

In a dark night a man was walking on certain street. Did he accomplished something or he was trying to!? what awaits to his story? Let us find together.It's a world where possibility are endless.

Lacchi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Certainly! Here's the corrected version:

**Location: Santarum City**

Charles finally approached Santarum Junction. When he reached the place, he was huffing from the run, soaked in sweat, with droplets dripping from his forehead. He stood, bending his back, hands on his thighs, constantly huffing.

"For God's sake," he exclaimed, "Did that really wear me out?"


While at that time, those were the only words that came out of his mouth, but the continuation of his sentence was veiled. As he washed his dripping mouth with a slight touch of his hand, straightening his posture, his vision cleared with the dispersion of the crowd.


His restless eyes became huge, stumbling on his sliding path. The look on his face couldn't be more than what had already been there. He rushed toward the crowd, desperation on his face, guilt in his heart. He shouted, "Ray, Ray!"

He was rushing towards the crowd, screaming someone's name.

"Outta my way!"

"Outta my way!"

"Woh, woh sir, hold on!"

"Where do you think you are rushing? It's a crime scene out here. You can't barge into a crime scene like that."

A local guard with a blue uniform, light blue hat, and a small black feather on his hat said while blocking Charles's way. He blocked his way with a long spear covered with heavy metal, twinkling with bluish light from fixated little gems all over the handle, covering almost the whole spear except for the blade.

"Just let me in," Charles said while trying to push past the guard, but when he touched the spear, the twinkling light from those little gems threw out electric sparks.

"Ahhh," Charles exclaimed.

"What's going on here? Why is there a civilian near the crime scene? Didn't I tell you not to let them near?"

Brock shouted from behind the guards, making a grim face.

"I'm sorry, sir. I will immediately send this man out of here."

"No, wait, let me in there. He was my friend." Charles barely managed to speak, exhausted from the rush that had occurred in his way today.

"Oh, ho... Well, I was wondering why haven't any of his relatives or friends come here. But after looking at his situation, I thought he could be some kind of immigrant or crime warlord. But I'm surprised somebody did come. Hmm, let him in." Brock said while placing his hands on his chin, directing his head toward the sky.

"Yes, sir," the guard replied.

Charles went along with the guards. The body had finally been removed from the spear, but when Charles saw that body's face, he felt grief. Tears came out from his eyes while simultaneously, the light rain heavily started to pour. Lightning trumped the sky, and the continuous rain fell all over the place, including the statue and spear. The blood was flowing from that statue, painted in the blooded statue started to lose its reddish color slightly, while the ground flowed like a blood river. People were afraid and went along their way. Silence again occurred in that place. Some crows went along, but some stayed.

The guards quickly took that body, which was placed on a stretcher, to the temporarily made tent while rushing and escaping from the heavy rain. But Charles was in such a state that such things didn't even bother him. While ago, he was soaked in sweat, but now he was soaking in water. He stood straight, head down, clenched his fists, darkened his eyes, his tied hair was opened, dripping water from the rain. The only presence that could be heard at that time was rain, smothering the ground and dominating the sound.

"Why did you have to do that?" Charles muttered something.

"Sir!! Lieutenant Brock is asking for your presence."

The same local guard who had been blocking his way said while soaking in that rain.

Charles lifted his head, inhaled deeply, and headed directly towards the tent.

**Location: Near Santarum City**

Commotion overtook a certain building—it was Mace Publisher, the best newspaper publisher in town. The building was half the size of a mansion, doubled in floors, with wooden windows and doors. At the top of the door, there was a board stating Mace Publisher.

More than a few dozen people were rushing towards each other. Wooden desk tables in the front with separated cabins covered most of that space. Each desk was filled with documents, files, and papers. All the commotion was located in a certain room.

Aside from that commotional room and upfront from the main door, there was a huge hall. Different tables were occupied by a number of people who seemed like they were waiting for their work to be done. In the center, there was a separate space, especially placed so it could be seen from all places. At the front of that space, there were three young ladies with light yellowish ponytail hair, big eyes, and a gentle smile on their faces, all in identical brownish dresses from top to bottom.

At the front of their place, it was stated their names. They were discussing some matter with a woman dressed in a purple gown, designed with flowers on the top and flowing in size on the bottom, with multiple layers including a matching old-fashioned Italian hat. She expressed her words towards the receptionist in a mannered standard.

"May I help you, miss?" Receptionist Emma said in polite standards. When that woman saw her generous smile, she twitched her tongue. "Hmm! Let me see? This is Mace Publishing, right?"

"Yes, miss. This is Mace Publishing, which has been constantly delivering truth to the world without being influenced by anybody. We are proud that our story and newspaper are helping to maintain this nation and let the truth out to the people." She said with a generous but slightly sly expression on her face.

"Hehh!" She expressed while placing her right hand on her waist, tilting her neck left, numbing her eyes slightly while watching toward those receptionists. "Oh well, you have at least maintained little standards. Besides, could you call your editor? I wanna have a matter to be discussed." The young lady said while exclaiming her standards in her words.

