
I will work from home

On a certain top floor, a man stood with his back towards a conference table. He looked rigid from his posture.

The people in the room shivered when they saw him talking to someone on his phone. They haven't seen this reaction from him in a while.

Sweat rolled down from the forehead of the people at the conference table. They all were thinking about the same thing. 'Who was gonna die today?'

A person clutched the papers tight in his grasp. He didn't want to hand them over the CEO. 'Did I check my finance reports before submitting them?'

"Clack" - Unconsciously, the man had snapped the phone into two.

The already dark room became darker. People shuffled in the room. They should have written their will. Why didn't they do that when the recruiter mentioned to-be-prepared in their hiring process.

"You all are fired"

His voice rang in the room. No one dared to defy his words.

As the people stumbled out of the room with their heads hung low, the man in the front sighed.

Today was supposed to be an outing with his family. But, these dimwits weren't able to perform a single task properly.

Now because of them, his daughter was crying. It was impossible for Aren Howells to forgive them.

Since the day he had held his little Reina, he had vowed to not even let a single bug bother his daughter. These god damn dimwits were nothing for him.

Arin Howells sighed again and dug into his pockets for his spare phone. His hands clutched the phone in his hand tight. He frowned, he didn't know Lucy's phone number.



"Yes, Sir"

"Call Lucy right now", Arin ordered.

Felix took the spare phone from Aren and dialed his mistresses phone number. He was relieved. Fortunately, he was not fired like some of the people today.

Aren patiently waited for Lucy to pick up the call. After a while, Lucy picked up Arens' call.

There was no time to spare for today's sweet talk with Lucy, so Aren went straight to the point.

"Why was Reina crying?", he asked his wife.

On the other hand of the line, Lucy was shocked. She had never seen her daughter shed tears willingly. It was mostly when she annoyed her or when she got hurt.

". . . . . ."

As Lucy didn't reply for a while, Aren could only think of it being his fault. Instead of breaking his promise, he should have spent time with his daughter today.

"Is it because we don't spend time with her? Is it because she is lonely?", Aren asked his wife seriously. It looked as if he was signing a contract which could futuristically cause havoc in Amendes.

However, Lucy on the other end thought the same.

"Should I introduce her to my friends' child", Lucy said. She knew that it was undeniable that as parents the time they spent with their daughter was not enough.

As a baby, their daughter who wasn't able to express her feelings clearly would need more than enough socializing.

"No, I will work from home. You could look after the rest of the work"

The person beside Aren shook. Felix was about to faint from his masters' declaration. How can the master just leave Howells cooperation this early? What was wrong with his master? After the birth of the young miss, his master had already reduced his workload. But, now his master was pushing all the workload to someone else!

Lucy couldn't believe her ears. When she had married this stock of the businessman, he had loved his work more dearly than his wife. But, maybe she had been wrong all along.

Lucy pursued her lips.

While Lucy was busy digesting the information, Aren had already started giving out the order.

"Felix get the car ready and inform everyone that Lucy would be taking over my work"

It felt like her daughter would grow up to be a daddy's girl rather than a mommy's girls.


The cream-colored walls were a pale contrast to the expression of the people in the mansion. The night had just fallen and the dainty shimmering mansion had lost its light for the second time. First was when their mistress arrived and second was today.

People clustered in the hallway. It looked as if they were getting ready for the arrival of the emperor. Although the people appreciated their master, they were terrified. They couldn't imagine their master at home and their mistress at the office. It was just unimaginable for them.

It hadn't been an hour since they had seen their young mistress shed tears, that the house was in chaos.

Plus, the announcement of the arrival of their master as the house husband had reached the security camera room.

They shouldn't have let Emily take in charge. She must have exaggerated the young misses situation.

"Emily!", Aren shouted when he entered his house. He was worried and wanted to pacify his daughter immediately.

When Emily arrived, she led Aren to Reinas' room at the end of the hallway.


In the big room, Reina sat in the crib with her eyes staring at the portrait of their family. She had finished shedding all the tears she could shed. But, her heart still felt heavy.

Although she could hear loud footsteps nearing her crib, she didn't look up. She was tired.

All of a sudden, big hands grabbed her from her crib. But, Reina didn't show any emotion on her face.

'Playing time was over'

'She shouldn't have been greedy'

Seeing, Reina's face wet with tears. Aren felt as if someone had pierced his heart with a knife. He wanted to tear apart the source. He wanted to kill someone. The pain was too much to bear.

Aren tried to make Reina laugh. He tried to give her the things she liked but Reina didn't even look at him.

At that moment, Aren felt helpless. He was out of ideas. He didn't know how to proceed from here. He considered Lucy's suggestion but he knew that Lucy's friends had given birth to a boy. And knowing Lucy for all these years, he knew that she didn't simply want the children to meet.

Plus Aren have had only had his daughter for 6 months. He was not ready for someone coming in to sweep his daughter --. Aren didn't even want to think more along those lines. He sighed. The number of times he had sighed today was more than the times he had sighed throughout his life.

"I knew that you would be of no use"

As if Reina could sense someone familiar around her. Reina looked up and saw someone at the door. She didn't know who was with her mother but the boy in arms of that person stared at her. It felt as if he was digging into her soul. So, Reina did the same.

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