
Chapter 41: Only Some Feel The Heat/Arc 5.8

In the capital of the Star Galaxy Union, a villa stood on the western side of Q City. In the master bedroom, two figures could be seen entangling in a heated make out session.

The taller man's rough hands combed through the blond hair as he hurriedly undressed the other. The smaller man let out stifled moans as his partner teased his nipples.

The blond kicked off his pants, directing the big hands to his throbbing member. He gasped as the hands clasped it tightly.

The taller male helped the other orgasm, pumping hurriedly before his finger slid into the gaping hole awaiting him causing the omega grabbed the man's black hair tightly as he trembled.

Pheromones filled the room as the alpha pumped his fingers consistently into his partner. After what seemed like a millennium to the smaller male, he threw back his head when his prostate was finally hit, cumming once again.

Two men suddenly appeared one after the other in the room during the pair's intercourse and they immediately covered their noses at the pungent smell of pheromones.

Disgust flowed in the purple eyes as he stared down at the combined figures.

The figures rolling in the sheet failed to notice their presence, too involved in their sexual activity. The alpha lifted his partner's butt up, and thrusted in.

"Who do you love?"


"Not your husband?"


"Good boy."

Satisfied, the Alpha thrusted in deeper as the blond arched his back. The omega cried in pleasure as he was fucked wildly, moans flowing out uncontrollably. When he orgasmed again, he squirmed, wanting more.

Sitting up, he pulled the alpha closer and straddled him, moaning lewdly once their next round started. Just then, he glanced up and the green eyes widened in shock.

" W-why…what are you doing here!"

Scrambling off the alpha, Chen Xiang looked at the enraged Zhou Jian. The taller male on the bed turned around and was met with a vicious glare. The scandalous pair hastily covered themselves as the youth nervously watched the dark expression of his husband.

Wang Tao stood a bit awkwardly.

Zhou Jian had reached the room a moment before him so the man had quickly covered his face once the Celestial appeared. The Zion turned Wang Tao to face away from the scene and blocked his ears, only removing the spell once the pair stopped making lewd noises.

Wang Tao was unsure of whether or not he could look now but continued facing the wall since his friend didn't say anything. Zhou Jian on the other hand just watched the adulterers blankly, feeling like the biggest idiot in the world.

He wondered how he even ended up marrying a person he had so little trust in, but he knew that he'd long realized why.

[ I had still loved him then but I barely trusted him anymore. I wouldn't have agreed. I was hesitating so much when he asked, thinking of all the reasons why I shouldn't when…when he started crying and blaming himself…I got guilt tripped. ]

The Zion had no choice but to admit to himself that it was the main reason the two still got married. He wondered if it would have happened if the youth didn't react like that.

Zhou Jian knew he made a mistake but before he could even think of deciding on divorcing the other, Chen Xiang got pregnant. The older man obviously couldn't bring himself to abandon his pregnant wife.

As a result, Zhou Jian stayed. He put behind all his doubts, his distrust and pain because he wanted to see his child. He wanted to raise him and be part of his life.

But no matter how much he realized that the other wasn't the kind, sweet, funny and obedient youth he fell in love with in the first world, there was no way for him to imagine Chen Xiang would abuse his own child.

He had tried to keep up a relationship with his wife so that his son could have a happy family.

Instead, he allowed such a horrid person near the boy long enough for his son to be harmed.

It was all his fault.

Zhou Jian hated himself even more now. After hurting his friend so badly by keeping Chen Xiang around, he went on and hurt his son.

The Zion thought that things would change for the better in this world but it just grew worse.

Despite that, there was a bright side. His little cat had become closer to him and he had a son. An adorable son who deserved the best the world had to offer.

Not just his Xiao Shuang, but A Tao too. Both were so precious and should have been cherished but he hurt them so badly.

Zhou Jian's body trembled as a suffocating feeling spread throughout his body. Clenching his fists, he held back his tears as his purple eyes moved to settle on the alpha before him.

A threatening aura penetrated the room, erasing the last bits of pheromones remaining. The cheaters trembled at the sheer power in it, their legs going weak. Gulping, the transmigrator gathered all the courage he could find and spoke up.

"H-hubby, what are you doing here?"

Ignoring how appalled he was at the youth's audacity, Zhou Jian went over to the black haired male. Grabbing him by the throat, he pushed the panicking male against the wall harshly.

"P-please spare me! I swear I didn't know."

"Didn't seem so earlier when you were fucking him."

His grip tightened as the man struggled to breath. He thrashed and pulled but the Zion's grip didn't loosen.

Chen Xiang grew worried when he realized that Zhou Jian was really going to kill the man. He rushed you to grab his husband's arm.

