5 million and that was before furnishing and equipment for his labs.

Seeing that they needed extra dough Peter made patents for the improved Cement which would be popular with the military since with that addition of Lead and other metals the dried cement took 95% less damage from high powered impacts compared to the regular cement

Next patent was a Stimulant serum which had no repercussion but could only be taken once every three months before health problems could occur. This stimulant overclocked the brain letting you think faster with the problem-solving abilities to match, and the best part was after the Stimulant wore off, the information learnt was not lost. This was huge hit with other science labs and the intelligence crew of Militaries and other agencies like the CIA.

Now with the influx of money coming in from patents and bonuses it would only be a year before they had everything paid off.

With urging from her Nephew May quit her job and went back to school for Human resources and Business Management. Seeing her passed out on the table during studies made Peter grin a bit but could not help but feel pride that his most cherished person was doing well in life.


November 2009

It was in the middle of his nightly patrols that Spiderman saw a crazy scene on the television of a shop. Landing down on the road he joiNed the crowd listening to the tv

I come to you live from Los Angeles at Stark industries

As you can see there are two Robots fighting.

We have received word that there are multiple casualties but it is unknown what caused this conflict.

Looking at the two Peter had the urge to help the small red and gold one but knew he could never get there in time. The little robot was nimble but was sure taking a beating. It flew into the sky and the bigger one froze up due to the cold and plummeted back down. Surprisingly the Grey one stood back up and began shooting a machine gun which the smaller guy dodged but the bullets shot into Passing by cars causing death and accidents. The smaller robot fired back with plasma shots from his hands. This made Peter Salivate since he knew the theoretical amount of power that plasma shot would need and he could pinpoint the source which was imbedded in the chest area.

The Fight dragged on for 10 more minutes and when the gold bot looked like it was going to lose a Beam of energy came from below which ended up killing the grey bot but miraculously the gold one still got up, and that was when the video feed cut.

Going home Peter began investigating the known information of Stark industries and hacked a little and found out that first off, the Beam at the end was from the Arc reactor prototype invented by Howard stark, secondly while reviewing camera feeds, he found that the gold bot was Tony stark and the other Obadiah Stane who was caught selling Stark products to terrorists behind Tonys back.

While inside the system Peter tried to steal the Blueprints for the Reactor but found that they were incomplete, so he simply gave a quick review before removing all traces that he might have left before exiting.

The next day it was revealed that the so-called Ironman was Tony stark which began a long discussion among the public if this new hero would be good for the Country. It was due to this that Spiderman was stopped mid patrol by a group of journalists who asked many questions on his opinion on the billionaire. Not wanting to make enemies he stated some none answers like he would be willing to show the new guys the ropes and other things along that line. But Peter personally thought that this Ironman will only stay on the sidelines unless it was a big scenario.



Harry, Peter and Ned have just entered into high school. Midtown School of Science and Technology.

Thankfully over the last two years Harry was able to become adept at Mechanical engineering, which not only pleased his father but allowed him to enter High school with his friends.

At first everything was going well but a student from the Football team who was skilled in biology began picking on Ned for being a wimp and fat. This guy's name was Eugene Thompson also known as Flash. Peter and Harry not taking the insults lying down ended up getting detention which further emboldeNed Flash. Flash also had a girlfriend who seemed interested in Peter, her name was Mary jane Watson this also increased Flash's aggressivity. With the upgrade in schooling some new people joiNed Peters friend group. First off was Liz Allen who was focused on chemistry, Gwen Stacey who was interested in Biochemistry and physics, Betty Brant was interested in Journalist and computer sciences, Michelle Jones Shaft was into Physics sociology and criminology, and Jeremy smith was fixated on automotive engineering. This led to varying topics of discussion but the three boys were glad to have a larger friend group. Many times, they were all invited over to Liz Allens place where they met her parents who were very nice. If Peters eyes were working properly than he was sure that one day Harry would ask Liz out. On the other hand, he was very sure that just after a week that Ned and Betty were dating though he could not get his friend to admit it. Gwen Stacey, Peter was shocked to learn was actually Captain Stacey's daughter, and when he questioNed on her thoughts on spiderman, he learnt that his masked persona was highly valued in the captain's family since the streets were far safer than years previous.


