
Fiend Sealer

William, an ordinary Englishmen who went abroad to pursue education, finds himself entangled in an inexplicable scheme set up by powers beyond human comprehension.

Darkblossom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Immortal Undulations

The blazing sun of the arid desert bombarded William's senses, making him numb and desensitized. If it were not for his sheer will power, he would've already long collapsed.

"Hehe, if it were not for the extraordinary characteristics passed down to me by my two Immortal parents, perhaps I would've met God.", in order to keep his sanity and state of mind, William lampooned to himself from time to time.

He knows for sure that if it were any other one year old toddler in his place, even if it were another transmigrator with the intelligence of an adult, that person would've passed away from the heat and lack of supplements.

He has been told in the Godfrey Clan that when Immortals mate and conceive children, some of their extraordinarity would pass down to their progeny, giving him some supernatural attributes at the very least.

Although William does not fully know what kind of secrets his current body holds, he can already guess that he has an improved physical constitution, better stamina and greater endurance.

"Sigh, the world of Immortals is truly magical. Just the body of a child of two Immortals is already impressive, I can't imagine how powerful and mystical true Immortals and Cultivators are."

After walking for god how long, William's brows prickled up as he caught the sight of something moving in the far horizons. This gave birth to the seed of hope in his heart, but at the same time he felt a fearful and hesitant.

He, a one-year old child, is stuck in a vicious continent where various criminals and law-breakers are exiled for a lifetime. Therefore, most of the people here are likely psychopathic, apathetic murders who slaughter the innocent without batting an eye, thinking of the possibility that he's going to meet such people, William's adam apple couldn't help but go up and down as he gulped down his saliva nervously.

After a moment of hesitation, William decided to bite the bullet and proceed forward.

Far away, there was a hill-sized sand dune that looked extremely ordinary, there he caught a black shadow disappear as it went down the other side of the dune.

If it were not for the obstructed visibility of the sandy desert, perhaps William would have a chance of distinguishing this "beacon of hope's" appearance and judge whether it's safe to make contact or not.

Very quickly, William climbed on top of the sand dune and cast his gaze to the other side.

What he saw shocked him to the bones, he saw something that would possibly haunt him to the rest of his life.

It was an abnormally tall humanoid "monster", it would be more accurate to call it a deformed, mutated human.

The "monster" was almost two meters tall, with broad shoulders and thick arms. It had a blistering dark-green skin that had countless tiny holes in it, pus and other disgusting fluids were coming out of the tiny holes, within these excrements William can discern small black worms and maggots coming out before quickly drilling back in.

The deformed "human" left behind a sickening trail of filth behind as he moved forward aimlessly, from time to time, he would let out a grunt that sent shivers down William's spine.

A gust of wind blew that brought with it countless sand particles, covering the trail of filth with sand. Some of the wind passed by William's body, bringing with it the nauseous smell and emetic odor of the two meter tall monster.

William's face quickly turned pale as he hurriedly covered his mouth with his right hand, his stomach twirled and whirled as he felt dizzy. He couldn't help but attribute this feeling to his encounter with the terrorghoul on his way to the Draetrohan Empire.

If you exclude the foul odor of the mutated human, the feeling was way too similar if not almost identical. Cold sweat trickled down William's back as he recalled what Dustin and others said regarding this familiar feeling: "Undulations!"

If Immortals do not control their powers, or engage in fights and certain activities, the undulations of their magical and immortal abilities would seep out to the nearby areas, harming the surroundings's fauna and flora and eventually causing some sort of mutations to occur.

Back when William and the others encountered the terrorghoul, if it were not for Dustin and the guards shielding William from a majority of the undulations of that fight, William would've perhaps became mentally ill for the rest of his life, his body's development would be questionable as certain deformities would've happened certainly.

Feeling the undulations coming at him in waves, and seeing that no adult or guard is around him, William quickly hid behind the sand dune as he heavily gasped for air.

William's vision turned blurry as it started wiggling around in bizzare ways, some incomprehensible objects that shone with rainbow colors started appearing in his field of vision. Correspondingly, William started hearing faint murmurs that gave him head-splitting pain.

Thankfully, he already experienced such situations twice. One was the encounter with the terrorghoul and the other was the encounter with the mysterious kidnapper.

He knew that he was hallucinating, and as long as he gets away from the area, he would be fine as the negative effects of Immortal undulations would wear off.

Almost instantly, William reached out his arm as he tried to crawl back to where he came from. As his arm extended forward, it turned into a green serpent that had dark patterns on it's scales.

William's eyes widened in fear and terror, he wanted to let out a scream but his sliver of consciousness stopped him from doing so, afraid of attracting the attention of that walking abomination on the other side of the dune.