"Stop! You're killing-"

Chen Xiang's words stuck in his throat when the purple eyes looked at him coldly. Before he could think, he was thrown back roughly by his husband.

"Shut up and stay out. I'll deal with you next."

The voice was harsh and cold, as if there wasn't a single regret with how he treated his wife. The transmigrator stayed on the floor for a few seconds, finally understanding how much he messed this up.

"Now who the fuck are you? You better answer or you're dead."

"I-I'm C-Chang Diao."

"Mmm, your name suits you."

A mocking smile crossed Zhou Jian's face. Chang Diao looked at the other with both fear and hate.

"How'd you two meet?"

"...I-I'm one of his admirers…and I think I deserve him more than you do."

The Alpha couldn't help but blurt that out. The Zion looked at him with slight amusement and couldn't help but ask,

"Why so? I don't think there is much to deserve when the person is a slut who would willingly jump into your arms anyway."

Chang Diao glared daggers at the General before him. Chen Xiang and Wang Tao on the other hand were in shock.

The transmigrator knew that he had finally reached the man's bottom line after all this time. He could already tell the other was losing patience with his hard heart and schemes when the man started acting distant towards him.

Meanwhile, Wang Tao thought that the other probably didn't mean it completely and was just venting. How could that man who was so deeply in love for years suddenly treat his lover so badly?

The Celestial, who didn't see the cold look Zhou Jian gave his wife, believed that it was only because the older man was heartbroken.

"How dare you call him that! And yes I do think I deserve him more…at least I gave him a child, you impotent bastard."

Silence filled the room. The Zion's grip loosened as he widened his eyes in disbelief, turning to look at his wife he questioned.

"...What do you mean?"

A proud grin was plastered on Chang Diao's face as he revealed the big news.

"What I mean is that you're not the father, I am. Where'd you think he got those blue eyes from? Though I must thank you for raising another man's child so well. You won't mind doing it for a bit longer I presume?"

Chang Diao jeered at the General, knowing how much his words would affect the other. What man would accept that not only did their wife cheat on them but the son they spent all their time, care and money on wasn't even theirs?

[ It couldn't be...]

Zhou Jian looked at the man's features as his heart shattered.

The alpha had black hair, almond blue eyes and a round face. The blue eyes were a lighter shade than Zhou Shuang's but if mixed with green would make a lovely sea blue.

The Zion's hand dropped as he staggered backwards. The man was speechless and could tell the other wasn't bluffing.

When Zhou Shuang was still small, the father had assumed that he would be an exact copy of his mother, excluding the eye color. This was because he couldn't identify a single feature similar to his.

However, when his son's features became more prominent, Zhou Jian realized that a few features like the nose and eye shape were different from both his and Chen Xiang's. The older man had shrugged it off as a mix or from his wife's parents but it seemed like there was another explanation.

No matter how he looked at it, Zhou Shuang did look similar to Chang Diao. His conclusion was confirmed when Chen Xiang spoke up.

"...H-he's not lying. Zhou Shuang isn't yours, I did a check in case and…well...It's not my fault though, I-"

The youth covered his mouth as his body shook, petrified. Wang Tao finally decided to turn around, and was a bit startled.

On the ground lay Chang Diao. His body was wrung and his blood had spewed all over the floor. The metallic scent rapidly covered the room as the now dead alpha was sprawled before Zhou Jian's feet.

Not a speck of blood had fallen on the Zion but Chen Xiang was covered by a good amount. Zhou Jian's face was indifferent, a look which the man hadn't put on very often since the third world as an Emperor.

His purple eyes barely looked at his victim as he turned to look down coldly at Chen Xiang. The boy backed up, falling onto the bed but was pulled back up by the hair.

Zhou Jian flung him across the room and waited for the other to prop himself up. Chen Xiang's pupils dilated as he stared up at his husband fearfully.

The Zion's phoenix eyes pierced into green ones, as if looking at an ant.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you yet. First, you're going to pay for how you abused my son."

[ He knows?! ]

Before he could think further, the transmigrator collapsed and disappeared. His husband had knocked him out and placed his body in his space.

Turning around, Zhou Jian started to leave the room, when his hand was caught. Looking down, the cool fingers of the Celestial held his hand tightly.

The silver eyes showed their concern as the younger man opened his mouth.

"Are…" you alright?

Wang Tao stopped himself. That was a stupid question to ask, of course the other wasn't fine. He remained silent, unsure of a way to comfort the man.

The indifferent face softened greatly as a sad smile spread across the Zion's face. Zhou Jian pulled the other into his arms and stroked the other's head gently.

Wang Tao's tense body relaxed as his head leaned on the other's chest. He listened closely to the rapid heartbeat as the shaking hands combed through his silver hair.