Unfortunately, with all good things came the bad.

With a Hero on the streets many enhanced individuals became common committing small crimes like battery and robberies but the impact was far larger than the regular criminal, buildings were destroyed and many were injured. This led to men like Jonah J Jameson Lambasting Spiderman as the cause. Which unfortunately led Many others to believe the same. Even though the Police, Firemen and Emergency responders were still super supportive and willing to work with him, there has been a rising tide of Political outcry on his existence.

Third Bank robbery in last week? Could spiderman be involved

Rising Superpowered freaks. Spiderman the Ringleader

Regular people injured! Spiderman the Menace!

Phrases like this littered the news and papers, matching the intensity of his supporters.

After 3 months it finally got to the all high when a Politician advocating for Mutants to be registered and tracked was Murdered that the State of New York called for Spiderman's capture Believing he was in cahoots. Many regular people were horrified that their hero was blamed and were very verbal in the denying of the claims.

It was on the third night of Patrol under the orders of capture. It was right after helping an old lady home that he heard the Helicopters and his Danger sense started Blaring. "Spiderman! Surrender! Put your hands on your head! You are accused of murder! Any further actions will be judged in the Court of State!" not wanting to be captured and unmasked he began sprinting and webbed away but the choppers kept up, it was when the First shot was Fired that he shot a web at the helicopters window blinding them. Taking this chance to escape he moved away three blocks before his danger sense pinged again. But looking around he could not see where it was coming from. It was when he made to swing again that 5 cracks sounded in unison and before he could react 5 large calibre bullets tore into his body. 2 in the chest 1 in each leg and 1 arm. Staggering in pain he attempted to swing away but mid swing he was shot twice more causing him to veer off and fall into an alleyway. As He tumbled, he could see an approaching Helicopter armed with cameras and a Searchlight followed by one armed with machine guns. Limping down the alleyway Spiderman could tell that for some reason his healing factor was not working at full strength so he dealt with the pain, and heard someone yell at him, looking to the noise he saw some dirty looking guy lying beside the wall with a shopping cart. "pssed! Spidey, come over here! You saved me once I will save you now!" the man then brought over the shopping cart and helped the injured hero in before tossing junk and blankets on top before Walking briskly in the opposite direction while pushing the cart.

As the Man Pushed the cart, he could not help but hear the laboured breathing of the injured hero. Half a yar ago he was homeless and was being beaten up by some arrogant twits and before he was shot this very hero saved him and gave him some dough which helped him get a job and a small apartment though the man still had to scavenge off the streets to make ends meet. Looking over his shoulder he Could see an increase of Helicopter but made sure to take many shortcuts and turns to avoid being tracked. Soon he found himself at a pub with no sign. Entering with the cart he saw many unscrupulous men drinking and smoking.

This place was called Augie's by the regular attendees. Augie's was run by Augustine who catered to Mercenaries and Bounty hunters along with multiple gangs. Augustine was known for being discreet and his pub was a neutral ground. No fighting or revenge was done here unless you got on the wrong end of everyone else not only in New York but across the Country who used Augie's Services. "Hey Ralph why did you bring your cart in? I thought you asked for the day off!" The man now known as ralph spoke "Hey Augustine, I found al little spider who was shot! I owe him a dept, do you have anyone in to treat him?"

"Hey hook, I got a patient for you! the same one that saved your niece a while back." Shouted Augustine

A man with a hook looked from his stool and saw the body of the hero in the cart "Holy shit! What happeNed to him!" Ralph then went on to tell how they got here and the multiple bullet wounds on the hero. Clearing a table Hook left the hero mask on and when a random merc tried to take it off others took exception. "No, leave the mask on! He probably wants to protect his family. We might not be good people but surely, we can pay a debt that many of us owe. This guy has changed the city and has helped many of our families." Spoke James Cub father of Kate Cub who Spiderman saved from rape.

Hook then changed his hook for another tool and soaked it in alcohol before reaching in for the bullets causing Spiderman to squirm in pain "Hold him down! I can't work like this; he is too strong." After an hour the hero was stitched up and he was put on a cot in the back room.

