
Final Choices

Jeanette Washington was a young and upcoming writer, with a couple books under her belt and racing up the charts, which was told it was time to take a much needed holiday. When the time came, she whisked herself off to Rome, looking forward to some sightseeing, relaxing….and though she shouldn’t….some much needed writing. Although, an accident by the name of Ramon Capillini changers all of her plans. But if it’s for the better…or worse….she has yet to decide.

Theresa_Lambe · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter Eleven – Piece of history

She paused as she took a couple more photos; seeing all the history was really blowing her mind. And she had to give Ramon credit here; her mind wasn't trying to work some scene up. She was actually enjoying what he was offering, a carefree day and being a tourist. And as they walked along the streets with the other tourists, he would give her the brief history, and of course, more in depth than what any guide could ever do.

      Beyond the history, though, what fascinated her even more was how the ruins of Pompeii was surrounded by the current city. How they preserved and loved the remains, just like they treasured and valued the future of the city. A place where both history and the future survived. And that was such a great thought. Granted, that seemed to be the culture of Italy anyway. And regardless of what would happen, she was so much more overjoyed that she took this trip

      She paused as they walked along and she snapped a couple more photos. And she even captured some of Ramon. He didn't smile nearly enough but with her, he seemed to be smiling a whole lot more. And after she took the photo with her phone, she walked over to him and captured his cheek, making him look at her.

      "What is it?"

      "You should smile more; you look all the more sexy when you do." He rewarded her with a trademark grin and her heart fluttered against her chest. She stood up on her toes and lightly pressed her lips to his, not sure why she had the urge to do so.

      His hands held onto her waist and he tried his best to ignore the pounding of his heart, and the burning from his cock. When she pulled away, her cheeks had a pink hue to it

      "I'm sorry, I shouldn't…" He stopped her with another kiss and smiled as he pulled away.

      "Never apologize for kissing me, bella, I rather enjoy it. And offer you to do it whenever you like." That pink hue quickly turned into a reddish color. "Besides, Pompeii was quite a brothel of a town, maybe you got mixed up in the feelings." That brought forth a laugh and he took her hand as he led her down another street.


      "Are you hungry or do you want to go to our next spot?"  

      "Can we go and eat after?"

      "Of course."        

      "So, where else are you taking me?"

      "On the day the volcano blew, there was another town, about 20 minutes away called Herculaneum, it was another sea port town, and it had the same tragedy befall it. And while Pompeii had a lot of help in preserving parts of it, Herculaneum I feel, is a much better spot to see. There wasn't people preserved exactly but the details within the city are amazing and I think you would enjoy it.

      "I vaguely recall hearing it but I don't think I've even looked into it."

      "I do not proclaim to know everything you would enjoy, but from what I gather, you do enjoy history."

      "I might have some fascination with it. It…boggles my mind and I guess I like the challenge of trying to understand them. And trying to learn about them, see how they lived."

      "My grandfather always said history was alive, if you valued it and studied it."

      "I think I would have liked your grandfather." A ghost of a smile played on his lips and I had to smile to myself.

      "I think, cara mia, he would have liked you too. My grandfather loved to read and I think he would have enjoyed talking to you." She looked down at the hands in her lap, her cheeks very much on fire right now. After a few moments of slowing down her racing heart, she took in her surroundings. It was only about a 20 minute drive, and much like Pompeii, this was another thriving city at the base of the mountain; still something she would always question. Her writing, for all of her fasciations with it, never entered into historical fiction, but maybe it was time to explore, letting two loves combine. After all, she did have quite the knowledge to create something like that.

      "Shall we?" Ramon asked, as he parked the car. She nodded and quickly got out through the door he was holding.

      "Another city built around these ruins, as if to protect them." Ramon tilted his head as he thought about that.

      "What an interesting outtake on it. Yes, my grandfather would have liked you, I believe you would have battled him in wits and he would have enjoyed that." Ramon watched as she beamed and he had to shake himself. He was not a player, but a very much wanted bachelor, and he often played the field, but he still never found a woman he would want to take home to meet his family. And yet, here he was, thinking of his grandfather and how he would have enjoyed Jeanette. Christ, what in the world was happening to him?


      Three hours later, and after many photos and discussions, Ramon led her into a restaurant, giving the hostess his last name.

      "You had reservations?"

      "Nope, but my name goes pretty far." She smiled as she shook her head and followed the hostess with Ramon as his hand remained on her lower back, a view to anyone that she was spoken for; although, she couldn't quite understand why he kept doing that. And as she sat down, he held the chair out of her, causing her to blush yet again. "You know, dolcezza, I am finding that to be most cute." She tilted her head as she watched him.

      "I've picked up on cara mia bring my dear, and bella being beautiful but that one is a new one to me."

      "Dolcezza means sweetheart."

      "Ah." She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, praying the blush would not be getting worse. "So, any suggestions."

      "A few. But will you excuse me?" She glanced up as he stood up and nodded, watching the retreating back. She glanced around before moving her eyes back to her menu but a flash of blue caught her attention. Her eyes watched as the woman with a unique blue shirt walked down the hallway that Ramon had just gone.

      She shook her head, not wanting to believe what she just saw but got up as well to follow that woman. Sapphire had loved a specific color; in fact, she often paid extra to get a lot of shirts and dresses done in that special blue. And as she rounded the corner and saw the overly friendly embrace between Ramon and Sapphire, she willed herself not to scream. Here, yet again, was Sapphire coming in and ruining her good times.