The Celestial sighed lightly. He was right, the older man wasn't fine at all.






Wang Tao entered the office and his ears perked up, picking up a tapping sound. Looking over, he noticed that the man was staring into space, seated before his desk.

Approaching, Wang Tao waved his hand in front of the man's face.

"A Jian?"

Blinking, Zhou Jian snapped out of it. Seeing the phoenix eyes staring at him, he smiled.

"Why were you in a daze? Is something wrong "


A bit surprised that the other admitted it, Wang Tao asked if Zhou Jian wanted to talk about it. The man shook his head but then paused.

Gazing at the Celestial for a moment, the Zion pulled Wang Tao in front of him and sat him on the desk. Wang Tao froze as Zhou Jian rested his head on his lap.

"W-what are-"

"Shh. Just let me stay like this for a bit."

Silence followed as the man placed the other's pale hand on his head. Hesitantly, Wang Tao slowly combed through the silky black hair.

[ Ah, no wonder he does it so much. It's so soft and calming. ]

"A Tao, could you sing for me?"

"...I-I don't know how."

"Just try, it'll sound nice. You know many nice songs, just sing one."

The Celestial didn't know where his friend got the notion that he could sing. Just because he listened to music doesn't mean he was a singer. He himself had never even tried so why was the Zion so confident?

Sighing, he decided to try it out. Warning the other, the Celestial started to sing a German song he knew. Wang Tao was surprised that it was actually good so he didn't stop and kept going.

A smile showed in the purple eyes but he expected this. His friend had such a beautiful voice that it would be a pity if he couldn't sing.

Closing his eyes, Zhou Jian enjoyed the song. The sensation of the cool hand running through his hair was especially nice. No wonder his little cat always narrowed his eyes or purred when he did it.

After a while, a teenager entered the office. His blue eyes twinkled as he looked at the sweets in his hand.

"Papa, Dad, look what I-"

Noticing the tranquil scene he had just disturbed, the teenager scratched his head awkwardly. Turning his head, Wang Tao smiled softly at the boy and put a finger on his lips.

He gestured at the sleeping man whose head was on his lap. He was still stroking the black hair as he whispered.

"Xiao Lan, you're back. Come here, how was your day?"

"He he, it was quite good. I learnt something cool today. My girlfriend sent sweets. "

Zhou Shuang smiled as he got a kiss and a head pat. He answered softly to avoid waking his father. Looking at his Papa, he smirked inwardly.

[ Hmph…and Dad wants to act like he doesn't love Papa. He's never even slept next to Chen Xiang. I should know cause I would run to his room most nights and that was before Chen Xiang was sent to jail. Dad better hurry up and confess so Papa can be happy. ]

It has been eleven years since the two men dealt with Chen Xiang. Zhou Jian had killed the transmigrator after he paid his due but none but only Zhou Jian knew.

Others were told that Chen Xiang was arrested while Wang Tao was told that one of Zhou Jian's subordinate was handling it.

The news of the A-list actor being sent to jail caused a huge uproar ad his fans immediately made a scene. However, they, along with many others, were enraged and disgusted once they learnt the truth.

Of course when all this was revealed, the Zion didn't allow his son's name or face to be exposed. Zhou Shuang was suffering from trauma and had no time nor was he in the mental state to be involved in the mess of the internet.

After all of that, the pair then had to help Zhou Shuang. The boy needed a psychiatrist for years before he could return back to normal. Zhou Jian and Wang Tao helped him through it and were there every step of the way.

Eventually, the Zion had revealed to the boy that he wasn't his son but that he would still consider him as so. Zhou Shuang didn't care because to him, only Zhou Jian could be his father.

Now the boy was sixteen and in high school. He was growing up healthily and was quite happy and was even dating his childhood friend, Hua Ming. He didn't feel like he was missing a parent since he had Wang Tao.

"I'll go wash up."

Nodding, Wang Tao watched as the boy hurried to his room to bathe. Shifting his gaze from the door, he watched the peaceful face of Zhou Jian silently.

His other hand gently traced over the features in a trance. Staring at the handsome face, Wang Tao started heating up as a weird feeling engulfed him.

Fidgeting, he inwardly suppressed the reaction in his lower parts like he always did. The innocent Celestial had no other idea on how to solve it.

However, it didn't seem to work as easily as before. He had been doing this for so long that he was pent up and this method was losing effectiveness. Wang Tao struggled to contain it before succeeding. Sighing in relief, he gently raised the other up and stood.

Resting Zhou Jian's head down on the desk, he left the room, fearing he would react again if he stayed. His body was really too sensitive.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Years passed and the small family were very happy. Zhou Shuang went on to be a General like his father, marrying his girlfriend Hua Ming.

