
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
247 Chs

BLUE - Someone is Coming...And He is Little

In Italy, many several weeks after Totsuki left the place and even after Alexander left behind them. However, some of Alexander's subordinates are still in the area searching for one specific person.

Sebastian Rodriguez; The man who allied with Haru to catch Alexander here in Italy, unfortunately, their efforts bore no fruits as Alexander pulled fast and furious on them and couldn't catch, once he returned to his base he found all his men dead.

Word has spread in the underworld that he is a wanted man by the Red Blinders. All his contacts proved useless, he couldn't leave the country either as all escaping routs are heavily guarded.

So, he got the remaining men that were with him and headed to his secret underground base in the forest. Being a newly made base, it proved to be the best hideout. Sebastian was restlessly worrying about his family and their safety. But also too afraid to leave.

In his underground base, Sebastian looked at his subordinate who was working on his laptop and spoke"How is it? Did any route open?" He asked.

"No..." The man typed on his keyboard like flash "all sea and air escaping location are filled with Red Blinders. However, the road routs have kind of a decrease in security, there isn't that much of searching going on anymore...But the chances are still slim."

Sebastian clicked his tongue "Tsk! When will they give up?!!" He spoke.

"We nee--" before Sebastian could finish his words. The iron door for their hideout was smashed and came flying their way.

"Whoa!!" Sebastian and his men ducked down from the incoming door.

"What the hell is going on?!" Sebastian shouted, looking at where the door was supposed to be. There a hovering leg in the display.

"Man! Took us long enough!" A very carefree voice resounded from the one who broke the door. As he put down his leg to the ground, he walked inside together with other 9 men.

When Sebastian saw him, he trembled "S-Shanks?!" He mumbled.

"Ah! There is you are!" Shanks smiled and walked forward "Kill the rest and let him live." He said with a smile.

"Wait!! Pl--" Sebastian was cut off by the screams of his men falling down like flies.

Sebastian just watched as his men got slaughtered with fear.

"Now, now! Don't go looking like that from the first second, you still have a long journey." Shanks said. Sebastian couldn't speak from the mere pressure coming from him. He thought he was safe, he thought they couldn't find him, he thought they didn't care about him.

Shanks chuckled "We will take you to see your friend Haru. he is still our guest in the hotel basement, he really needs someone to keep him company."


Russia...Back in the Helmet family. The old Amanda was in her cozy couch near the chimney fire together with her daughter; Alexandra, and Rindo and her mother.

Rindo was asleep as usual. But unlike the usual, her Stomach was big and round, covered by a warm blanket. Beside her was Alexandra sleeping, what can she say? Rindo's sleeping Express is contagious.

As for the two mothers, they were busy knitting some warm clothes for their soon to be born grandson.

After a few moments, Rindo started waking up feeling uncomfortable "Water..." She mumbled before reaching for the glass bottle of water on the table. As soon as she touched the bottle, she started feeling uncomfortable in her stomach "Hah!!" She gasped. Hearing her; Her mother and Amanda looked at her.

"Sweetie, what happened?" They said.

Rindo touched her lower body and she started breathing fast while gasping for air " Aah!!" She shouted. "What is going on?" She felt a sharp pain and said.

"But it is not time yet!" Her mother came to her to support her.

Amanda looked at her "A premature birth?!!" She said.

"Aaah!!" Rindo gasped again, louder this time.

"Oh my God!! She is giving birth!! Call dr.shawn!!" Amanda shouted to the servants, then her eyes landed on her sleeping daughter. She took her can and hot her with it "Wake up!!" She shouted. Alexander stood up ready to fight but she was struck again. "Go get dr.shawn and prepare the room, Rindo is giving birth!!" Amanda had no time to play as she ordered.

Alexandra looked at Rindo and smiled brightly "Right away!!" She said.

"Come here honey, slowly, just bear with it." Rindo's mother comforted her daughter while supporting her. She has been there before, so she knows better.

"Yes. Slowly, we got your room ready, don't worry, dr.shawn is the best one out there." Amanda said.

"What happened? We heard someone shouting?" Alfred and Roberto came down from the second floor, and then they saw Rindo in pain, being fathers. They understood what is happening.

"Aaah!! She is giving birth!!" Roberto shouted.

"She is giving birth!!" Alfred followed after him.

Feeling annoyed. Amanda throws her can at them and growled "stop screaming and go help preparing the room...And call Alexander, if he is not here by the end of the day, he will never hold a knife again. This is an important moment!" Amanda said with a serious expression, she wasn't playing around, they thought Rindo still had time so Alexander didn't take account for such a situation.

All in all...Alexander now is stuck between two choices...Take his speed jet and come witness the birth of his own son? or...Stay in BLUE to win the tournament and never hold a knife after that.


Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 207 is out on Pat reon

The Lost Fruits / Chapter 64 is out on Pat reon

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