
For a Leap Into the Darkness

She thought she was normal but literally she wasn't and none told her about it. Unknown are her hidden powers, deadly and the sweet venom she didn't know she was. Her life after transferring to the infamous academy of Vampires and werewolves had been boring until a transfer hot male student arrives in school. He's a devil in disguise and any girls' dream. However, he has a secret, he was supposed to kill her. She wasn't to be born but he starts wavering? Will they overcome their obstacles? What happens next? Dive in for more ...

Sukyna_Katamba · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Hot Student


"Welcome to Shadowthorne," a female voice spoke in a monotone. She had her hair dyed in silver white accentuating her sharp features. She wore a black suit pant and a coat which made her look sexy yet professional.

Erica Stanley, was the principal of Shadowthorne Academy. A no nonsense and strict lady I've ever met in my life.

Casting her a small appreciative smile I affirmed, "Thanks Miss Stanley."

She nodded and conveyed, "You're welcome. The room you requested is ready, you can check it out."

With that I stood up and left her office. Nothing has changed ever since I left the academy. Everything is as I remember but I still decided to have a tour around the building and that's when I heard a faint whistle. Only one place can do this kind of noise, the gymnasium.

A subtle smile subconsciously made it's way on my lips. I really missed those days and my favorite part was the swimming pool. There's something mysterious about the water in the pool, not any other pool but the Shadowthorne pool.

The mature vampire in me craved for a swim. Even from a far I could still get the scent of it's freshness, the water in the pool. I stealthily marched towards the huge mahogany of a door and pushed. There I stood, at the entry of the grand hall.

I thought it'd be the usual but surprisingly, I received glances from the few students who were resting at the side of the pool. It was at this moment that I caught a whiff of a fragrance. Judging from this scent, it can't be a normal human. All students that join SA aren't of human race. They're either vampires or werewolves.

However, judging from this fragrance, I am not sure. I also wondered if others could smell it. Addictive. That's how I could best describe it.

My body subconsciously followed the source of it and by the time I got a hold of myself, I was standing at the edge of the pool.

Suddenly, I caught sight of a female silhouette under the water. I didn't give it a second thought as I briskly jumped into the water. I swam into deep towards the figure and saw she drowning. However, I admired her will to hold her breath for so long.

Upon reaching her up close, I could only come up with one word. Stunning. A total head turner and I was sure that she received gazes from the other boys and somehow, I was feeling strange about it. It didn't feel good.

The moment I met her almond shaped red ruby orbs, she blacked out, suddenly. I quickly caught her and gave her a mouth to mouth breath but she wasn't responding. I quickly swam us upwards.

Reaching the edge of the pool, I met the concerned gaze of the couch.

"Quickly, take her to change and you as well," he instructed, pointing at my now wet uniform.

Since I enrolled in the academy as a transfer student, my uniform was a bit different from the rest. While the rest wore those black attires, mine was black grey. It's the uniform they came up for transfer and special students.

Being the good student, I heed the coach's instructions and took her out of the gymnasium. However, I didn't feel like taking her to the sanitarium and so I briskly took her to my room. I called out a female doctor to help her change out from her swimming gear to a bathrobe.

I smoothly laid her on the decent sized bed assigned to me. I gazed at her slightly ashen face and I admired her beauty. She was simply too beautiful to ignore. However, the more I inched closer to her, the more her scent invaded my nostrils, making senses to stop functioning for a while.

Her sweet scent would ruin anybody and now I understand why SA had the words, "Keep distance" in it's motto. The platinum blonde hair of hers shone brightly under the light from the chandelier.

Being a vampire, I hated the sun for a reason, I couldn't withstand it. My skin is still full of those faded scars caused by the sun heat and lucky for us, the academy was built in such a way that, the sun doesn't reach us.

Now that I got a glimpse at her face, she did have that typical pale skin of a vampire. Blocked from the access of sunshine, it became a bit paler. Nonetheless, she was still beautiful. Her scent though, wasn't that of a vampire. One might be wondering how, but vampires do have a common scent. This common scent allows them to notice eachother. Not in terms of recognizing one's chosen other.

Soon enough, she stirred in her sleep as her long lashes fluttered like a butterfly, it was simply adorable. She gazed blankly at the ceiling and soon her gaze turned to me. She looked perplexed.

Immediately she sat straight on the bed.

"You're awake?" I uttered.

I felt like taunting her a little, "Did you see what's under the water? That shadow?"

Shock marred her face as she sharply looked at me. She was quite cautious and somehow I felt relieved. I wondered why though?

"I-I have to go, now," she stuttered, something I found amusing.

Before I could even reach her, she dashed out for the door as though being chased. Still her reactions were entertaining to me. For a moment, I forgot my mission.

Hardly had she touched the door knob when my mind sounded out loud, something which shocked me as well.

"They forgot to tell you, welcome to hell, Carline Valentine."

With that she ran for her life. I chuckled loudly, she was so cute that I couldn't help but tease her. However, I don't know what happened that my voice sounded so tense when her name rolled off my tongue.

That's when everything came crashing down and bringing me back to reality. Yes, now I get it, I have to kill her.