Gulp. William eyed the serpent nervously, he watched it turn around and stare at him. It's glassy eyes brought him indescribable terror, then the serpent opened it's mouth and pulled out it's forked tongue.

Goosebumps appeared all over William's body as he tried to squash the serpent with his other arm, only to find out that it also turned into another serpent!

The two serpents stared at him intently, then they hissed simultaneously.


To William, the two serpents's hisses sounded like loud thunderclap. He could no longer hold his nauseous feelings as he opened his mouth and vomited wildly all across the sand.


Bright red liquid surged unstoppably from William's small mouth, he kept puking for a good minute before he stopped. Subsequently, the hallucinations ended. William's arms returned to normal, his vision became perfectly fine and he no longer hears the soft murmurs that drove him crazy.

'That monster is probably far away now.', William weakly got up as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, 'but I don't dare to turn back to confirm.'

Recalling this brief experience, William couldn't help but shiver in horror. Just encountering something he shouldn't encounter nearly drove him to the brink of collapse. All he did was take a look and he was drowned in the harmful undulations.

Then, the reminder of the questionable Buddha resounded in his mind, "If your spiritual senses sees something it shouldn't see, or hears something it shouldn't hear. Then what awaits you is a fate even more terrifying than death."

William looked at the pile of puke in front him as he laughed to himself self-deprecatingly, "Are my eyes, ears, nose and mouth considered part of my spiritual senses? Hehe."

Just from this encounter alone, William couldn't help but imagine what kind of horrors Immortals face in their day-to-day life. All William did was take a look that didn't even take three seconds and he already suffered a severe lesson, if those Immortals like Dustin and Deirain were to do a "sweep" with their divine will, then perhaps what they would experience would be far more horrifying than what he experienced.

'Ah, I forgot that Immortals and Cultivators have some sort of resistance or nullifying powers towards the harmful undulations to some extent.', William fell into a dilemma as he didn't know what to do all of a sudden. 'If I keep wandering these deserts, then perhaps I would stumble onto a far more terrifying creature than before, if that happens then that would spell my doom and ring the death knell for me.'

William scratched the back of his head as he thought of solutions to get out of his dilemma and return to the Southern Domain. 'If an outsider saw a one-year old toddler such as me ponder with such a serious expression, then they would definitely find it quite comical.', William lampooned to himself as he was temporarily out of ideas.

William rummaged through his pockets in order to find something useful, other than a copper penny, there was nothing else. 'Noy has my Godfrey Clan member's badge, sigh.'

Noy almost carried all of William's items, including but not limited to his money, badge, identification documents and even certain life-saving talismans and measures.

'If only I had one of those talismans Noy carried around.'

With a copper penny in hand, William flicked it as he made his way back to the cube-shaped building. The surroundings are way too dangerous for him, with all sorts of monsters and creatures walking around.

'I'd rather die of hunger than suffer a fate worse than death.', even Buddha, a once-was respectable figure in the entirety of the world, emphasized such words, then it's really better to stay cautious and wait for rescue.

So far, the cube-shaped building was the safest option for William, after all, he stayed an entire night there without having to worry about beasts and monsters.

"Wake... up... Wake... up...", from time to time, William would still hear the ravings of True Immortal Godfrey, they brought a headache and dizziness but other than that, it was kind of harmless.

All that William can do is bear through it and wait for it to be gone, just like the side effects of immortal undulations.

'Wait... immortal undulations..', William stopped in his tracks as his brows frowned in thought, 'Are the undulations coming off immortals and cultivators a trigger for the ancestor's ravings?'

William had the urge to try it out and confirm, but his rationality stopped him from doing so.

'This is the third time I heard True Immortal Godfrey's ravings ever since I woke up from that dream, the previous two times were pretty random but I feel that the timing of this one is too coincidental.', instinctively, William scratched the back of his head, 'huh, considering my awful luck, I would probably stumble upon another immortal monster or creature, then I will have the chance to confirm my speculations.'

Although True Immortal Godfrey's ravings were pretty annoying and even eerie, William did not feel malice from them. He felt as though his ancestor was warning him of something, William would be lying if he said that the dream he had was pretty hardcore but, if it were not for his ancestor's "warning", then perhaps William would have turned into an ice sculpture.

'But I still don't understand why he looked at me in such an apathetic, heartless way... I even felt abandoned and wronged...', William felt that True Immortal Godfrey's dream was not simple, and that there were many secrets to it.

Unfortunately, his knowledge in the immortal domain is insufficient, he could not decipher the hidden meanings of that dream, all that he can do is sense the "warnings" from his ancestor.

'Does that mean the last two times I heard the ravings was due to me being close to dangerous monsters or sources?', William couldn't help but think of this possibility as all the hair on his back stood on their ends. He felt as though he just brushed shoulders past death.

'The Demon Continent is too scary, truly deserving of the name "Demon".'