
Forcefully Kidnapped

Kenlynn_Thomas · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Four

It has been an excruciating long day and I haven't even been outside for the entire week. Apparently I could put myself in danger if I even thought about stepping a foot outside the door. Turning onto my heel, I walked back to the massive window that faced in the direction of an open field filled with the most beautiful daffodils and daisy's I have ever seen. I could stand here, looking out the window all day at this beautiful view.

James's apartment was cozy enough to keep a person comfortable but his house was even more comforting. It has all the aspects a woman could ever wish for and I highly doubt that he ever spends time in this large place. No seriously! His kitchen is the size of his apartment and he literally has a closest the size of a room.

It never occurred to me how peaceful nature could be, right now nature is surly proving itself to me. I never imagined that a clear field filled with flowers can be so mesmerising and everytime I look at it everyday I notice something hidden that takes my breathe away. James walks up from behind me interrupting my thoughts and places his one hand on my shoulder as a kind gesture. He turns me around to face him, staring into my eyes for a while.

"You should get some rest" James suggests, handing me a mug filled with hot chocolate and tiny marshmallows with cream ontop. I kindly take the mug from him and carefully drink the contents not wanting to burn my tongue and catch a blister. "The depressed don't sleep" I say as the thick sarcasm drips out of my mouth, like a rush of waves. He turns his back on me and makes his way to the couch, throwing him on it and mumbles to himself. 'dont do it man.' I did not know what he meant by this so I just left it and let it be.

James removes his T-Shirt and throws it on the coffee stand next to the couch. Sighing softly and closing his eyes, in a movement that shows how tiring his day has been. "Get some rest Alexis" he gently whispers in a tone of annoyance. I don't know what has gotten into me lately. Things have been awkward around James and it seems as if that awkward tension is rapidly filling this place. "Lets watch a movie." I demand not feeling tired but I know that if I look myself in the mirror I'd definitely look like someone that hasn't slept in days.

James wanted to protest but instead he lifts himself up from the couch and make some space for me to sit next to him, covering us with a cozy blanket that layed over the arm of the couch. "What movie?" he questions with an uninterested tone that vibrated in the air. I'm not sure what he likes watching and I did not know what he has so I contemplated on wether I should pick a movie or tell him to choose. "Suprise me." I suggest with excitement written all over my face, making myself comfortable on the couch.

We decided to watch Batman Vs Superman and ended up arguing about the movie and who the strongest might be. Of cause Batman is the strongest because he has no super power what so ever and clearly the only reason why Superman is the strong one is because he has super powers and without those powers he is nothing.

I don't know how long have we been sitting here watching this movie and I definitely did not know when I drifted off to sleep because when I woke up I found myself laying in bed as the early morning sun hits my face squinting my eyes to try and adjust it, feeling an enormous pain from my legs up till my stomach.

Terror. Disgust.

I don't really know what I am feeling. It's kind of nauseating to wake up covered in a pool of blood.

I don't remember hurting myself, neither did I feel anything. it's strange knowing that something might have happened to me last night without me knowing about it. "Carlos she's awake" someone whispers from the corner of the room hidden in the dark, hiding themselves from my eyes. James! Did James call them to come and take me to that awful damned place. "It's about time. Go clean yourself up we leaving." Carlos says holding a knife to my throat thinking that it might encourage me to scurry up to clean myself but I knew better than to put up a fight so I gently stand up and make my way to the bathroom.

I grip the grainy sink, trying to steady my hands as it shook uncontrollably. "hurry up!" Carlos growls, banging on the bathroom's door on the outside. I gently cleaned my wounds and tried to numb the pain but the cuts were just too deep. "Geez woman get done I don't want to deal with James." he frustratedly mumbles giving me little hope that James might not be apart of this after all. The banging on the door became more violent forcing me to hurry up, which causes me to trip over my own two feet. Standing up, using the sink for support to hold myself steady. Warmness invaded my throat as it got sore and somewhat scratchy.

"Not now" I mumbled to my reflection in the mirror with tears rolling down my face. Please not right now I beg the God above me, not that he ever listens. Maybe he is and just doesn't want to help me. After all no one seems interested in helping me these days.

My chances of escaping are slim, but that won't stop me from trying either. I'm not one to just give up, heck I could use this opportunity to get Cara out of there too. She has grown on me and she might as well be the only family I have right now. I need her as much as she needs me.