They had two children, a boy and girl, who were very adorable. The two foreign beings decided to leave the world after Zhou Shuang. After discussing it, they decided that they wanted to see the boy's whole life, even if it would be painful to watch him go.

A few days after his son's death, Zhou Jian stood outside the world with Wang Tao beside him.

Both had long waist length hair now. Zhou Jian had a black shirt on while Wang Tao, a dark blue hoodie. The two were both wearing black pants and boots.

Hovering in the galaxy, the Zion spoke.

"Please A Tao, listen to what I'm about to say. Don't speak until I'm finished."

Wang Tao looked at him skeptically but nodded slowly.

"We should seperate-"


"A Tao."


"Sigh…I should've done this in the last world. When you said you were leaving I should have told you to stay away. That was my mistake, I'm sorry. Now, it would be best if you go. I'm just a jerk who'd keep hurting you and it's toxic for you to stay around. You even had a breakdown because of me."

"That was years ago and inevitable."

"No, it could have been avoided if I hadn't hurt you. Besides, you've almost had a meltdown many times since then!"

"I don't care! I'm not leaving!"

"Now this is where I can't listen to you. You're really so stubborn-"

Wang Tao threw his words back at him. The Zion shut his mouth for a moment but he couldn't bring himself to get annoyed.

[ He's so cute when he pouts. ]

Holding back a smile, he shook off the irrelevant thought and looked at Wang Tao's pouting face. The Celestial's silver eyes showed his strong resolve but the older man ignored the silent protests and continued.

"A Tao, please. If you keep staying, you'll get hurt so-"

"How could I get hurt if Chen Xiang isn't even there?"

"Because no matter what I do, I'm not capable of cherishing you properly or healing the wounds from when he was there! Even if he's gone you still remember everything. Being around me would make it worse."

"Being away from you would make it worse! The only reason I can get through this is because of you being there. Whenever you comfort me or smile at me it helps…Why are we even having this conversation again? You couldn't convince me then, you can't convince me now."



It was such a stern no. For the first time the Celestial had used his imposing aura as a superior species and the Emperor of Death on the Zion.

Zhou Jian went mute, not knowing what else to say. His face showed helplessness as he mumbled,


The Celestial didn't mind and even agreed secretly. He was fine as long as the man let Wang Tao follow him but it wasn't just because he loved being around the Zion. Zhou Jian must been heartbroken and in shock when he figured out Chen Xiang's true colors.

Even if that was years ago, Wang Tao had realized that that the man had been bottling everything up over the lifetimes. The younger man knew from experience that it was the worst choice but also understood.

Zhou Jian was being strong for his son and probably also for him as his state wasn't stable either. The Celestial believed that it was the reason the Zion had stayed sane after what happened between the couple.

Zions were different from Celestials, they could kill themselves. That's why Wang Tao decided to stay with the older man to watch over him and ensure he didn't commit suicide again.

There was also another reason, fear.

Wang Tao was terrified of his life reverting to how it was before he met Zhou Jian, bleak, dreary and empty. The man had painted his life in so many colors, helping him to experience emotions for the first time.

The Celestial couldn't even recognize himself anymore. His heart felt various emotions, he smiled and even blushed, though that part is embarrassing. After all this, how could he bear to let things go back. He hated how he lived before.

Wang Tao wanted to continue traveling with the man so that he could spend time with the other and properly experience worlds. The Celestial had been unable to do so until he met Zhou Jian.

Snapping out of his inner monologue, Wang Tao smiled and looked at his friend expectantly. Sighing, Zhou Jian made a promise to himself.

[ No matter what, I have to make sure that he's extremely happy in the next one. I have to treat him preciously. ]

It wasn't a difficult promise to fulfill. Zhou Jian just had to simply treat the Celestial genuinely but the Zion still found the promise necessary.

Shaking his head, the older man searched for specific worlds. He hadn't forgotten his idea to make the other wear a school uniform.

It was just that the Zion thought that Wang Tao would've been more willing to leave after his breakdown. Obviously he was wrong.

Reading something, he smiled. This one was perfect.

"Let's go."

The two figures zipped past the planets. The blazing stars were a blur to them as they flew towards their next destination.

And we've ended another arc! One more arc for the story to be competed.

Next arc will be like the fourth, except there will be even less plot since CX is no longer there doing missions. And their will also be fluff, with a bit of angst but it's fluff!

By the way, ML killed CX in that world so that CX's soul entered the system space afterwards where he killed the real one. So the system is free, yay!

Thank you readers for supporting this crazy idea of mine. It means a lot.

EM236_otakucreators' thoughts
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