A few hours later at 4 am spiderman finally awoke in the strange room. Feeling that his mask was still on he wandered out and found himself in a pub with an older gent cleaning a glass. "Hello, do you know how I ended up here?" the bartender looked up and smiled and the other occupants of the bar let out a cheer. "Nice to see you up Spidey. I am Augustine owner of Augie's, one of my guys who owed you a debt brought you here after being shot. Don't worry about your Identity. Over the years you have helped many of us so we only returNed the favour. I would suggest you wait here a bit longer the Feds are still buzzing like bees." Thanks, do you have something to eat?" the man nodded and slid over a plate of Sausage and buns. Taking the plate Spiderman went back to the cot and contacted May and Ned "Hey guys, I don't know if you heard the news but I got shot. Thankfully some nice guys have stitched me up. Aunt May I won't be in for school tomorrow because I need to lay low before making it home without getting caught." His worried aunt spoke "Peter! I am so glad your alright. Those politicians! You think they would have something better to do instead of shooting my heroic nephew! I will call you in sick don't you worry." After updating Ned Peter hung up and joiNed the others at the bar while watching the news.

Here he learnt of many new guys like Hook who was a Mercenary medic, Bols and Pyromaniac and a few others. After 8 hours of waiting Spiderman was finally able to leave. Staying low and moving quick he got to the Subway and Changed his clothes before going home.

After the Attack Peter decided to stop his patrols not wanting to go through the chance of getting caught. It was on the 7th day of his absence that the public got concerNed. Even JJ Jamesons Bugle started wondering if he was dead after being shot multiple times by Snipers. Honestly Peter felt terrible because even with his absence the Criminals came out and lately there has been more super powered crime. But knowing that the best thing for his health was not out on the streets he dedicated that time to training and suit improvements. Using amped up Pitching machines, he practiced dodging and his danger sense. Using abandoNed train carts, he Pumped weights until his body could no more. He even practiced bashing his Foot spike filled with Paralytic venom against the wall. At first the Spike snapped off and caused immense pain but after growing back and breaking a few more times it grew stronger. His goal was to toughen the spike so it could pierce steel. Harry using his Budding Mechanical skills made robots to be piloted by the VI named Yoda. The little guy was a fast learner and soon Harry had 12 Tripod robots that were armed with semi auto BB guns. These guys were great help since Yoda would sporadically change his trajectory in hopes of Catching Peter up. Weirdly the whole sight had Ned giggling perversely but he would not tell them why.

For the suit a Special fabric was woven to improve the protectiveness of the Suit but unfortunately to keep it thin they could not put too much protection. Peter though had a model in testing where the Chest area was Bulked up for heavy protection while keeping the lower torso and limbs fairly free.

On another note, Harry Finally snuck out the Blueprint for the Oscorp hoverboard which was originally desigNed for the Military but was thrown away due to the cost and training required. To begin Practicing the young Osbourne made a longboard so he could work on balancing and doing tricks closer to the ground.


1 month after Spiderman's disappearance.

Many mourNed the disappearance of the Friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. Many protests were held to protest the Actions of the Government. But unbeknownst to all the spider would soon make an appearance.


Peter walked into Oscorp ready to work with Dr Connors on the Serum meant to regrow limbs. But surprisingly the man was shoving everything int a bag "Dr! what are you doing!" the angry man looked up "the Directors have canceled our funding and I have been told to exit the premises. I… We are so close! But they refuse to give anymore time." Peter ran out and Called Norman on his cell and after a short conversation found out that He was outvoted by the Directors who wanted to Focus assets on weapon development. There was something else in the man's voice that told Peter that the Man was not saying something else, but he was unsure as to the importance.


A Man who has just been fired and midway through his life's work sat on a park bench somberly glaring at a syringe in his hand, in the early Dusk. Steadying his hand, he injected the vial into his left shoulder where the arm was missing. To the man's astonishment and joy an arm slowly began to grow and after 30 minutes the arm was whole, he cried in glee. But soon his body began to convulse and he grew larger and scales appeared on his body.

The Man was no longer there. Only the Lizard.


It was at 8pm that Peter heard the news from Ned.

A Giant monster was Destroying the Queensboro Bridge. Rushing to the Tv Peter saw a Giant green lizard throwing cars and Destroying cables that supported the bridge. Rushing to his room he put the Spiderman suit on not caring that he could very well be hunted by the Government again. Shouting out to his aunt that he was leaving the Hero was soon out rushing towards the Bridge and Garnered a Large amount of attention, most onlookers took their Cameras out to film the returNed hero.

