
"My Laughing Machine"

Isla's House

"Would you like to hang out with us, Isla?" ask Alvin, who is sitting near Isla, listening to some music.

Isla replied "I preferred to stay home. Alvin, did you forget that our exams will be starting next month? It's not the time to hang around with friends."

"Oh! Come on, Isla. Just for today. August will be there too. With me and August there, you will not be bored. You can study tonight. I know you are an excellent student; but you need to have fun too. Please, Isla. Come with me, okay?" beg Alvin, holding Isla's hand.

August name delights Isla; and just for August's sake, she agreed to Alvin's invitation.

After a few minutes, August came riding his bike. Isla came out from her house as she heard the sound of August bike.

"Hi, Isla. I'm so glad that you will be joining us today. Are you ready now?" August ask Isla as he gets off his bike.

"Yes, I'm ready. But Alvin went to pick up his girlfriend and he is not back yet. How come you're alone today? Normally you're always surrounded by a group of girls" said Isla, jokingly.

August smiled and ask Isla "In your eyes, am I just a playboy who can't live without girls?"

"Come on. Let's get going now. I speak to Alvin before and he said they will be waiting us at a park near Corin Museum" said August before Isla answered her question.

They ride the bike and head to the park.

As they enter the park, Isla look around and ask August "Where are Alvin and Nicole? They are nowhere to be seen."

"I tricked you, Isla. This morning, Alvin asked me join them. I said I would be bored alone as he will be with Nicole. So I tell him to ask you out for me. Just before I reach your house, I call Alvin and tells him we will not be joining them" replied August with an apologetic smile.

Isla was confused and loss of words. "Sorry, Isla. As the exams are coming nearer, I know you want to prepare yourself. I was so childish. I dont know why I did this" said August, seeming a bit down.

Isla stared at August and knew that there is something wrong with him. She smiled and said "It's fine, August. I locked myself up and study for the past few days; so it's fine to have some break. I should thank you for giving me time to enjoy myself."

As he heard Isla's words, August seemed to cheer up a little bit. They sat by the ponds and have a chat together.

"Isla, did you ever consider living abroad?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Nothing. Just ask."

August seems a bit distracted and busy minded unlike other days, which make Isla's more curious.

"August, what's wrong with you today? You look distracted unlike you. Tell me, what is going on? Is there a problem with your father?"

"Not only my father, but also my mother. As you know, my mother went abroad and live there as soon as they divorce. These days, she calls me frequently. She wants me to live with her. For the past few years, my father come home drunk and late each night. Sometimes he even brings home some girls. Even my grandfather don't know what to do with him."

"Then what did you want to do?"

"I'm not sure about it. Judging by his present state, I cannot leave my father. But I also understand my mother. I know very well that the present environment I live in, is not good for me. My mother afraid that I would be like my father, but I'm already like my father."

"Who says you are like your father? Only those who don't know you well would say such things. I know you very well, August. You are kind, caring, loving and ambitious. I also know that deep inside, you had a very loyal heart."

August laugh unexpectedly and he look at Isla.

"Hey! How can you say such things to a playboy? The fact that everyone calls me 'a playboy' already proved that I dont have a loyal heart."

"Hmm that's only because you still haven't met the one you truly love. People change when they fall in love. I'm sure that you'll change too."

August pats Isla's head and smile. Isla responded quickly.

"Hey! I'm your senior. Don't pat me like I'm younger than you!"

August laugh again and answered.

"It's because you're so cute when you talk about love. Apart from that, I'm your junior only at school. Did you forget that you are a month younger than me?"

Isla stared at August for a while.

"Anyhow, I'm still your senior."

"Fine, let me ask you. How come you talk about love? Did I misheard or something? Or did you fall for someone lately?"

Isla answered with a grumpy face "It's none of your concerns."

August can't stop laughing as he saw Isla's expression. He stared at Isla and said "I came out with a bad mood today. I didn't expect to laugh this much. You're like my laughing machine, Isla."

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