
Existence of Magic and The Real World

.But just when they thought it's useless, words started to get inscribed on the book.

It said "Face The Reality"

"Reality?" he thought in his mind while lara was confused

Soon The World Started To fall apart…

Both of them were confused and were wondering what's happening. Then after that, they Saw themselves in a world in which all the buildings are destructed and the sky was is crimson red in colour. They both got scared But Lara Said "First we need to know what's Going on here"

They saw two people walking round and Tried to Ask them about the place but unfortunately it was all a Mirage they saw.

Lara said "let's keep going" and they kept going until, they found a school like building structure and Went In. They saw 4 students and approached to talk to them. But, the students backed off and said "are you an enemy?". Lara said "No, We Don't know anything about this place, we ended up here after a series of events occurred and We wanted to know about the place"

The four students Nodded at each other and took them in a room. As they entered the room, A chair Was placed With a desk on which a Teenager looking girl sat and said "You don't have a Familiar face, perhaps are you new?". Lara took the initiative and said "No, We somehow Ended up here and we don't know what's going on here"

The girl wasn't surprised at all and said "So you Opened The Gates To Reality?"

They said "What is Gates To Reality"

Teacher Explains that Every Human living in their planet has a Particular Illusion magic around them and When this illusion magic is Broken then Gates to reality are opened.

They Understood what was going on but still their mind was full of Questions. So Lara Tried to Ask "Why Was The ill--" She gets interrupted and The girl Offers them to join their academy

They both get confused at first,and Ask Who are you? The girl replies " I am The Principal of the School and my Name is Jorika"

Lara started speaking and said "Hi I am Lara and This Is Kiriki, nice to meet you"

Both of them refused and asked to be sent to the world where they came from but after knowing that there was no way to return, they agreed on joining the academy

Before the academy, they Were taken into a room with a crystal Which Indicates what type of Magic Power you have.

And just when they took the test to determine their element....

To be Continued

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