
Forged Fate

An Assassin with one final mission, to kill the king and bring peace to his country. Succeeding in killing the king but wasn't strong enough to see the plan through he dies knowing that at least he succeeded in his mission. Thinking that this was his end, he met god and got a second chance at life but things don't always turn out how you want them. Will our Mc have the life he has always wanted or will it just be like his last life. ------------ Hi, new author here I hope this turns out well. I have been inspired to write after seeing a bunch of novels and fan fics on here. English is my first and only language but I will probably make some spelling mistakes and the story might not flow as well as most other stories. I will not drop this but I do have a busy life so my updates might not be crazy consistent but I will try to upload at least 1 chapter a week. I do not own the cover picture, if the original creator wants me to take it down just message me and I will. I will also make some references in this novel to help have a better under standing of what I am to visualize. Wish me the best of luck, BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Meeting (Part 1)

A couple months have gone by since the auction, my training with Harold has increased in difficulty. This caused my strength and skills to increase as well. I have also sparred with Gram a couple of times. I didn't use magic like I did with Harold but I still won quite easily, but with each match Gram has gotten better and better. Harold wasn't kidding about Gram being a prodigy.

I had studied my new cane and it is actually a sword disguised as a cane. That was just only one of the many enchantments on the weapon, apparently some powerful enchanter made this as his final master piece or something because boy is this thing powerful. The enchantments were [Disguise],[Growth],[Shape],[Repair], and [Elemental].

This means that the weapon will always appear harmless to outsiders, grows more powerful with the user, perfectly changes to the weapon best suited for the user and size, can repair itself given time, and lastly you can use magic on the weapon to enhance it without taking damage. For the ore though, I still haven't made much progress on finding out what it does yet but hopefully I will find out soon.

My father has come to see how my training is going with Harold every once in a while making sure that I am actually learning something and Harold is not teaching me useless stuff. When he visits we tone back our training but from the outside view it looks like I am making incredible progress.

Walking down stairs after getting ready for the meeting for the young nobles, I am wearing a black tux with a sword at my hip and my hair tied up like always. From what I have heard, the meeting is for young nobles to create connections to improve their families rank or position and to find possible suitors for them in the future. Deciding to look at how far I have come and now my limitations before I head to the meeting I open my status.

[Greyson Wright]

[Rank: N/A]

Strength: +I rank

Endurance: +I rank

Agility: +I rank

Vitality: +I rank

Magic: H rank


Swordsmanship: Advanced

Acting: Master

Knives: Advanced

Stealth: Expert

Hidden Weapons: Expert

Perception: Expert

Hand to Hand Combat: Expert

Air manipulation: H rank

Lightning manipulation: H rank

Non-elemental: H rank

Even though I felt I have increased my strength a ton I can tell that my strength for the whole scheme of things hasn't actually increased that much. This just shows how big of a difference there is between ranks. It is also kind of stupid of me expecting a rank up in strength of only training for about 3 months.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw my father and 'mother' waiting for me at the door so we could go to the meeting. My brother and my father's other wives didn't come since this meeting was for kids of 5-15. My brother was too young for the meeting and the other woman had no reason to go.

Having everything prepared we left our residence and boarded the carriage. Our destination is the royal palace, this is where it is held every year. Wondering if I actually have to go there every year, I sure hoped I didn't. Knowing that this would get in the way of some precious training time. I also didn't really want to deal with snobby and arrogant kids, thinking that the world centered around them since their parents were so and so from and came from such and such family.

Arriving in front of the gates, I take a deep breath in to prepare myself for the next couple boring hours. I stand up and exit the carriage. Once exiting the carriage I see a massive castle in front of me. The castle was so big, if you put a coliseum next to it the coliseum would look tiny.

A couple of minutes had passed before my father nudged me. After getting nudged I was able to regain my thoughts, I started to walk and behave exactly as I have been taught since I could learn.

Entering the castle I could see hundreds of nobles and their kids. It seemed the kids and the adults were separated. From the looks of things the kids went and talked amongst themselves while the adults didn't interfere, but kept an eye on their kid to see who they were interacting with.

This wasn't the only thing I could tell, I could see that amongst the kids and even the adults there seems to be a group of outcasts. Looking closer I could tell that the adults and the kids that were outcast were those adventurers that were able to get to the status of a noble, whether that be prestige or how powerful they were.

It was pretty obvious why this was the reason, unlike them their families had a long lineage of being nobles or had the royal blood flowing through their veins. They just thought that the adventurers were brutish even though the adventurers were taught how to be a noble and some of the noble's acted more brutish than some adventurers.

Looking amongst the crowd to see if I can see anyone I might know, I saw some of my family but then I saw him. My best but also only friend, Gram. Seeing how he was talking with a couple other kids his age I decided to walk over there and greet them.

As I was walking closer to Gram some people were giving me some weird glances, probably because not many know who I am. Even though I come from a prestigious family I haven't left my house much and haven't met many people. Once they saw I was heading to the group of adventurer kids they just assumed I was also like one of them.

Though the adults of the children of those adventurers knew different. They didn't know exactly who I was but they did know that I wasn't like them since all the noble adventurers were pretty close to each other. Thinking I was walking over to cause some trouble they started to hold their breath.

My father on the other hand saw me heading straight for the adventurers and couldn't help but smile. He was probably thinking that I was trying to make friends with them so once they become a big adventurer I would have an easier time asking them for jobs of guarding our product.

But what was actually going through my mind was just wanting to go to the only person I know so I wouldn't feel so lonely. Once arriving towards the group the group seemed to freeze. Since they all know one another and didn't recognize the kid approaching them they thought I was going to pick a fight with them since that's how they have been taught. When I arrived I said.

"Long time no see, right Gram." I said with a heartwarming smile.