
Forged Fate

An Assassin with one final mission, to kill the king and bring peace to his country. Succeeding in killing the king but wasn't strong enough to see the plan through he dies knowing that at least he succeeded in his mission. Thinking that this was his end, he met god and got a second chance at life but things don't always turn out how you want them. Will our Mc have the life he has always wanted or will it just be like his last life. ------------ Hi, new author here I hope this turns out well. I have been inspired to write after seeing a bunch of novels and fan fics on here. English is my first and only language but I will probably make some spelling mistakes and the story might not flow as well as most other stories. I will not drop this but I do have a busy life so my updates might not be crazy consistent but I will try to upload at least 1 chapter a week. I do not own the cover picture, if the original creator wants me to take it down just message me and I will. I will also make some references in this novel to help have a better under standing of what I am to visualize. Wish me the best of luck, BBQ_Sauce.

BBQ_Sauce · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Meeting my Master

"By the way father, when is my new teacher coming?" I asked curiously.

"He should be here in a couple of hours. Why don't you go study for your other classes before he comes here. Try and finish everything beforehand because you will be exhausted after your training. I don't want to hear you complain how you didn't finish studying and you are too tired to finish." My father said sternly.

"I'll do that straight away Father." I said while I bowed to him. I then said goodbye to everyone else and headed to my room. While walking I started thinking about everything that happened these past couple of years.

My proficiency in my magic has increased a lot since then. I have experimented with my magic and since most of my family and workers can't sense magic I have been able to cast my [wind] magic without worry much. But you can never be too cautious so I have increased my proficiency in [search] and [magic sense] to make sure no one is around and that no one is spying on me.

I have found out that Daisy can sense magic but luckily that when I did you magic in front of her it was only for a split second. After finding out Daisy is sensitive with magic I practice [search] magic around her trying to make it as undetectable as possible. I almost got caught the first couple of times doing this, which caused an increase of security around our house for a couple months.

But doing this Daisy can't sense me using my magic anymore but I don't know if others can sense it so I am still trying to make it more unnoticeable but it is hard to know if it is actually working since the only person I know who is sensitive to magic can't sense my magic anymore.

I have not just been working on increasing my magic though, I have also started doing 'light' exercises. About a year ago I started working out. I first did about 10 push ups, 10 pull ups, 10 curl ups, 10 squats, and a 800 meter run. I don't have to worry about having any repercussions on working out since I have the gamers body so my body will always stay at its peak shape.

Eventually the work outs got easy so I started increasing the air pressure on my body to help me increase the weight without giving off the impression of overworking my body to my family. Opening my status when I reach my room to see how far I have come.

[Greyson Wright]

[Rank: N/A]

Strength: -I rank

Endurance: -I rank

Agility: -I rank

Vitality: -I rank

Magic: -H rank


Swordsmanship: Intermediate

Acting: Master

Knives: Advanced

Stealth: Expert

Hidden Weapons: Expert

Perception: Expert

Hand to Hand Combat: Expert

Air manipulation: -H rank

Lightning manipulation: -H rank

Non-elemental: +I rank

Happy with my progress, I do my homework while working on my magic at the same time. A couple of hours when I sense a huge amount of mana coming towards my house. I use [search] and [magic sense] to locate exactly where the mana influx is and specifically how much mana it is.

Looking around I see a human with mana flowing wildly around him. The mana around the man seems to be around -A rank and is being unconsciously leaked out. Thinking that this must be my new teacher I stand up and head to the door to greet the greatest swordsman alive.

Reaching the front door, I see that he is almost to the door. I look to see where everyone is at my house before I deactivate my magic, and open the door. Opening the door I bowed and said.

"Greetings, mister adventurer. My name is Greyson Wright, I hear that you are going to teach me the way of the sword. I can't wait to start, but first let me guide you to where my father is. He probably has something to tell you before we start I assume." I greeted the old man in front of me.

Getting a good look at the old man in front of me, he seems to be around the age of 65. He has short grey hair, clean shaven, purple eyes, and standing around 5'10. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black jacket over top of it, blue jeans and a sword at his right hip.

Snorting the old man said. "So I have to teach this young brat who seems to have some manners, but was probably rehearsed knowing his dad. *Sigh* I knew owing Hayden a favor was going to bite me some day. This kid is barely 5 years old and he wants me to train him. He will probably complain about me pushing him too hard or that I should go easy on him since he is a noble. *Sigh* I really don't want to do this." The old man mumbled to himself in front of me.

Normally no one would be able to understand what this old man was saying since he was speaking barely under a whisper. Luckily I have high perception and I can read lips so I was able to make out what he was saying.

Digesting over what the old man just said to himself, I now know how my father got an +A rank retired adventurer to be my teacher. I know that my dad is not the most pleasant person to be around so I was wondering how he got someone so powerful to be my teacher. This person must have been in some deep trouble or was needing something that was hard to acquire, to have to owe my dad something.

"It's nice to meet you Greyson, my name is Harold Woodrowe, a retired +A rank adventurer. Indeed I will train you in swordsmanship, but I am surprised at your manners for someone of your age. I digress, let's go see your father to see how often I will teach you and what expectations of how far I will teach you." The old man now known as Harold said.