
Magic and the Potters

It has been a couple of days since Vicki was attacked by a vampire I went back to the hospital to see how she was doing and to erase her memory of the event but when I went there I found that she already forget there's only 2 ways this could have happened one the experience was too traumatic for her that she forgot or she was compelled by the vampire who attacked her.

Anyway I went back to the mansion to start some training and research with my magic since there might be a threat lurking around. When I entered I saw Shesha was eating a poor mice that he found. He looked turned his serpentine head at me and just stared. "What are you trying do to?" I asked as I was unnerved by the gaze. "I was trying to make you my puppet master like that comrade from the book of jungle" I blinked at the statement was he talking about the snake from the jungle book. I just looked at him tiredly "you have more of chance to marry another worm than controlling me" I stated knowing that this would rile him up which he proved by insulting his species by comparing it with such filth. I just ignored him and walked away.

I was standing at my basement door. Now my basement was enchanted with powerful spells that allows the changing of room. I had the help of the Hogwarts and used a spell that was used in the Hogwarts stair that allowed them to interchange. I created five rooms for Five different purposes that can only be used by my magic alone. If not they only see a normal basement with some junk in it. They rooms where:

1. Study Room- This room is filled with grimoires that I have obtained from the vaults , bought and found on my travels. The purpose was to create my own grimoire that focused on the fusion of wizard and Wiccan magic. So far I only have some prototype pages. But I am not creating a book.

2. Magical Green House- This is where I keep my magical herbs and plants for use to experiment with them like crossbreeding and having supplies for my potion making. I had the help of Helga to make the room suitable for them survive within the area.

3. Potion and Enchanting Lab- This is where I do potions both wiccan and wizard since they are various benefits to them. This room is one of two room that have spelled with explosion resistance due to the volatile natures of potions. Along with creating magic items with alchemy and transfiguration right now I am trying to blend technology and magic which usually ends up exploding in my face.

4.Practice Room- This were I do most of my magic practice it is the other room that has been reinforced with Explosion resistance along heat and flame resistance. There were also dummies that I used a attack spells to see the varying effects they were incredibly life like and show the effects a bit too realistically. But where great practice to use them.

5.Storage Room-Its were I store my magical items that can be used on a later date. The items varies I had cauldrons , gems and metals. There was also fridge things such dragon hearts only two of them they are expensive along with magical beast blood. There were even toxins and venom of magical like basilisk venom.

I stood in front of the door waved my hand and pressed the 3 to go to the potions lab perform a spell that required a potion. The spell was to hide from the Potters when they start guess that I was their son. It was spell that severs family ties essentially no matter what they do magic won't recognize as their son. But for that to happen I had to meet them and get some of their blood which was why I haven't done it sooner. Which I have done during the parents conference where they most likely since I did not want to see them at their turf.


I was at school volunteering to help there that was my cover I just needed a reason to be at the school when the Potters came I just had to wait. To gain the necessary amount of blood I transfigured four syringes into flies as they hovered me. I made sure to get into contact with them. I know I said that I did not want to be meet them however it better for them to have doubt than concrete evidence. And its like I can move to do that will take time I'm modified the mansion with so magic that undoing it right after the Potters came will warrant some suspicion from them.

The Potters soon came into the School I was assigned to guide them since they have not been here for long. They came in as a group I saw that besides the golden trio and Lily and James they were two newcomers. Both of them were young girl with red hair along .you would think they were sisters if you did not see their differences. One girl had freckles and brown eyes while the other pale skin with green eyes. I knew who they were Ginny Weasley and Rose Potter. I never met Rose but I knew that the Potters had a daughter after I left. I was indifferent towards I just did not care.

"Mr and Mrs Potter please come here I was assigned to guide through our school" I smiled at them the fact that I had to so courteous to them after what they did to me was painful. But I kept in check they need to give me a Oscar for this.

"Thank you please can you show me to Mr Tanner homeroom please" Lily asked me in a polite manner. While I commanded my flies to draining the Potters blood they went to work latching on the wizards. They had numbing effect casted on the syringe so that they won't feel it

"So your name is Harry am I right?" Hermione asked with a tone of arrogance I knew that the trio was full of themselves this was the first time seeing it. The Potters flinched at the name but carried on walking.

"Yes Ms Granger my name is Harry Peverell" I answered her question "Judging by your accent you moved here from England as well so when did you move here and where are your parents" The girl started ask some really crazy questions. The group looked at me with confusion "Yes my parents died when I was young so I was placed and raised in orphanage. I came across some family fortunes and assets from old nobility so I moved here when I was young" I lied blatantly to their face.

"I'm sorry for your loss" James said to me he looked remorseful he looked like a decent human being too bad I knew what type of person he was. I told them not to worry as we entered Tanner's room. As we entered I saw welcoming the Potters while the kids waited outside he took one look at me and shivered.


As I stood in front of the cauldron as the four flies hovered on top of my hand. I snapped my finger and they turned into syringes. I poured the blood in the cauldron and started chanting. I proceeded to drop a overhand knot of rope and the Potters blood dyed one half of it while I cut my palm and it dyed the other half. With having a blood red rope I took it in my hand with a pair of enchanted scissors and cut the rope in two symbolizing my magical severance from the Potters. With that now done I won't be considered a Potter by magic.

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