Reception fell angered in their faces while looking cliché in their grim, dulled in mannered. The receptionist clenched her both hands and said, "Miss, the thing is that our editor has been out for a moment, so we were unable to be any help to you. If you don't mind, why don't you come tomorrow."

"What the...?! I have been waiting here, and you are telling me. You can't get my work done." She shouted, directing her dissatisfaction towards the receptionist. The young lady was making commotion. All the other subjects of that publishing company were also watching that dramatic situation. People from other rooms and those who were present were also whispering to each other.

When the young lady realized that all were watching her, she turned around. "What!! What are you looking at?" She said in a noisy voice.

"Uh–hum! Excuse me, miss, maybe you should maintain your composure." An unripe voice with an immature appearance suddenly arrived at the back of that young lady.

She turned around toward that voice coming from near Receptionist Emma. A man with medium black hair, a clean face, slim body, about 5.9 ft in height, wearing a black light coat reaching near the ground, with front buttons opened, smiled on his face. He was none other than Miles, who was trying to calm the situation.

"W-what did you say? Huh!"

"I know, ma'am, you are angry, but for your own sake, maintain your composure. A lady shouldn't lose her composure and manner in any circumstances. You know!"

He was saying while putting a smile on his face. The receptionist and others also felt relieved.

"Well said." The young lady maintained her stance. "Now, then let me handle this, Emma." Miles said while approaching the young lady.

"Sorry, vice-editor." Emma whispered while pulling her ear with her right hand.

"Don't worry," he said in a symbolic way. "I am the vice-editor, tell me what business do you have with our editor."

"Hmph! It's a serious task. I can't trust you for such a job. And what guarantee would you provide that you will definitely deliver this to your editor? You could even use this information for your own merits."

"Well, that may be true, but I can assure you that your task will be a priority, and I shall personally deliver your task to the editor because he is a close friend of mine too. So..."

"No, that won't work, but for now, I shall take my leave. Oh yes, at least tell him that I have visited here. And deliver this card to him."

"Yes, ma'am, I will deliver this, but what would I say, who has given this? At least tell me your name, miss."

"No need, he will know. But if you like, I can tell you. You know!" The lady said while biting her finger.

"Well, who doesn't want to know such a beauty's name?" Miles said while blushing a little.

"My, well then it's Jule Ramfin."

"Ah-ha, what a beautiful name. I shall remember it."

"Bye then." She waved her hand slowly in a charismatic way and slightly turned around and went towards the exit.

While Miles was waving his hand with a blushed face, Receptionist Emma hit him with her elbow on his abdomen.

"Ouch! What are you doing?!"

"Ah-aa, why are you blushing and talking in such a sweet voice to her that much. Huh! And your hand..." She put his waving hand down immediately.

"What, I was just doing my job? Didn't I just control the situation. Huh!!"

"What if you did!" Emma expressed while pouting and binding her hands to each other. Her white-reddish cheek looked astonishing and adorable.

"Wait, what, why are you mad now?" Who knows? The other two receptionists who were watching all the commotion from the side said while laughing.

"Well, putting the matter aside, we got intel that in Santarum City, someone has been murdered. While his body was hanged on the Legendary statue." Jessica said while fixing her mood.

"What, when did that happen?"

"It looks like the murder took place yesterday night. While mostly his body was found this morning."

"Hmm, whose body was that? Did you figure it out?!"

"Well, about that, the 'Royal Guard' also seems to need to be involved in this matter. So..."

Interrupting her words, Miles expressed a problem of his own. "W-what, why, aside from others, the 'Royal Guard' is involved. Something doesn't seem right. I got a pretty bad feeling about this, Emma."

Emma looked toward Miles. He was saying while constantly moving around, biting his finger.

"Hmm, is that all!!"

"No, there is more. They have also put a lockdown on the whole Santarum City, that's why the communication was cut off. I barely got the information from a certain merchant who was able to pass the gate before they shut it down."

"Hmmm." While Miles was thinking, tilting his head down and holding his chin through his finger, suddenly someone opened that intermediate-sized door.

The person was shaped feminine, identification was rough because along with that figure, a huge light was flashing in that place. That figure walked towards Miles and Receptionist Emma. Their eyes were astonished by the light until that figure finally started to form a shape. Miles and others were finally able to figure out that she was a girl, unfamiliar to their existence but astonishing in appearance. "She was Jessica."

Miles fixed his way and asked generously, "May I help you, miss?"

Miles expressed while raising his question when Jessica approached near him and she said, "Are you Miles?"

"Pardon," Miles expressed while that question approached through his ear.

"I said are you Miles?" A bit of a higher tone from her, found around.

"A-ah yes! What may I be of service to you, little miss?" He was confused a bit; how does she know his name? But he didn't raise his confusion.

"Come with me, we gotta go."

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