
Forgotten soldier

Alex Von Muller lived a peaceful life in the central European nation of Zalovnia but that was before his father passed leaving behind his mother and sister he joined the armed forces

DaoistLbwMKl · Guerra
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31 Chs

Gathering Intel: The Bunker

Alex understood that in order for the group to survive, he needed to gather as much information about the war as possible. He couldn't rely on just rumours or hearsay; he needed to see and hear things for himself. He gathered a small team of soldiers and civilians and set out on a recon mission to gather intel on the enemy's movements.

As they moved through the deserted streets of Falkenberg, Alex and his team, saw firsthand the destruction caused by the war. Buildings lay in ruins, and the streets were littered with debris. The group moved carefully and quietly, staying out of sight of any potential threats.

After several hours of searching, they stumbled upon an abandoned military outpost. It was a goldmine of information, and Alex knew that they needed to search every inch of the place. They found maps, documents, and even some weapons and ammunition.

As they were searching, they heard the sound of a helicopter in the distance. Alex knew that they needed to move quickly before they were discovered. He ordered his team to gather as much intel as they could carry and make their way back to the safety of the woods.

As they retreated, Alex couldn't help but think about their gathered information. Clearly, the enemy was planning a major offensive in the coming weeks. They had a significant number of troops and weapons at their disposal and planned to strike at several key locations.

Alex knew that they needed to act fast. He gathered the group together and shared the information they had gathered. They needed to find a more permanent base camp and prepare for the upcoming battle.

As they discussed their options, Sarah, the nurse, spoke up. She had heard of an abandoned military bunker a few miles from town. It was well hidden and had been abandoned since the start of the war. It could be the perfect location for a base camp.

Alex and his team set out to find the bunker, and after several hours of searching, they finally stumbled upon it. It was well hidden and had remained untouched since the start of the war.

The group quickly got to work, fortifying the bunker and setting up living quarters. Private Johnson was able to get the generator up and running, providing power to the bunker. Sarah set up a makeshift hospital in one of the rooms, and Alex organized patrols to keep watch on the surrounding area.

As they settled into their new home, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. They had found a safe place to stay, and they had the information they needed to prepare for the upcoming battle. But he knew that their work was far from over. The war was still raging, and they needed to stay vigilant.

Days turned into weeks, and the group settled into a routine. They had built a community, with each person contributing their skills and resources. They were able to grow crops and raise animals, providing food for everyone in the bunker.

But as they went about their daily lives, they couldn't forget about the war. They knew they were still in danger and needed to stay alert.

One day, as Alex was on patrol, he noticed something strange in the distance. It was a plume of smoke rising from the direction of Falkenberg. He knew that something was wrong and immediately called for his team to gear up and prepare for battle.

As they made their way towards the city, they saw the enemy troops moving towards their location. Alex knew that they were outnumbered, but they couldn't give up without a fight. They set up defensive positions, with Johnson manning the turret gun and Sarah tending to the wounded.

The battle was intense, with gunfire and explosions ringing out in the air. But the group fought bravely, using their skills and resources to stay alive.

As Alex moved through the woods, he heard the sound of gunfire in the distance. He knew he was getting closer to the front lines and needed to be careful. As he moved closer, he saw a group of enemy soldiers setting up a defensive position. He quickly retreated into the woods and returned to the group's temporary base camp.

Alex knew that they needed more information about the enemy's movements and tactics if they were to have any chance of survival. He gathered his team of soldiers and civilians and explained the situation. They all agreed that they needed more intel and began brainstorming ideas.

Private Johnson suggested that they could try to capture an enemy soldier and interrogate them for information. Sarah suggested setting up a small spy network to gather intel. Alex liked both ideas but knew they needed to proceed with caution.

They decided to start with setting up a small spy network. Sarah knew a few people in the nearby town who might be willing to gather intel in exchange for food and protection. Alex and a small team went with Sarah to meet with the potential informants.

After some negotiation, they were able to recruit a few people who knew the area well and had connections within the enemy ranks. They gave them some basic training and sent them out to gather intel.

Over the next few days, the informants returned with valuable information about the enemy's movements and tactics. Alex and his team were able to use this information to avoid ambushes and make strategic attacks on enemy positions.

One day, an informant returned with a map of the area showing an abandoned military base nearby. The base was in a strategic location and had the potential to be a new permanent base camp for the group. Alex knew they needed to investigate the base and see if it was viable.

He gathered a team of soldiers and civilians and set out to scout the base. They moved slowly and cautiously through the abandoned buildings, searching for any signs of danger. As they approached a large hangar, they heard the sound of voices inside.

Alex signalled for his team to be quiet and motioned for them to take cover. He slowly moved towards the hangar, peering inside to see who was there. He saw a group of enemy soldiers, but they didn't seem to have noticed him or his team.

Alex signalled for his team to retreat, and they moved back towards the safety of the woods. They regrouped and discussed their options. They knew that they couldn't attack the enemy soldiers head-on, but they also knew that they couldn't ignore the potential base camp.

After some discussion, they decided to try to sneak into the base camp and gather as much information as possible. They carefully planned their approach and set out under the cover of darkness.

They were able to sneak into the base camp undetected and gather valuable information about the enemy's plans and movements. They also found a large cache of weapons and supplies that could be useful to their group.

Alex and his team were able to sneak out of the base camp undetected and returned to their temporary base camp. They discussed the information they had gathered and the potential of the abandoned military base as a new permanent base camp.

They knew they needed to be careful and carefully plan their next move. The war was far from over, and they needed to stay vigilant and be ready for whatever came their way. But they felt like they had a fighting chance for the first time in a long time.

Alex looked at his team of soldiers and civilians, all working together for a common goal, and felt a sense of pride. They were survivors and determined to make it through this war, no matter what it took.