
chapter 41

Mary asked,"What is your purpose for training Tenlong?"

Master j spoke,"That is a loaded question that will take much narrative. I will try to give answer

that will require all night. Tenlong is to be one to be passed the torch that I had carried for far. He will become my successor to my style."

The whole room gasped at the warrior's statement.


Master J explained to the people at the table the pursuits of the Socanas gladiator promoters.

The old man then told of the ability to detect those like Tenlong though ki detection.

The whole table was speechless by the statement and fear of that they had for the young Tenlong.

Master J spoke,"I was led back to the land of Lowroda to pass on my knowledge to one like your young boy. I did not want to return back to this land, but I could not help but be drawn to this land. I knew that within myself that someone like Tenlong would be here. I do not know how but I did. That is all I can tell for now and I must make my leave. Tell Tenlong to return to the woods when he is ready to fight. I do have some final words of advice to give him."


The next morning Brother Funco came to home of Grimwald to speak to everybody.

Grimwald's wife had yet to fix breakfast.

Funco spoke,"I believe that we need to pray and fast so that we could get God's will for


The giganto knew that something had happened but no one would tell me what really had occurred.


Everybody obeyed their Pastor and fasted for three days. Tenlong awoke to a vision of him wearing a white mouth less mask. He grew bigger than he was and fought in numerous battles with all sorts of foes.

Mary was crying in the kitchen when Tenlong walked into the kitchen.

He spoke,"What is wrong, Mom?"

Mary looked at her son with a rainfall of tears down her tender face.

She spoke,"You are going to leave here."

Tenlong's jaw hit the floor by his mother's statement.

He ran over to his mother's side and held her gently in his pillar sized arms. Jimmy Jr heard all the noise and ran over his family. The man jumped unto Tenlong massive back and wrapped

his arms around the thick neck of his brother.

The three member family cried together for several minutes.

Mary spoke after breakfast,"The Lord told me that you are to fight for the freedom of this land and help rid it of bandits. I knew of your talents but I did not want you face danger no matter what. You are my baby despite me never giving birth to you."

Tenlong looked at his mother with tears in his eyes.

Momma, I love you, but I must leave this village to who knows where."

The whole village prepared a huge feast for Tenlong's leave. It was a party most of the day and into the night. The men of the village prayed over Tenlong that he would be protected by God. They went to bed sleeping good that night but Mary sure did not sleep well at all. She was worried sick by

the thought of not seeing her boy everyday. It was killing her inside.

Tenlong on the other hand went to bed with a full belly and went into a self induced food coma.

He had awoke to being plum full of drinks and food and he had needed to relieve his himself. Tenlong was half asleep when he saw some candlelight coming from the kitchen. He decided to see if his mother was up again crying.

Tenlong was right unfortunately right and saw Mary crying at her kitchen table.

Mary tried to cover up her tears from her son.

Tenlong spoke,"Mom, why are so afraid of me leaving. I know that you do not want for me to go but I have to go."

Mary spoke,"I know that you can not escape your nature but I do not want you to lose your gentle nature."

Tenlong spoke,"I will not change who am I no matter what?"

Mary knew that Tenlong was a good boy but she knew that he was still young and impressible. He had a side of him that he had little control over his was due to anger over his mother's death.

Tenlong grabbed his mother into his arms and kissed her on the side of her face, The kiss left on the left side Mary's face of her face was very wet.

Tenlong spoke,"It will be okay."

Mary wipe off her tears and spoke,"I love you, Tenlong!"

Tenlong spoke,"I love you too, Momma."

The two seat down at the kitchen table and were carrying out small talk.

Mary spoke,"I am still afraid for you and I must you about one thing."

Tenlong looked confused in his chairs and spoke,"Well, shoot mom, I am all ears. Go, ahead."

Mary spoke," I must tell you how my husband died."

Tenlong heard the whole story of his Mother's husband.

Mary looked down at the floor and the said,"It was just one person that killed Jimmy's father."

Tenlong was taken back by the statement and asked,"Say that again?"

Mary looked up at her son and repeated,"It was just one person that killed Jimmy's father."

Tenlong was in complete disbelief by his mother's statement and stood to his feet. He was shaking his head in confusion when Mary repeated the response.

Tenlong spoke,"But that could not be possible since he was a master in three different fighting styles. He was a high class master with those styles as well from what I had been told."

Mary looked at her son in his eyes and said,"I did not believe it ether but it was all true. I had learned to accept to accept that

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