Getting to the Bridge he slammed into the Lizard giving a firm kick which sent the lizard flying away from the Taxi it was trying to rip in half. Surprisingly the thing stood. Unbuckling the Driver Spiderman urged for him to evacuate. The Lizard rushed the spider who quickly dodged and shot webbing which was easily ripped. Webbing onto the struts of the Bridge the spider dodged while annoying the Lizard in hopes of making a plan. Remembering one of his abilities he ejected his two-foot spikes and using the wind up of a swing Pierced into the creature's chest. Seeing the thing fall down in pain and stunNed he quickly webbed the thing down and waved over the approaching police to arrest the creature. Turning his attention around he saw a Car about to fall off the bridge with a screaming child inside while the father was banging at the stuck door. With loping steps, he soon approached and just as the car tipped over, he caught its bumper and slowly dragged the car back on the bridge and tore the door open freeing the son.

All of a sudden, the Bridge Shuddered and his Danger sense went off. Looking in the Direction he noticed multiple cables snapped and the Bridge was slowly splitting. Crawling up to the top he pulled the cables taught and fasteNed them in place with his Cement Web, unfortunately this fix would not last more than an hour but that should be long enough to evacuate everyone and to begin repairs.

It was as Spiderman helped a school bus of children escape the bridge that he encountered people cheering for his return and cameras going off taking his picture.

After making sure everything was secure Spiderman made way for the polices station, hoping to find out what this creature was. Entering he was ushered by polite officers who were happy to see him. Entering he saw the familiar faces of Officer Corbin and Captain Stacey. "Spiderman, I haven't had a chance to thankyou for all you have done for this city. I just want you to know that none of my department will ever hunt you as long as you are on the right side of the law. Now look into this room and tell me what you see." Spiderman did so and was shocked to see his Friend Dr Connors naked and chaiNed to a chair. "Why is Dr Connors chaiNed to the Chair!" the captain flicked on a video recording and everyone watched that after an hour of being locked up the Unconscious lizard slowly morphed into the Dr. another Officer walked into the room and woke the Dr up.

"Dr Curtis Connors, you are being charged with Destruction of Property and Terrorism and endangerment of life. Now tell us why did you attack the bridge."

"I didn't mean to! It was my serum meant to bring my arm back! I am so sorry."

"Since you know your guilt, if you sign this form and admit your guilt, we shall assign you to a High security prison for 10 years and if you conduct yourself well can be transferred for another 20 years in minimum security."

The Dr mechanically picked up the pen and willingly done so. Peter could see the Brokenness in the man's eyes along with some other unknown feeling.


"Spiderman I am pleased to let you know that the Hunt for you has been called off two days ago. Speaking for myself I would feel safer if you could come back to the streets." Said Captain Stacey.

"I will come back, but is there any possibility that you could make some sort of public message saying that? It would help the negative viewing that I have received since that Hunt and let me tell you those sniper shots hurt like a butch, I never want to go through that again."

"I can do that, and if you need a safe haven know that you can contact my number and I am willing to aid you."


Next day Peter choked on his oatmeal. On the news was Captain Stacey standing beside a picture of spiderman along with the Chief of Firefighters.

Hello Everyone I am Captain George Stacey of the NYPD. Lately there has been outcry on the Masked vigilante called Spiderman.

I am here to tell you that the police of this City Stand by Spiderman and Warmly welcome his aid in protecting this city. We officially State that Any arrest done by Spiderman will be recognised as legal.

Hello everyone I am Chief Firefighter Keith Dobbin. We also support spiderman. He has risked his life for ours. So, I am ashamed in those who denounce his actions as anything less than Heroic. If you are watching this, I am glad to have you back Spidey.

These words brought a sense of pride to Peter. Yes, he didn't need praise to save people but it sure hurt the spirit when many around you put you down when you did nothing wrong. Looking on he noticed that the real identity of the Lizard was not stated. Thinking of his Friend Peter felt saddeNed that this happeNed.

With Being approved by the two Chiefs Spiderman returNed to the Streets much to everyone's joy.







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