

"Why do I feel soaking wet, where am I currently," Cregane thought to himself. He tried to get up, but was immediately stopped by a gentle hand. He opened his eyes seeing his mother staring down at him while his sister clutched her arm in a death grip.

"Are you alright Cregane," his mother asked. Her name was Elaine, a beautiful women that was always at peace. She had an elegant frame, and was caring and tender towards everyone.

"Yes," croaked Cregane, "what happened."

"The ledge you where standing on cracked and you went crashing down to the crevice, I didn't think I would see you ever again," cried Claire wrapping her brother in a tight bear hug squeezing the last breathes of air from his body.

"It's..OK...," He gasped comforting his sister as she squeezed him to death.

"Now, now Claire, your brother just escaped his narrow grave and your trying to put him back in it," his mother exclaimed as she pulled Claire away ,"go wash up for dinner and let your brother rest."

After Claire had left, Elaine turned toward Cregane with fire in her eyes, "what in the hell where you thinking, you nearly had yourself killed Cregane," his mother stated as she bore holes through his body with her eyes. "You should know better than anyone that 25 feet down the cliff is as far as we are capable of going without the fear of plummeting to our deaths," she blabbed on for what seemed like days, until his father, Kyde, barged into the room with Claire at his heels.

"Are you alright boy," Kyde exclaimed as he examined his sons body. Kyde was built like a tank, covered in many scars from his countless battles. He began fighting near the end of the war, and quickly made a name for himself. He was labeled the HalfBreed Mortal because in his prime he was capable of sparring with some of the greatest HalfBreeds.

"I'm fine father," Cregane said through gritted teeth, the two rarely saw eye to eye making their father son relationship extremely tense. Kyde was always away on "business", but Cregane believed he was with another mistress. Though he could see the thoughtfulness in his father's eyes and opened up a little.

"I'm sorry, I saw something interesting on the ledge and decided to take a look at what is was," said Cregane, but he realized he couldn't tell his parents what happened. What he was told could be an act of treason, "me, future king. If the imperial capital found out they'd have my head before the next moon." thought Cregane.

"I landed on the cliff, but before I could see what it was it collapsed sending me falling towards the ocean." Stated Cregane

"THATS A LIE!"shouted Claire under the protection of their father. "You started spasming uncontrollably before the ledge collapsed."

Cregane stared at his sister shooting daggers at her as she burrowed into their father. Kyde looked down at his son examining him and stated,"Cregane what did you see exactly."

"I don't know, there was something shining on the cliff down below," Stated Cregane, " so I decided to see what it was then when I landed on the cliff everything blacked out and now I'm here." Of course it was all a lie, he had seen something on the cliff but it didn't shine. It had absorbed the light instead, and he had found out it was a sword.

"The sword, where is it," thought Cregane. He began remembering the voices he had heard, and the fact that the sword had plummeted to the depths below never be seen again.

"As long as your fine, it doesn't matter what it was." His father said, " When you start to feel better I have something to show you it's about time that you learn a thing or to before the upcoming tournament."

Cregane felt a rush of excitement, his father never bothered trying to teach him anything, how could he he was never there. "Does this mean you'll be staying in town for awhile?" Cregane asked with curiosity.

"For now, I have no pressing matters to attend to so i thought it would be better to use this time I have to train you. So rest up," and with that Kyde left, Claire chasing after him leaving his mother Elaine to continue to pester him about his choice.

Elaine-Creganes mother, thought to be a run away from the imperial palace, a maid perhaps.

Kyde- A retired General from the great war, was said the have the brute strength of a HalfBreed in his time.

KingAzraelcreators' thoughts