
Half a Chapter

Draven watched coldly at the man that groveled at his feet.

"Mr. Clare Devoine, you know what you did wrong, don't you?"

"I-I upse-set your m-mood and over stepped my b-boundaries," the middle aged man stammered.

"And do you know how you over-stepped your boundaries?"

"I acted too full of myself."

"What did you do?"

"I called you a kid and disrespected you."

"What did I do?"

"You let me leave and made my company nearly collapse right after."

"What am I?"

"A smart powerful young man who deserves respect."

"So, let's go back to the offer I made. I'll change the percent from 32 to 34 percent. Now, I will hold the majority of your shares and will give you 30 million. Sign the contract." Draven looked to his secretary who quickly walked forward from Draven's side to hand the kneeling Mr. Clare Devoine

"Thank you sir," the man said as he hurriedly signed the papers. When he was done, the secretary stepped forwards and took the papers to give them to Draven who reviewed them.

"You are free to go."

"T-thank you." The man scrambled out of the door.

Despite what the situation seems like, both parties had made a benefit. Draven got a flourishing company, and the company would be given more rescources and contacts to work with as well as better leadership.

Draven smiled to himself, pleased with the successful business before sifting through his paperwork.

At this very moment, Sam was showering and thinking to himself.

"I... need to be better. I need to sing better, I need to act better, and I need to be more educated. At this moment, I am good, but I am not the best. I'm not even one of the best. The people in the real entertainment world will be so much more talented. "

"What can I do... what can I do about my incompetence. Study. Workout. Practice. Ask. I can do all of these, but now is not the time to procrastinate. And give up on games! Which one is more important? My grades or momentary entertainment? Okay. Let's hope I keep to my plan."

Sam turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing a towel. He dried himself off and looked at himself in the slightly steamy mirror. He poked his faint abs.

"Ah, they've faded. I've go to get back to swimming."


Infinitecookiescreators' thoughts
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