
Forgotten soldier

Alex Von Muller lived a peaceful life in the central European nation of Zalovnia but that was before his father passed leaving behind his mother and sister he joined the armed forces

DaoistLbwMKl · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Operation Freedom

Alex had been trying to make contact with the new command structure of the Zalovnian Army for weeks. Finally, he received a response from a high-ranking officer who had taken charge after the previous leadership had collapsed. The officer was interested in the resistance fighters' accomplishments and was open to working together.

Alex and a small team of resistance fighters travelled to the designated meeting place to speak with the officer. They were met by a group of Zalovnian soldiers who escorted them to a secure location. The officer greeted them and invited them to sit down at a table.

"Captain Alex, we have heard of your efforts against the Ablionian forces. You and your team have been a thorn in their side for some time now," the officer said, looking directly at Alex.

Alex nodded. "We've been doing our best to fight back and push them out of our territory. But we need your help."

The officer leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "I understand. We've been in a difficult situation since the collapse of the previous leadership. But we're ready to take back our country and restore our government."

Alex and the officer discussed their situations and potential ways to work together. The officer was impressed with the resistance fighters' ability to gather intel and conduct successful missions against the Ablionians. Therefore, he proposed a joint operation to target a central Ablionian supply line, which would significantly blow their operations.

The plan was simple: the resistance fighters would conduct hit-and-run attacks on the supply line, drawing out the Ablionian forces and causing chaos. Then, the Zalovnian Army would launch a full-scale assault, taking advantage of the confusion to overwhelm the enemy.

Alex and his team were excited about working with the Zalovnian Army but knew the risks. They had been operating as a small, agile group, able to move quickly and evade enemy forces. However, working with a large, organized military force would require different skills and tactics.

After some discussion, they agreed on a plan and a timeline. The resistance fighters would begin their attacks in two days, giving the Zalovnian Army time to prepare for their assault.

Over the next two days, the resistance fighters worked tirelessly to gather intel on the Ablionian supply line. They scouted out the terrain, identified potential ambush points, and coordinated with other resistance groups in the area.

Finally, the day of the operation arrived. Alex and his team set off in the early morning, moving quickly and silently towards their target. They launched a series of attacks, causing the Ablionian forces to scatter and respond to multiple threats. Meanwhile, the Zalovnian Army launched their assault, catching the enemy off guard and overwhelming their defences.

The operation was going well, but then reports came in stating that the new Zalovnian Command had surrendered on the condition that Alex and his group were handed over. Officer Wolfgang would be made leader of the new puppet state. Alex knew now that the operation was a trap, and they were surrounded and needed to escape to the south to the mountains.

As Alex heard the news, he could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He had been working towards this moment for so long, only to have it ripped away by a surrender he had no control over.

He knew they needed to act quickly to escape the trap and reach safety. So he gathered his team and the remaining resistance fighters, quickly formulating a plan to make a break for the mountains to the south.

They knew the journey would be treacherous, but it was their only hope of survival. So they began gathering their supplies, and Alex used his connections to secure any additional resources.

As they set off towards the mountains, they were met with resistance from enemy soldiers, but they fought back fiercely. The group was skilled and well-trained and could hold off the enemy long enough to break for it.

As they journeyed through the mountains, the group faced numerous challenges, including harsh terrain and dangerous wildlife. They had to move quickly, and they couldn't risk stopping for too long.

Despite the challenges, the group persevered and eventually reached a remote cave system deep in the mountains. They set up a temporary base using the resources they had gathered.

Alex knew they couldn't stay in the cave system forever, but it was a safe haven for now. So he began formulating a new plan to allow them to regroup and continue the fight against the enemy.

As Alex sat in the cave, his mind raced with all the events leading him to this point. The betrayal by the Zalovnian Command was a heavy blow, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of disillusionment and sadness.

He thought about his family and wondered where they could be. Were they still alive, or had they fallen victim to the war like so many others? The uncertainty was eating away at him, and he longed for some kind of closure.

But Alex knew that he couldn't give up. He had a duty to his fellow soldiers and to the resistance. He needed to find a way to regroup and continue the fight against the Ablionian occupation.

As he sat there, lost in thought, a group of resistance fighters entered the cave. They had been out scouting for new locations for bases and had come across Alex's group. They brought news of a potential new ally - a small village in the nearby mountains that had been resisting Ablionian forces for months.

Alex saw this as a glimmer of hope. If they could join forces with the village, they could create a new stronghold and continue the fight. He immediately began making plans to move his group to the village.

They set out on foot, travelling through rugged terrain and avoiding Ablionian patrols. It was a dangerous journey, but they finally arrived at the village nestled deep in the mountains.

The villagers were initially wary of Alex and his group, but they soon saw that they shared a common goal. They had been resisting the Ablionians for months, and their numbers had dwindled. They needed reinforcements if they were to continue fighting.

Alex and his group provided the help they needed. They brought in medical supplies, weapons, and other resources that had been scarce in the village. In return, the villagers showed them how to navigate the treacherous mountain terrain and provided valuable intel on Ablionian movements in the area.

Together, they launched a series of guerrilla attacks on Ablionian patrols and supply lines. They were small but effective and began to disrupt Ablionian operations in the area. Alex knew that they needed to continue these attacks and build up their strength if they were to have any chance of reclaiming their country.

As they sat around a campfire one night, Alex shared his story with the villagers. He told them about his family and his struggles to find them. The villagers listened intently, and one of them spoke up.

"I know someone who might be able to help you," he said. "He's a smuggler who has been helping people get out of the country. He might have some information on your family."

Alex's heart leapt at the news. He knew that he needed to follow this lead and find out what had happened to his family. He thanked the villagers for their help and set out to find the smuggler.

It wasn't easy, but eventually, he was able to make contact with the smuggler. The man was wary of Alex at first, but after hearing his story, he agreed to help. He told Alex that he had heard rumours of a refugee camp on the border with Zalovnia, where many families had been taken.

Alex knew that he needed to investigate. He made plans to leave the village and head towards the border. But before he left, he promised the villagers that he would return and help them continue their fight against the Ablionians.

Alex set out on the dangerous journey to the refugee camp with a renewed sense of purpose. He knew he was risking his life, but he also knew he needed to find his family and bring them to safety.